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what wrestles your jammies

Last posted Nov 23, 2012 at 10:33PM EST. Added Nov 19, 2012 at 11:32PM EST
50 posts from 35 users

sorry if me using the term 'bro' to depict you ''wrestles your jammies'' i think a man of your kind, a kind to assume that i indeed made an error and not that i just said something (a little) different on the internet but i do lack the wisdom of a man like yourself.

mysticalqueef wrote:

not it's meant to be that way there is ''rustling my jimmies'' and then there is ''wrestling my jammies'' ,get with the times man it's what all the kids are doing brooooo

In that case, I need a gif that has someone wrestling my pajamas.

almost getting enough points in black ops 2 to use one of those score streak things and then getting killed.

Wrestles my jammies every time.

Many Sonic OCs (Yeah, it gets really on my nerves. Is the fandom called Hoggers or something? I am not sure.)

Sonic himself (I don't really get it, I wasn't really interested by the franchise. I found it somewhat repetitive after some long, hard thinking and decided that people fighting over Sonic and [best pony] Rainbow Dash annoy me. I do think it is a good franchise, but I wasn't really interested in the hedgehog. Sorry. :\)

Shippers (Seriously, what is going through your heads, because I would like to knowā€¦ badly.)

Shippings (I don't get many ships, like FlutterDash. I can see a relationship between them, but that's only in a defendant-type of relationship, not romantic. I don't get a lot of MLP ships, actually. I only find good in a ship if it is logical and not a crack ship.)

Projects (Yes, I think that about everyone here hates projects, as I am doing one now, because I have to build a time machine 30 cm Balsa Wood Bridge that can support 3 books over a 30 cm opening in a table. And I am only done with the base parts and it is due on Tuesday.)

School (Mostly idiots and bullies.)

Most bronies. Not ponies, just a majority of the bronies.

EDIT: I'll elaborate. I mean those that are overly rabid and intrusive, and freak out over the slightest little negative thing being brought to light about their precious show and fandom.

I also don't like close-minded pony haters that dislike bronies just because they don't like ponies. Especially the more volatile ones (as in, those that bring up ponies unprovoked just to talk about how much they hate them. That's just stupid, and always makes me suspect that they're a closet brony in denial, or just a troll).

Last edited Nov 23, 2012 at 05:13PM EST
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(sees my post has -8 karma)

If you're going to dislike me because I dislike ponies, you're gonna have a real bad time.

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:

(sees my post has -8 karma)

If you're going to dislike me because I dislike ponies, you're gonna have a real bad time.

Shit, nobody gives a fuck if you dislike ponies. However, I only dislike bronies that are overly idiotic and rabid. If somebody liked something I didn't like, I wouldn't hate them.

I don't dislike you. I don't judge you based on something you like or don't like. I judge you based on your attitude, which seems sort of sour, but so is mine, so meh.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding. Please explain. Do you dislike bronies because they like something you dislike? Or is it something else? What leads you to make a blanket statement like that?

Here's my list of what wrestles my jammies:

Angry soccer moms.
Censorships and edits.
Brand New Members spamming made-up forced memes.
Brand New Members didn't read the submission rules before posting.
Trixie, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon from MLP:FiM (They're evil little bastards that needs to be brutally beaten up, badly.)
Angry nerds from World of Warcraft that think they're better than everybody.
Smuggish guidos (They're so smug their fetish is fart sniffing.).
Snotty anorexic girls.

And that's about it.

Twenty-One wrote:

Huff Post users
Entry comments
Sonic OCs
most FPS'

I agree with you on the Sonic OCs. Reminds me of this video.

Commander Matthew wrote:

Most bronies. Not ponies, just a majority of the bronies.

EDIT: I'll elaborate. I mean those that are overly rabid and intrusive, and freak out over the slightest little negative thing being brought to light about their precious show and fandom.

I also don't like close-minded pony haters that dislike bronies just because they don't like ponies. Especially the more volatile ones (as in, those that bring up ponies unprovoked just to talk about how much they hate them. That's just stupid, and always makes me suspect that they're a closet brony in denial, or just a troll).

I concur.

Both statements I agree with. I only like the sane side of the brony fandom.
And pony haters: they act like they have the whole goddamn right to put their hate everywhere and diss everyone who likes ponies, even when they don't consider themselves bronies at all.

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Commander Matthew wrote:

Shit, nobody gives a fuck if you dislike ponies. However, I only dislike bronies that are overly idiotic and rabid. If somebody liked something I didn't like, I wouldn't hate them.

I don't dislike you. I don't judge you based on something you like or don't like. I judge you based on your attitude, which seems sort of sour, but so is mine, so meh.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding. Please explain. Do you dislike bronies because they like something you dislike? Or is it something else? What leads you to make a blanket statement like that?

1. They have a tendency to shove you-know-what down your throat.
2. I canNOT stand that god damned show.
3. I'm not exactly the most idealistic person on Earth.

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:

1. They have a tendency to shove you-know-what down your throat.
2. I canNOT stand that god damned show.
3. I'm not exactly the most idealistic person on Earth.

1. Yes, those are the exact types of bronies that I dislike.
2. That's understandable. Not everybody sees the appeal.
3. Neither am I.

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:

1. They have a tendency to shove you-know-what down your throat.
2. I canNOT stand that god damned show.
3. I'm not exactly the most idealistic person on Earth.

1. You have the tendency to shove your opinion down other people's throats. Irony much?
2. We know, you told us numerous times.
3. You don't say.

As others said Tanker, people don't hate you because you dislike something, people hate you because you tend to share your dislikes at any given opportunity. If I would say that I hate Mass Effect at any given moment, or make constant comments about "rolling out" my tank at Shepard, would you be ok with that? Of course not. So why are your comments justified?

Opinions are ok, just don't shove them down people's throats. Like obnoxious bronies, you tend to do that. You are no better than them. If they are obnoxious towards you, feel free to point it out, but don't blame the flames on others if you were the person lighting the match.

Last edited Nov 23, 2012 at 09:29PM EST

RandomMan wrote:

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:
1. They have a tendency to shove you-know-what down your throat.
2. I canNOT stand that god damned show.
3. Iā€™m not exactly the most idealistic person on Earth.

1. You have the tendency to shove your opinion down other peopleā€™s throats. Irony much?
2. We know, you told us numerous times.
3. You donā€™t say.

As others said Tanker, people donā€™t hate you because you dislike something, people hate you because you tend to share your dislikes at any given opportunity. If I would say that I hate Mass Effect at any given moment, or make constant comments about ā€œrolling outā€ my tank at Shepard, would you be ok with that? Of course not. So why are your comments justified?

Opinions are ok, just donā€™t shove them down peopleā€™s throats. Like obnoxious bronies, you tend to do that. You are no better than them. If they are obnoxious towards you, feel free to point it out, but donā€™t blame the flames on others if you were the person lighting the match.

This guy speaks the truth.

I wasn't familiar with you, so I don't know what the fuck you like or hate or anything. But I don't approve of making blanket statements about bronies as an entire subculture.

I dislike most of them, because I find them overly obnoxious. But just as they have a tendency to shove ponies you-know-what down your throat, I lurked a couple of your posts. Mass Effect, World of Tanks, and pony hatred. Three very prominent things, at least that I noticed. Shoving your opinions down the throats of others doesn't make you any better.

Also, I seem to notice that a decent amount of shitstorms about MLP are caused by haters refusing to keep their opinions to themselves. I mean, they have the right do dislike the show and be vocal about it, but being obnoxious, needless to say, is bad. I'd like to take a quote from the wall of this one guy I found in the comments section:

I rather dislike ponies. Thatā€™s all I have to say about that.

That, in my opinion, is ideal for a pony hater. Let's face it, you're part of the minority on the site (because I do think it's possible to divide it into essentially brony/non-brony). Keep calm and don't throw insults or anything. If you do, don't be surprised when people are hostile towards you.

There were two guys earlier in this thread that posted pony images just to fuck with you. I disapprove of that.

I'll take out a specific quote from the one I quoted earlier:

As others said Tanker, people donā€™t hate you because you dislike something, people hate you because you tend to share your dislikes at any given opportunity

That hits the nail on the head, I think.

Of course, everything that I said above was meant respectfully. Please respond; I'm quite interested in continuing this discussion now.

Oh, and another thing.

And pony haters: they act like they have the whole goddamn right to put their hate everywhere and diss everyone who likes ponies, even when they donā€™t consider themselves bronies at all.

Like I said earlier, they have the right to express their disliking of ponies, but as long as they're calm. Just like how bronies should keep their open pony-loving in the Pony General thread and not try to piss off the haters, no?

However, at the same time you have a point. Pony haters don't have the right to put their hate everywhere and be hostile just because people like ponies. Same thing goes vise versa.

I don't consider myself a "brony" in the slightest. I like the show. That's it. Not liking or even hating the show is no excuse to be hostile towards me, is it?

(Also, I feel that I should add that if bronies prove themselves to be cool and sane, I'll gladly talk and hang out with them. I hope you feel the same way, Tanker, because there are some really cool bronies out there.)

Furthermore still, I think maybe I need to elaborate on the opposite of what I mentioned above, so that it's clear that I'm not biased. I realize, before you try to make this argument, that pony lovers will also spam ponies on occasion and they'll be quite open about loving them. That can be annoying. But it can be just as annoying as a rabid hater can be through the eyes of somebody who doesn't mind or likes ponies.

EDIT: I'm back to make another point.

This is taken verbatim from your wall.

Donā€™t mention ponies around me. Ever.
You wonā€™t like what happens if you do.

You mention ponies yourself an awful lot. Here's a quick related thread I dug up.

Not forcing opinions down others' throats? Then please explain how that post wasn't doing exactly that. It was off-topic and unnecessary, or I misunderstand your post. I'd like an explanation, please.

I take it from RandomMan's post that you do this quite a bit too.

Not forcing opinions down others' throats.


Last edited Nov 23, 2012 at 10:12PM EST

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