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Wsxdas's Drawing Thread

Last posted Apr 05, 2012 at 02:59AM EDT. Added Apr 03, 2012 at 04:55AM EDT
56 posts from 16 users

I am bored, so I have decided to copy everyone else make a drawing thread. I'm sure you know how it works, so post things and I'll draw them.

Quantum Meme wrote:

Too many drawing threads.

I was even considering one…

I mean, draw me and Dr. Meme silently judging each other.


Skitch the Wolf, KYM Community Pet wrote:

Draw the equation of the internets.

What have I done, now EVERYONE is starting a drawing thread.

Ashbot wrote:

Draw you and a giant flying baby battling to the death, on fire, as the earth floods.

I forgot the fire. Just imagine it.

Ric Te$l@ wrote:

Freaking hate penises….these are one of many of the reasons why I have been straight for my entire life…

"Ric Tesla, He hates penises."

Slendy wrote:

Draw Bowser and Mario but Mario is RandomMan and Bowser is Amanda.

@Ric: says he's straight. Wants to go to the zoo to fuck slendrosaur. SEEMS LEGIT.

Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender wrote:

@Ric: says he's straight. Wants to go to the zoo to fuck slendrosaur. SEEMS LEGIT.

dis is great, you should show random and amanda

Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender wrote:

@Ric: says he's straight. Wants to go to the zoo to fuck slendrosaur. SEEMS LEGIT.

Beastiality is a different battle field.
Because of the Dino/po- Yeah you guys see the point.

Last edited Apr 03, 2012 at 08:12PM EDT

Ric Te$l@ wrote:

Beastiality is a different battle field.
Because of the Dino/po- Yeah you guys see the point.

That's racist to dinosaurs. They are people too y'know. They have families and shit.

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:

Draw Liara T'Soni as she appeared in the original Mass Effect.

(What? She isn't human.)

Oh u.
Have Wrex as he appeared in mass effect 4.


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