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So, how many avatars has everyone had so far?

Last posted Dec 16, 2009 at 08:53PM EST. Added Dec 13, 2009 at 05:09PM EST
61 posts from 26 users

Personally, I've had 4. First was the Desu one. Second was the Silver Surfer facepalm, which I used to replace the Desu one. Third was Super 3D Noah's Ark, because I was playing that game at the time. And my current one is Val Kilmer from the movie "Real Genius".
Also, I'd post the avatars, but I can't at the moment.

First was a rendition of the Laughing Man logo from Ghost in the Shell done in Katakana.
Now it's a drawing of Furnonymous, which is a modification of the classic representation of Anonymous.

NO, nothing wrong. actualy, i would like to see its origin for…..educational matters….o3o
could u possibly post a link my fine sir?

Umm, my first one was Chowder making the 'PLEEEEEASE' face from the Burple Nurples Episode.

Second was me and Domo

Third was this one. ADVICE PROVIE!

All this word of hentai reminds me of this guy I knew named Damek, and he hated hentai because, "It's just a bunch of 2-D boobies".

And this is my only Icon. It's actually supposed to be an animated GIF, but KYM doesn't support it. It's just the black and white grid, but the colors swap back and forth at .01 second intervals, making a strobey effect.


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