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what does /b/ mean?

Last posted Aug 06, 2009 at 02:40AM EDT. Added Jul 27, 2009 at 05:39PM EDT
25 posts from 15 users

/b/ is a place online that many seem to think is their secret clubhouse. But since about 400,000 people view the site daily, it's really no secret.

I'd be direct, but if you've never been to /b/ I'd recommend that you hang loose and read something until you find out. No use throwing you to the lions.


Sorry for the crap, I gave up and just resorted to this.

Sekai wo Ooini Moriageterutame no Bread-tan no Dan
((Spreading Excitement All of the World with a Peice of Bread- brigade!))
Who wants to join?

I have two ideas.

1. /b/ is the random board. This means anything goes, a.k.a. general disscussion. Therefore /b/ could be described as the general board, or generic board. This means /b/ is just a regular board. Therefore, /b/oard?

2. /b/ is the random board. Therefore, there is no fixed sense within /b/, a.k.a. senseless or nonsense. The senselesness within /b/ is extreme, calling for moderately more meaningful description than "senseless". Another way to convey the description of "senseless" is "bullshit". Therfore, /b/ullshit?

Anime was first board on 4chan

and expanded to random topics, and I guess he was doing alphabetical order now so he decided to put /b/.

the reason for the // is because in the url itll be

/b/ is a young gypsy woman who breezes into town every harvest to entertain the good folk with her swishy skirt and tambourine. It is rumored that she fancies the baker.


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