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Happy 10th Anniversary Numa Numa

Last posted Dec 09, 2014 at 04:46PM EST. Added Dec 05, 2014 at 11:04PM EST
23 posts from 13 users

Tomorrow will mark the 10th anniversary of Gary Brolsma's Numa Numa video that debuted on Newgrounds on December,6, 2004. So I decided to create this thread, to hear you first exposure to this video especially since this was one of the earliest memes to go viral on the Internet a year before Youtube debuted. I would also love to hear your earliest memories of the Internet "Pre-Youtube" and pay tribute to classics such as "Schfifty Five by Group X" and Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Disty wrote:

One time at my high school they played this song on the speakers. Good times.

Here's his 10th anniversary video

Samekichi Kiseki wrote:

Man, i feel like i missed a lot since i only started using the internet back in 2008 to only look at gaming news.

Especially the Ebaumsworld controversy back in 2005.

My sister claimed her friends went to Europe and discovered this song before the video became popular… I think they were lying.

Precious Roy wrote:

My sister claimed her friends went to Europe and discovered this song before the video became popular… I think they were lying.

She might have been messing with you.

Precious Roy wrote:

My sister claimed her friends went to Europe and discovered this song before the video became popular… I think they were lying.

This song was quite popular here. I have heard the song long before this video.

I bet most people here know the song and the video clip and not the viral video.


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