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My father and I really need some serious financial help

Last posted Nov 16, 2020 at 01:48PM EST. Added Jul 13, 2020 at 06:10PM EDT
61 posts from 21 users

Those who have seen my wall over the last month might be aware my father and I are facing some serious financial troubles, which includes the possibility of us possibly losing our house. After speaking with some mods I was told it's okay for me to post this link to a GoFundMe campaign I have set up for my father and I:
Clickable link

As a note to anyone on this site familiar with me: the GFM campaign refers to me as male because I have not yet come out to my parents about my trans identity, and I don't really want this to be the situation where they learn this about me, so if the campaign is successful and I tell my father about it it's best if for right now he still knows me as his "son." This situation is about him and I, not just me.

Last edited Jul 13, 2020 at 06:18PM EDT

Might sound dumb, but try entering some giveaways

I don't really enter many any more, but during my peak, I was entering 10 to 30 giveaways each day for a year. I won over $1,000 worth of stuff (cash/paypal, steam gift cards, phone) in one year.
My best win was a $600 phone I got in 2017 that I still use today. They are free to enter, so if you have free time, its literally free money.

Last edited Jul 13, 2020 at 10:43PM EDT

I set up a Twitter account in hopes of better getting word out and I am replying to their "help" tweets in hopes maybe they will notice. Also legit wish I had some form of clout among the fanbases for YouTubers I watch who like to help out their fans like MrBeast, Civvie11, and maybe others (MrBeast especially, dude has a ton of money he uses to just help people). I am really worried that outside of KYM I'm just such a "nobody" that no one will notice pleas for help…

I do apologize but that isn't necessarily the kind of help I am looking for.

I do very sincerely thank anyone from KYM who have contributed, it means a lot to me there are indeed people out there willing to help my father and I out. It really is a real shame even turning to family isn't much help right now as the uncle who is most likely to help us out would rather be a high-and-mighty prick who is showing his true colors by revealing how much he only cares about himself and would prefer it if his own family just fucked off.

In particular my dad shared me a text my uncle sent him recently that revealed that this prick clearly doesn't give a single shit about me, saying he'd do the absolutely bare minimum to help dad in some way but that I "am on [my] own, stop worrying about [me] or else you'll just go broke." As absolutely petty as this makes me sound another big reason I hope this campaign succeeds is so I can go up to my uncle one day and tell him "I know what you said about me and I just want to say your own damn parents would be so disappointed in you. And as someone who spent more time with grandpa in his final years of life than you did, I know what I'm saying."

Last edited Jul 15, 2020 at 02:41AM EDT

Man I'm starting to get more worried. I legit can't get any traction on any other websites like twitter and whatnot, and my dang uncle is getting more pushy trying to get us out of the house by the end of the month, even though dad is trying to get a payment extension from the bank that would mean at least 3 months of not having to worry about mortgage payments.

I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to a complete panic attack/mental breakdown day by day. I honestly hoped the title and text of the GFM would be enough to help gain traction but it's just not going how I hoped. I noticed someone posted a GFM for their kitten's surgery and within a few hours already got over $2000 of donations, and that is good for that person and their kitten but man what the hell am I doing wrong that it seems everyone else is able to get right?

"I noticed someone posted a GFM for their kitten's surgery and within a few hours already got over $2000 of donations"

2 options. The person had connections with "popular" people (at least locally) or, the one I see more likely, people helped just because cat. This may sound cruel, but people are a lot more likely to help a cute kitten than they are a self-described "autistic son". The latter is the kind of cause people claim to care at a respectable distance, not with actual care such as money donations. Animals, on the other hand, get everyone's compassion unconditionally.

…in fact, while kind of scummy, I would not put that possibility out of consideration if you are truly desperate: lie about the true cause for a more appealing-sounding one that could also fit the amount of money requested. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

OR, if all else fails, you can try pledging your cause to some numerous LGBT+ communties out there, assuming you have not done so already. If you can keep it a secret from your dad, this should help you get good traction from people who will sympathize with you much more easily. Mind you, I say LGBT communities, not just LGBT-friendly communities. The latter has the same issue of caring at a "respectable distance" as the rest, but I have seen the ones with actual LGBT people on them being much more caring of these things. They can maybe get the ball rolling for you here, you never know.

Do not give up just yet. If a literal potato salad can get thousands of dollars, so can you, and if I am wrong on that, then that will be on the top 5 list of most disappointing things humanity has shown me so far.

I'm certainly thinking about seeing if LGBT communities might help. Obviously I'll need to respectfully ask they keep certain things lowkey as I said this isn't how I want my father to learn about me being bi and trans.

I'll try to share the link with as many people as I can. In the meantime, I've already donated $9 (I would donate more, but I'm short on money myself). Regardless, as another person on the spectrum, I'm really sorry about what's happening to you and your father.

Well, some good news. The donations got seven times as large since yesterday. This is just the beginning, people. Let's keep this momentum going.

I'd honestly love to help you out with your situation, but unfortunately I'm still under my mother's bank account so she might not like the idea that I'm giving money to an online friend.
The least I can do is certainly spread the word.

I'd honestly love to help you out with your situation, but unfortunately I'm still under my mother's bank account so she might not like the idea that I'm giving money to an online friend.
The least I can do is certainly spread the word.

I can't believe I forgot to say this here too but a very huge thanks to everyone who has helped in some way, be it people who donated or people who simply got the word out. Any help is appreciated and I am very grateful.

I have also made the decision to lower the funding goal by a considerable amount after taking into better consideration certain factors. The goal has been lowered by $50000 to the amount of $100000, which I realize is still rather high but I need to ensure not only is the house paid off fully to the bank but also we have money to still cover general bills and some of my father's medical expenses until he gets approved for monthly disability payments. Still the goal is certainly far more obtainable now.

Once again, thank you so much to everyone who has helped so far!

Still waiting for feedback from r/Assistance, but some more places where the word is being spread.

Mods responded favorably.

Unfortunately it looks like the LGBT centered subs removed the post, and in Assistance the only reply is someone going "that's an absurd amount" with positive amount of upvotes (and the comment also seems to violate the sub's rules of "don't be judgmental" but like hell any mod has done anything about it). Like I don't already know we've been fucked over, but I can't help the amount is what it is due to the whole situation.

EDIT: I lowered the goal again to just $80000. Because fuck it clearly strangers from places that aren't KYM aren't willing to be as much help as I had hoped and this only raised my anxiety to a point that now I need to have the GFM focused on a singular goal (paying off the house to the bank) rather than the additional goals of being able to cover bills and my father's medical expenses as I overestimated how much places like Twitter or Reddit would be willing to help…

Last edited Jul 22, 2020 at 01:38PM EDT

Sorry for the double post but yeah looks like Reddit's a no go. Mods there didn't like Hatter posting on my behalf (and I still think it's stupid you need like 400 karma to post in those subs, whenever I did post on Reddit my posts would be barely noticed, making it feel like "karma whoring" is the only way I could get karma that high), and when I told one person "yes I know my situation is fucked up but I can't help the amount is what it is" another mod actually called me an "entitled jerk" because "Reddit" wouldn't donate like $100000. I wasn't asking for anyone to donate the entire amount, I just need any help I can get, be it donations or spreading the word. Maybe I did sound a bit like a jerk for saying how stupid it is the sub requires users to have 400 karma first but I'm sticking by my guns that that is a stupid requirement (especially since my account on that site was there for over a year already).

My fucking uncle is now leaving us in a situation where it's basically "I WILL MAKE YOU move out by the end of the month." He doesn't even own this fucking property and he's trying to kick us out just because he wants to buy it for himself rather than helping us stay where we are. Unless we win the lottery or some rich person takes notice of our plight I think we're just fucked now and I don't know what to do.

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I don't think the donations are going to help your situation. Basically just kicking the bucket down the road. Autism and depression really isn't an excuse to not get a job. It makes it harder to find one, but I've had multiple friends that have autism, depression, and/or anxiety of various levels, and they have all been able to get a job. Moving out on your own isn't very expensive if you have a roommate who is also working.
asking for money due to a temporary setback is fine, but if you have no long term plan to make things work, then its kinda pointless.

The quoted post has been deleted.

Look mate there are several glaring issues with what your proposing is a "definite" solution.

For starters, as of July 2020 there is next to no states, save for D.C, that even has a minimum wage set at $15. This is also assuming MF doesn't live in one of the 5 state that don't even have a minimum wage.
Secondly, recommending someone take on up to 4 jobs is simply unfeasible. Suggesting that anyone work 7 days a week, 11-13 hour days is insane. The average job in the military doesn't even have that kind of hours. While there are people out there who have 4 concurrent jobs and work 50+ hours a week to support themselves, these kinds of people do so at extreme risk to their overall well being.
Third, it's clear from the situation that the money is needed soon, not a year worth of pay later.

This doesn't even take into consideration any sort of personal details pertaining to MF, and their capability to execute such measures. Yes, it's true that having a job is certainly better than have none at all, but even if they already had one or multiple it wouldn't suddenly change the difficulty of the situation they're already in right now.

There is no clear cut way that's assured to work in this situation. MF taking this option is just one possible means of trying to figure some way to help the situation improve.

I can't believe this. Fucking LIGHTNING struck our house today. Blew out a wall in the back and might have also fucked up our electrical system. No air conditioning as the unit might be fucked up and the fact I don't know if my computer and game consoles are alright has me worried as all hell (fire department said they shut down power until an electrician can come out). Dad and I are safe and we're at a family members house for the time being (using my tablet right now). Still why did this have to happen now of all time's? I feel like I am at my breaking point.

Sorry for the late reply. Going off what dad told me it sounds like a somewhat confusing "yes." Like he is trying to assure me the hole in the wall and the electric wiring will be fixed along with the air conditioning unit, and he's saying whatever electronics got screwed up by the lightning will be replaced (still don't know the status of my consoles and PC), but I don't have the clearest answer on if insurance is actually going to cover everything.

Some good news for once even if it isn't directly related to the GoFundMe campaign. We should be able to go back to the house by the weekend, and we're almost about to finally learn the status of some of the electronics. Internet's restored at the house and thankfully the computer is fine. I won't know the fate of my game consoles until the insurance claim person says "go get a new TV first so you have something to check them with" (I can confirm the TV as a casualty).

One additional small piece of good news is I have a temporary job starting tomorrow at the tech company one of my cousins works at cleaning and condition grading tablets. Its only for two weeks but this at least helps.

I feel like I've reached a breaking point for real. The weight of everything is just causing me to feel so hopeless. The money I'm making at the job just isn't enough to pay for the house and everything else, I feel like I have no time to enjoy the things I like anymore, and got damn my fucking uncle, wanting to move my dad and I into some fucking shit shack where he expects US to fix up the fucking place to make it livable (it's got no heating, no air, and needs a fuckton of renovations to electricity, the roof, bathroom, just fucking everything). Fuck you Uncle Rob, fuck you, you selfish bastard, not wanting to help your own family, instead wanting to buy where we live just so you can buy it for yourself an then flip it for your own damn profit. You're a fucking scumbag Uncle Rob and I want to say it to your gotdamn face so fucking bad.

OH YEAH wrote:

Jesus, Miss. This Rob person seems like a dick. Has your (or your father's) relationship with him always been this bad?

Uncle Rob is the kind of guy where when he and dad were young Rob was known to do shit he knew would make grandma and grandpa mad and blame it on others like my dad. He also barely gave a shit when grandpa was dying and seemed to only care that he’d be the one handling grandpas money even though I know for a fact grandpa intended to leave it to dad, I have the gotdamn will grandpa made both in the 1990s and the one he had me dictate (where the hell Rob got the one he keeps referencing I don’t fucking know). As someone who spent more time with grandpa in his final years than uncle Rob did, grandpa would be so ashamed of how he’s treating his remaining family.

Mistress Fortune wrote:

Uncle Rob is the kind of guy where when he and dad were young Rob was known to do shit he knew would make grandma and grandpa mad and blame it on others like my dad. He also barely gave a shit when grandpa was dying and seemed to only care that he’d be the one handling grandpas money even though I know for a fact grandpa intended to leave it to dad, I have the gotdamn will grandpa made both in the 1990s and the one he had me dictate (where the hell Rob got the one he keeps referencing I don’t fucking know). As someone who spent more time with grandpa in his final years than uncle Rob did, grandpa would be so ashamed of how he’s treating his remaining family.

I can relate. I had an uncle who went behind our backs to rewrite my abuelo's will that my mother written with him to a make even split three-way towards his kids who then split to the grandkids in case one of them died earlier than expected.

My grandfather, God Bless, had Alzheimer's at the time of the rewrite and was coerced into giving everything to my uncle. This was all done in a different country, so I am uncertain how the law works in Ecuador.

You wanna know what makes things even worse when it comes to my opinion of my uncle? He's a literal gotdamn multi millionaire after selling off his business (some junk collection company) and he said in a mass text to his brothers and sisters recently he wants nothing to do with his own family anymore. Also awfully convenient he sold his business off after grandpa died because grandpa said uncle Rob never did pay him back the $50,000 loan he gave him to help start the company…

My uncle is one of the kind of people who gives self made millionaires a bad name, once he got his money he went full "fuck you, got mine" to his own fucking family and he would still rather put my father and I in a shit shack that needs thousands of dollars worth of work on it AND HE STILL EXPECTS DAD TO PAY HIM $5000 FOR THAT PIECE OF SHIT PROPERTY. It is taking every ounce of my being to not send him an email telling him off.

We're at the end of our rope. Dad is constantly miserable mentally and physically, the money from the job just won't be enough to pay the house payment and still have money to pay bills and get food, and just the other day dad went to go see that shit shack I mentioned (the one my gotdamn greedy uncle still expects him to pay $5000 for and expects us to fix up because of course that fucker would do this shit) and someone who lives in that area outright told dad to his face "you're not welcome around these parts." So yeah, not only is the piece of shit house one that needs fixing, but Uncle Rob bought it in a bad part of town with hostile neighbors.

Dad keeps saying unless a miracle occurs then come October we're basically going to be forced out of our house over the course of the month. I keep praying every night for said miracle to occur.

Fuck this forsaken year.

I've resigned myself to the idea we're just not going to get the money needed in time. By this time next month if I'm no longer in this house then everyone gets their money back, I just don't know if it'd be right to keep any donations when the goal was too far to reach.

Dad's gonna be forced into that piece of shit property uncle rob's forcing him to live in because that gotdamn cheapskate doesn't want to use his literal millions to actually help his family properly, I'm gonna have to go live with my mother across town for the time being, and eventually find an apartment. I'm either living with a direct member of my family like mom, dad, or my brother (but my brother's in Africa right now so that's a no go), or I'm just going to just live on my own because it's better for me to be alone than live with someone who I'll feel guilty knowing there's nothing I can do to help them out of situations like this, or I'd rather not be a burden on anyone but myself.

Keep the money and use it free of guilt, dude. Not only is the GoFundMe site OK with it on their terms of service, but you can also use that as something to feel less "guilty" with if you do end up living with a family member, as you can either keep it to help pay bills for as long as it lasts or give it all to your dad who seems like he could use it for good, whichever helps the most.

Nedhitis wrote:

Keep the money and use it free of guilt, dude. Not only is the GoFundMe site OK with it on their terms of service, but you can also use that as something to feel less "guilty" with if you do end up living with a family member, as you can either keep it to help pay bills for as long as it lasts or give it all to your dad who seems like he could use it for good, whichever helps the most.

Since you guys are making it clear you're fine with that then I guess that is what I'll do. Plus I feel like I got a sign today. Was at the grocery store getting dinner for dad and I and my EBT card (food stamps) wasn't accepted for the chicken I was buying for us. A very kind older man paid for the food for me rather than me returning the chicken to the shelves to replace with something else.

Any kindness from strangers and acquaintances is greatly accepted right now.

II finally told my got damn uncle Rob what I think about him and his so called "solution" to my dad and I's problems. Basically acted like a total brat. First he had the fucking audacity to call me racist for not wanting to live in that crappy neighborhood just because it's a mostly black neighborhood, ignoring that even if the neighborhood was total white trash I'd be saying the same thing (we're talking condemned houses and businesses on every street, plus broken down cars in people's yards). Then when I called him out on how he's a multi millionaire and he could easily help us out in a way that doesn't involve moving out of our perfectly fine house he went all "I've got my own family to think of" to which I went "what family? you have no kids and [my aunt] would be successful without you. Just goes to show what you think of us you total scrooge."

He's now pulled the whole "don't talk to me anymore" bit. I'm going to see if my stepdad will be willing to come with me to confront my uncle soon, I want to talk to that fucker face to face and I want to make sure he's not gonna try shit.

Latest personal update.

I finally showed dad the GFM (I did tell him "I still want to keep some things a secret so sorry but I don't want to go into detail of who donated and where I got the word out" and he understands I like to keep some things private). Dad is extremely appreciative about all the help you all and everyone outside of KYM have been able to provide, and while it is disappointing the campaign wasn't able to reach the full amount before this month (October 2020 for anyone reading this at a later date) the money that was raised will be a huge help regardless. I need to make sure dad will able to support himself financially until he's approved for disability, and that may take a good couple of months, so having this in addition to what I make at my job eases a decent amount of worry.

At some point this month dad will unfortunately have to go to that house in the rough part of town (I will keep in touch daily to make sure he's not being pestered by the neighbors who once told him "you're not welcome around here" that one time he went to check on the house without my uncle Rob present), and I'll be living with my mother until we can find me an apartment I can afford (probably won't happen until dad gets approved for disability, paying for my personal rent, food, and bills in addition to dad's is more or less impossible on my current pay).

Once I know for sure what day will be the last day we're staying here we're going to end the GFM campaign a day or two before we're fully moved out of here.

Hey MF, seeing as how things have been going recently from your updates, I felt it seemed appropriate to give some words of encouragement for all the progress you've made.

It's been quite clear the difficulties you've been experiencing over these past few months, and that we want to remind you that we, The KYM community, support you in your endeavors. It's not a stretch to say that many of us are going through rough times this year, and that it can be quite overwhelming to say the least.

That said, despite the difficulty of the situation you're facing, you've been showing remarkable determination in tackling it to the best of your abilities and it shows. In just a few months; you've raised a fair amount of money towards helping your dad, got a job, stood up to your uncle, and are looking for your own living space.

Even if you might not consider these big accomplishments, know that every little step you take makes all the world of difference towards improving your future. Even if things may still seem uncertain, just know things will work out in the end so long as you keep your chin up and do your best day-by-day.

Oh my god i can not fucking believe this. Fucking Uncle Rob, now he's gone and fucking jacked up the price on the house he's trying to force dad in to all because dad didn't use the real estate agent Rob was trying to force him to use. I think I might need to find a lawyer, Uncle Rob is going way too fucking far now.

And right when things were looking like there was at least a light at the end of the tunnel, Rob has to go and be a fucking bastard like this.

Last edited Oct 06, 2020 at 07:50AM EDT

Yes I have said I don’t like the house rob is making dad move to but fact is it’s better for dad to have a place to move to before the end of the month than have him go homeless, so even if reluctantly dad was going to use the money raised to pay rob the $5000 he wanted for the property. The fact Rob now wants $10000+ instead shows he does not give a single fuck about dad he just wants to bleed him dry because we decided to not use robs real estate guy. How much you wanna bet rob only wanted us to use his guy because rob was likely gonna get a cut from the sale? Fuck I wish I could sue rob for this shit, he has crossed the line,

Last edited Oct 06, 2020 at 11:04AM EDT

The fact there have been no responses to the posts I made this morning and the one from lunch break is making me paranoid. I am now legit concerned some of y’all are suddenly questioning my validity. Sometimes real life does hit you with unexpected twists, an asshole greedy uncle ain’t some person you’d only see in fiction.

I never wanted to leave my childhood home but once October rolled around and it was clear nothing would happen that would result in what we really needed I showed dad the go fund me to give him some hope in the world, that at least strangers to him were more helpful than a so called “family member” who could help us keep our house but he’d rather make dad live elsewhere so he can get money from us and our soon to be former property. Since the amount raised happened to be what rob wanted originally we figured “just give rob the money he asked for so dad at least has a house after October and he’ll have spare money from the sale of this house to cover food and repairs, plus my paycheck will continue to help dad until dad gets disability.” It’s not the ideal situation we wanted but we accepted it as better than the worst case scenario of dad going homeless (my mom will take me in until I find an apartment which will be after dad gets approved for disability). Rob tried to set us up with a real estate guy he knows but dad had mom and her real estate person look over the contract and found robs guy wasn’t a good deal. Dad instead signed with a real estate agent and house flipper who did give us a deal that would be better for dad when it came to fees. Rob found out dad signed with this other agent and now he’s making up some bullshit to say now he wants $10000+. Dad already signed a legal agreement to sell his house but now the money from the sale won’t help him move into a new place and fix it up or leave him money for food.

Rob is a fucking bully, simple as that. It is taking so much restraint to not dox him in this thread as he lives in the next town over and still have his phone number. I’m not gonna post that info but damn a part of me really wants to.

Wow this Rob guy sounds like a real dick.
At least you got a real estate agent helping out.

Are you planning to settle it in court against your uncle? I'm not a lawyer though so I have no experience.

Whatever happens…makes the best out of it as much as you can. You can do it, MF.

A lawsuit is risky. IANAL should be obvious from my username but it's kind of a hobby of mine so I know how tough it is to achieve something with a lawsuit. The best shot is just to make Rob panic but he seems like the kind of asshole that reacts to threats with "I'll make you regret it bitch, bring it on". In that case you're looking at months at best of dragged out court proceedings if it doesn't get dismissed outright – I've heard about some where the judge just went "why are you bothering the court with this".

Do you have any kind of contract with Rob regarding this? Keep in mind that if neither of you is obligated to do anything with the other, you're 100% shit out of luck in court. He changes the price of the house he's offering? It's not like you have to listen to him and buy that house – you're in USA, land of the free! /s

If you can find a lawyer that will tell you that you have a case AND it's pro bono, go for it. Otherwise you're playing yourself.

Mistress Fortune wrote:

The fact there have been no responses to the posts I made this morning and the one from lunch break is making me paranoid. I am now legit concerned some of y’all are suddenly questioning my validity. Sometimes real life does hit you with unexpected twists, an asshole greedy uncle ain’t some person you’d only see in fiction.

I never wanted to leave my childhood home but once October rolled around and it was clear nothing would happen that would result in what we really needed I showed dad the go fund me to give him some hope in the world, that at least strangers to him were more helpful than a so called “family member” who could help us keep our house but he’d rather make dad live elsewhere so he can get money from us and our soon to be former property. Since the amount raised happened to be what rob wanted originally we figured “just give rob the money he asked for so dad at least has a house after October and he’ll have spare money from the sale of this house to cover food and repairs, plus my paycheck will continue to help dad until dad gets disability.” It’s not the ideal situation we wanted but we accepted it as better than the worst case scenario of dad going homeless (my mom will take me in until I find an apartment which will be after dad gets approved for disability). Rob tried to set us up with a real estate guy he knows but dad had mom and her real estate person look over the contract and found robs guy wasn’t a good deal. Dad instead signed with a real estate agent and house flipper who did give us a deal that would be better for dad when it came to fees. Rob found out dad signed with this other agent and now he’s making up some bullshit to say now he wants $10000+. Dad already signed a legal agreement to sell his house but now the money from the sale won’t help him move into a new place and fix it up or leave him money for food.

Rob is a fucking bully, simple as that. It is taking so much restraint to not dox him in this thread as he lives in the next town over and still have his phone number. I’m not gonna post that info but damn a part of me really wants to.

If everything you're saying about this Rob guy is true, isn't there any way to twist his arm or put pressure on him?

I'm not saying blackmail or doing anything illegal as that would just make everything worse but I'm assuming that he knows other wealthy people and I was wondering if there was any sort of mutual friend or relative that might be sympathetic to your or your dad.

I mean, if he's sociopathic enough to make his own brother homeless, I don't even understand how they managed to grow up together.

After getting home from work I found out Rob called my dad this morning after I left and yelled at him to the point dad felt like he almost had a heart attack (apparently Rob was yelling at him to get some contract signed ASAP, claiming he knows we "have a buyer" for our house but dad and I literally knew nothing about this because the realtor/flipper we're working with hasn't told us anything about a buyer). Dad said he fell off the porch steps after talking to Rob (he was leaving the house to go do something when Rob called), and our neighbors across the street had to help dad up and nearly called 911.

At this point I want Rob to give me a reason to take him to court. If he comes to our house to harass dad I'm calling the cops on his ass.

I agree with you on this particular case. If your uncle keeps repeating such behavior, you do have a ground to call the cops about it. I do not really expect them to do much about it given his position of "power", but it may at least scare him enough to not physically harass your dad again.

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Mistress Fortune wrote:

Those who have seen my wall over the last month might be aware my father and I are facing some serious financial troubles, which includes the possibility of us possibly losing our house. After speaking with some mods I was told it's okay for me to post this link to a GoFundMe campaign I have set up for my father and I:
Clickable link

As a note to anyone on this site familiar with me: the GFM campaign refers to me as male because I have not yet come out to my parents about my trans identity, and I don't really want this to be the situation where they learn this about me, so if the campaign is successful and I tell my father about it it's best if for right now he still knows me as his "son." This situation is about him and I, not just me.

imagine shilling yourself on a shitpost forum
just apply for welfare you dumbass


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