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Christmas Event

Last posted Dec 26, 2014 at 09:35PM EST. Added Dec 24, 2014 at 03:57AM EST
60 posts from 20 users

Greetings users, I wasn't sure if this is the right area to post this but general seemed like a good idea since general things can mean anything.

This year, I'm feeling the Christmas spirit so I made this account, added 50 dollars to my Steam Wallet, and am ready to give 5 lucky users a 10 dollar game of their choice.
Because of the holiday sale going on, it shouldn't be hard to find something you like for 10 dollars, and if you find something you want for less anything left over at the end will go towards giving a 6th user something to put under the digital tree, though depending on what's left this isn't guaranteed.

What I need from my fellow users is help thinking of a way to do this fairly, preferably randomly so anyone who wants in has a chance to win a game

How about taking a select number of users (like 20 or 40, etc) then put their entries into a random number generator?
The first five numbers to pop up are the winners.
Just an idea.

I'd be good with that.
Assuming there isn't another idea we go with, the users in the drawing will be anyone who asks to be in. The limit, if there is one, will be decided if this seems to gain popularity and a limit becomes necessary, but for now I don't think that will be an issue.

I'll start a notepad document (or maybe something that everyone else can see, like a list on my profile or a google doc or something), anyone who wants in, specify that you'd like to be in the drawing and I'll give you a number and add you to the list. Just posting in the thread won't get you a number, in case there's people who have something to say but don't actually want to be in the drawing.

Next would be how to draw attention to the event, I thought about posting in recent images that have something to do with the holiday (and already did once) about it but I'm worried that'll come across as spammy and annoy people.

A thread is usually a good way to get things announced in KYM, but perhaps you could ask a mod like Blubber or RM to pin it for you until the event is over (if you're lucky, they might even consider it).

If what you want is on the Steam Store and ten dollar or less, it doesn't matter to me if it's a proper game, DLC, or anything else Steam may offer on the store. That's a good question, thanks for asking.

Congrats, Albert, you're the first person to sign up. Unless the list grows unwieldy, people in the drawing will be kept on my profile.

To clarify beforehand, if you win please send the Steam ID through a private message so you don't have to post it publicly, in case that bothers anyone.

Count me in if there's space. Awesome thing to do, by the way.

(P.S It does apply to people outside the US? They could always browse the US Steam market and see what's underneath $10 because Steam has slightly different prices in different places and there are conversion rates)

Last edited Dec 24, 2014 at 03:11PM EST

Spider-Byte wrote:

Count me in if there's space. Awesome thing to do, by the way.

(P.S It does apply to people outside the US? They could always browse the US Steam market and see what's underneath $10 because Steam has slightly different prices in different places and there are conversion rates)

As long as nothing is preventing me from gifting to someone outside the US, anyone can join in.

I'm also glad to see this started getting some attention while I was gone.

Morning, all! I'd like to say Merry Christmas again now that it officially is Christmas, and I hope you're all doing well this morning. I'm thinking I'll be doing the drawing around 5 or 6. I'd do it later, but I have to work and I want to make sure I've got time to make sure everyone's got their game before I go. Like before, I'll still give a two hour notice before the entry cutoff, so if you want in you're good until then. And if anyone feels like spreading the word a bit, It'd be most appreciated as I'm not very good at getting the word out. Talk to you all later

EliqueStudios wrote:


I don't believe you, you are hereby banned from the drawing and possibly life for hacking your account to make it say four years
(I am, of course, joking. You're in)

unusedusername wrote:

May I join? It seems as if I'm a bit late to the gathering…

KingChristmas had said he (I assume he is a male) would give a two hour notice beforehand, so, I see no such message, so I think you're good.
Happy Holidays, as well.

King Christmas wrote:

I'll start the drawing at 5, so I'll post the two hour warning at 3
Until that message is posted, anyone and everyone may join in the festivities

Okay, wow, slept right through the alarm. Two hour warning starts now, last minute entries you have until 5:20

By the skin of my teeth! May I join, perchance? I'm more of a lurker than most people, but I'll take a giveaway if it's being offered! Thanks for having the Spirit of Christmas within your soul. c:

Okay, had some trouble accessing KYM for a little while there
Not sure how long that's been going on so in light of that I'm going to extend this by ten more minutes (I'd like to just get it done, we're already way behind, but I want to give people the chance)

>be me
>lose in every single forum game i play in
>every role play group I join I get kicked out of because i'm not online
>every single raffle I join, i always lose
>decide to enter this event, expecting to say "gg" to someone else who won
>comes back to see the winners
>"winner: Minty"
>"i actually won something today"

Merry Christmas to everyone who participated! Hope you all have a smashing new year!


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