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KYM Music Mega General: Discussion, news, comments and other stuff

Last posted Aug 29, 2014 at 08:34PM EDT. Added Dec 22, 2013 at 12:16PM EST
181 posts from 67 users

In this thread, we discuss our favorite bands, albums, and songs. Discuss.

Use this thread whenever you come across some miscellaneous music related thing and don't feel it needs a separate topic

Post good, bad or ugly music of any genre and feel like posting it, or when you just want to see what other people like. Feel free to discuss your tastes, genres or news about albums and singers etc

Please remember not to clog the pages up with too many Youtube imbeds


Last edited Aug 01, 2014 at 12:36AM EDT

Dieselie McDieselface wrote:

Bestest? Whatever, grammar don't matter on here. Personally, Motörhead is my favorite band period.

Mötorhead songs is very confusing. I doesn't know what they say but when I bought milk at the grocery store I listened to it.

(I haven't actually listened to Mötorhead, but I'm about to now.)

Dieselie McDieselface wrote:

Bestest? Whatever, grammar don't matter on here. Personally, Motörhead is my favorite band period.

I know, I was joking. Motorhead is pretty fun to listen to for me.

Oh hey, it's this thread again. Oh well, may as well make a statement while I'm here… INFECTEDISBESTBANDANDIFYOUTHINKOTHERWISEYOUREADIRTYHEATHEN

In all seriousness, though, Infected Mushroom is god-tier.

Some stuff I'm getting in to:

This one appeared on several "best albums of 2013 lists", and, of course, that was followed by people bashing them. I just really like the sound of the album, one of my favourites from this year.

Shores of Elysium
In a subgenre that is filled with generic breakdown after breakdown songs (deathcore), this band sounds pretty refreshing to me. They're pretty technical, and I love the vocalist's high screams



Buttons, to avoid an overload of embeds.

Last edited Dec 22, 2013 at 03:51PM EST

Occasionally I would re-watch the videos I made based on Rolling Stone magazine's lists and see what songs on there I like. Then I would listen to the whole thing on Grooveshark. I haven't done the best songs of 2013 yet because I haven't had the motivation to do any lately.

Here's my list from the last time I listed my favorite pieces of music:
(a couple of changes were made)

Ludwig van Beethoven – Piano Sonata #8 in C minor “Pathétique”
– Piano Sonata #14 in C# minor “Moonlight”
– Piano Sonata #23 in F minor “Appassionata”
– Violin Sonata #5 in F major “Spring”
– Symphony #5 in C minor
– Symphony #9 in D minor
– Rondo à Cappriccio in G major “Rage Over a Lost Penny”
– Piano Concerto #5 in E♭major “Emporer”
Henry Cowell – The 3 Irish Legends
William Baines – The Lone Wreck
Mily Balakirev – Islamey
Modest Mussorgsky – Pictures at an Exhibition
– Night on Bald Mountain
Maurice Ravel – Gaspard de la Nuit
– Jeux d’eau
– String Quartet in F major
– Miroirs
– Introduction and Allegro for Harp, Flute, Clarinet, and Strings
– Rigaudon from Le Tombeau de Couperin
Percy Grainger – Ramble on Love
– In Dahomey
Alexei Stanchinsky – Nocturne
– Prelude in the Lydian Mode
– Piano Sonata in E♭ minor
Frédéric Chopin – Nocturne op.9 #1 in B♭ minor
– Nocturne op.9 #2 in E♭ major
– Nocturne op.9 #3 in B major
– Nocturne op.27 #2 in D♭ major
– Fantasie Improptu in C# minor
– Étude op.10 #3 in E major “Tristesse”
– Étude op.10 #5 in G♭major “Black Keys”
– Étude op.25 #5 in E minor “Wrong Note”
– Polonaise op.40 #1 in A major “Military”
– Polonaise op.53 in A♭ major “Heroic”
– Scherzo #1 in B minor
– Waltz in E minor
– Waltz op.64 #1 in D♭ major “Minute”
– Waltz op.70 #1 in G♭ major
– Waltz op.42 in A♭ major
– Waltz op.18 in E♭ major “Grande Valse Brillante”
Alexander Borodin – Symphony #2 in B minor
Felix Mendelssohn – Rondo Capriccioso in E major
Johannes Brahms – Hungarian Dances #1
– Hungarian Dances #5
Isaac Albéniz – Asturias (from Suite Española)
Claude Debussy – Clair de Lune (from Suite Bergamasque)
– Estampes
– Arabesque #1
Franz Liszt – Hungarian Rhapsody #2 in C# minor
– Danse Macabre
– Erlkönig
– Reminiscences de Don Juan
– Liebestraume #3
– Paganini Étude #2
– Paganini Étude #3
– Paganini Étude #6
– Totentanz
– Mephisto Waltzes
– Alleluia
– Spanish Rhapsody
Antonín Dvořák – Symphony #9 in E minor “New World”
Charles Griffes – The Fountains of the Acqua Paola
– Nightfall
George Gershwin – Prelude #1 in B♭ major
– Rhapsody in Blue
Edvard Grieg – Peer Gynt Suites
Pyotr Tchaikovsky – The Nutcracker
Gustav Holst – The Planets
Fritz Kreisler – Liebesleid
Antonio Vivaldi – The 4 Seasons
Nikolai Medtner – Piano Sonata in E minor “Night Wind”
Sergei Prokofiev – Peter and the Wolf
– Étude op.2 #2 in E minor
Sergei Rachmaninoff – Piano Concerto #1 in F# minor
– Prelude op.33 #8 in C# minor
Iannis Xenakis – Rebonds B
Alexander Scriabin – Étude op.8 #12 in D# minor
– Piano Sonata #5
Jozef Hofmann – The Sanctuary
Johann Strauss Jr. – The Beautiful Blue Danube Waltz
– Light Blood Polka
Gioacchino Rossini – Overture from The Barber of Seville
Alkan – Le Festin d'Esope
– Étude op.35 #5 in F major
– Étude op.35 #7 in E♭ major
Emil Bohnke – Postludium
Erkki Melartin – Solitude
Igor Stravinsky – Piano Sonata
– The Firebird
– Petrushka
– The Rite of Spring
Joel Love – Lux
Leo Ornstein – Danse Sauvage
– Suicide in an Airplane
George Antheil – Sonata Sauvage
– Piano Sonata #2
Einojuhani Rautavaara – Piano Concerto #1
– Cantus Arcticus
George Heathco – Shifting Landscape
Samuel Barber – Nocturne op.33
Mateusz Ryczek – Hidden Light
Gotfrif xva Hasanov – Piano Concerto #1
Béla Bartók – 14 Bagatelles for Piano, op.6
Adam Scott Neal – Petrichor
George Catoire – Étude Fantastique

Because we just have to have one of these each month as soon as the last one autocloses.

You know what? I've decided that we have this topic so often enough that it's time to make it official, once and for all.

One music general thread.

One thread to rule them all

And this lucky threads is going to be it. Congratulations OP. From now on this thread will be used whenever you want to post music. Be it shitty music, great music, music mashups, Soundcloud, Vocaroo, Rock, Classic, EDM, everything you feel like posting or just whatever the hell you happen to be listening to right this second, you post it here.

Last edited Dec 23, 2013 at 02:00AM EST
Last edited Dec 23, 2013 at 04:09AM EST

elmashojaldra wrote:

I'll just gonna leave this here:

I've never seen such a pairing with metal and Thor.

A Furry wrote:

I've never seen such a pairing with metal and Thor.

Last edited Dec 23, 2013 at 02:22PM EST

So, I guess this is permanent now. Well, I may as well go into detail while I still have the opportunity to make a post on the first page (yay shameless attention whoring).
While Infected is my fav band, my favorite music overall is electro. be it classic electro, electroclash, or electro house, I love them all. Well, except big room. For all I care, big room can go die in a hole.

Last edited Dec 23, 2013 at 09:07PM EST

Ann Hiro wrote:

I'm just personally wondering was there enough justification for a sticky of this thread?

and speaking of that, why is it in JFF? I mean, I could understand it being in general, but, really…

Captain Douglas J Falcon wrote:

and speaking of that, why is it in JFF? I mean, I could understand it being in general, but, really…

I'm surprised someone hasn't moved it yet.
But when I made this thread, I thought it belonged here, since it's not relevant to memes. Now looking back, I have different views.

ITT: everyone starts questioning my modly motives


I’m just personally wondering was there enough justification for a sticky of this thread?

This exact topic literally reincarnates every month. That's perfect justification.


and speaking of that, why is it in JFF? I mean, I could understand it being in general, but, really…

I didn't move this to General because the General board still requires a big cleanup of it's current stickies. I want to tidy that up first before I add another sticky to its mix.

Furthermore, it isn't necessary. Just because the word "general" is in the title does not mean it needs to be in the general board. If I moved it there, you would probably get somebody complaining "not everything needs a general!"


But when I made this thread, I thought it belonged here, since it’s not relevant to memes.

Actually you were right the first time.

The general board is supposed to be more for actual news and current events than it is for just inter-user banter. Furthermore most general topics have some kind of meme significance. Overall music tastes isn't exactly news and it certainly has no relevance to memes unless it's The Fox or something.

This thread and all precursors before it are just ourselves talking among ourselves about what music we like and that's what JFF was made for so it's okay being here at least for the time being

Normally I would not advocate the usage of spoiler tags, as their ability to save bandwidth is a big fat lie, but this is a loooooooong list of videos

I know that it doesn't really work in Chrome so I offer an alternative:

Use HTML links

Either way, lets not fill whole pages with loads of embeds, you know what happens


nah, i'm okay with it. I'll get used to it after a while. it's just somewhat weird to me having a stickied thread on JFF.

Xeno: Kaiju Groupie [HAIL TO THE KING] wrote:

I haven't heard it yet, but I am a fan of Metallica. Here's one of my favorite songs from them.

They're not my favorite, but they're in the top 5 of my most liking. My favorite song from them is Ride the Lightning.

Dieselie McDieselface wrote:

Bestest? Whatever, grammar don't matter on here. Personally, Motörhead is my favorite band period.

Motorhead is pretty good.


Blue Screen wrote:

I’m just personally wondering was there enough justification for a sticky of this thread?

This exact topic literally reincarnates every month. That's perfect justification.

Same for topics like posting your wallpaper, but we don't sticky those either. Also the actually active general threads like the pony thread in General, those are a lot more active than any music thread ever will be yet it's still unstickied.

Stickied threads in Just For Fun just don't work imo. The attention spam, outside of a few very specific topics, is very short in JFF.

If this thread has the requirements to stay active, it can be active with just a Feature as well.

and speaking of that, why is it in JFF? I mean, I could understand it being in general, but, really…

I didn't move this to General because the General board still requires a big cleanup of it's current stickies. I want to tidy that up first before I add another sticky to its mix.

Furthermore, it isn't necessary. Just because the word "general" is in the title does not mean it needs to be in the general board. If I moved it there, you would probably get somebody complaining "not everything needs a general!"

Can you explain to me what you plan to clean up and reorganise on the stickied threads in General? Right now they all cover Site Stuff, but from what I'm reading here you're planning to expand them to the General stuff as well.

The "not everything needs a general!" complaint btw, is mainly given to minimal topics that have no staying power on the long run or threads that are clear jokes but just happen to have "General" in the title. Music is a VERY broad topic, and it has staying power, so a general thread in General is justified.

The general board is supposed to be more for actual news and current events than it is for just inter-user banter. Furthermore most general topics have some kind of meme significance. Overall music tastes isn't exactly news and it certainly has no relevance to memes unless it's The Fox or something.

The descriptions given below the forum sections are very outdated, and need updating. Our moderating doesn't follow those descriptions nowadays anymore. But to point out one specific part in the General section description: "questions -- anything besides meme research"

Questioning our taste in music and the fact that this isn't really meme research make it fitting for General.

Either way, I'm undoing that Sticky. Whether it'll be moved to General I'll leave to you Blue Screen, but I find there a justified place for this thread.

If it then still requires a Sticky in either General or JFF depends on how you're planning to reorganise the stickied threads, but I'm certain you'll inform others along the road.

If you want to make Stickied threads in JFF a thing, I can understand the need for it, but we'll need to expand on it a bit outside of one thread that can fit in General perfectly.

Last edited Dec 25, 2013 at 10:20PM EST


Same for topics like posting your wallpaper, but we don’t sticky those either

I don't recall wallpaper threads appearing with nearly as much frequency compared to music threads. Usually when one is opened, the last was outdated by a pretty good period so I'm not worried about those

I see music topics introduced on a literally monthly basis. Do a search for them and you can find a music topic literally every month. Some are focused around different genres and types which also a reason why the topic gets fragmented around many monthly threads

For years, people have been trying to make a "Music General" both in JFF and General for all music genres and types since the topic is broad and interesting enough. Considering the amount of demand for music topics and a Music General, I thought it was fair to help them out by stickying one thread, that way people can always see that one exists rather than make a new one once the current thread goes to page 2.

Also the actually active general threads like the pony thread in General, those are a lot more active than any music thread ever will be yet it’s still unstickied.

A sticky should not be something granted upon virtue. It should be granted upon necessity.

For Pony General, a sticky is not necessary. But for this thread I think it is, so people can easily see that an official Music General exists and wont need to make a new one. To give this thread a bit of a boost, so to speak until it's picked up more

Stickied threads in Just For Fun just don’t work imo

That makes no sense. Why wouldn't they?

JFF's short attention span is WHY I stickied this. Without it, this thread will likely suffer the same fate as all music generals before it: it gets forgotten in page 2!

Can you explain to me what you plan to clean up and reorganise on the stickied threads in General?

There's a lot of stickies in general, enough to use whole screen space and I was wary about adding one more. For one thing we can probably take down the Amanda.B sticky. (It's been a month. We get that she's gone.) That would give us more space for a new sticky

But I haven't decided yet what needs to be done, I just think it could be worth looking into at some point. Plus since the general stickies all have the same theme of important site related stuff, I wasn't sure if a General would fit among them.

I figured it would it make more sense to have unimportant Generals stickied in a location separate from important stickies, but that's just me. This is something mods overall need to discuss

you’re planning to expand them to the General stuff as well.

Like I said, I haven't fully decided. I wanted to council with other mods about that first.

Music is a VERY broad topic, and it has staying power, so a general thread in General is justified.

Questioning our taste in music and the fact that this isn’t really meme research make it fitting for General.

If people ultimately agree that this thread belongs in General then that's okay.

Last edited Dec 25, 2013 at 10:53PM EST

Blue Screen wrote:

A sticky should not be something granted upon virtue. It should be granted upon necessity. For Pony General, a sticky is not necessary. But for this thread I think it is, so people can easily see that an official Music General exists and wont need to make a new one

How so that division? Is the discussion of musical preferences necessary for KYM? Does a music general fall in line with the purpose of KYM? Do we need to have a thread about music for the forum to progress correctly? Fandom threads like MLP or something like an anime general is more in line with the focus of internet culture and thus KYM's focus than music discussion, and are thus more worthy of a sticky imo.

If people ultimately agree that this thread belongs in General then that’s okay.

Well, yes, but as I also stated how we divide the threads in their sections doesn't always match the section descriptions anymore.

If you want to Sticky this in JFF, I can support you and will have no trouble with it, but I believe it needs to be expanded a bit first before we pull through with it instead of one thread. An anime general might work similarly to a music general. You can also decide to move all (actually active) fandom threads to JFF and sticky them, having a nice folder of Stickied fandom discussions and of course this Music thread would fall within that as well.

That is more in line with how I think you can focus stickies by forum sections. But as you said, the General section needs some cleanup, because there is stuff in there which just shouldn't need to be stickied. Once General is cleaned, you might have a perfect place for a bunch of this stuff there. Plus things like the site rules also fit perfectly in Site Related, not to even mention that things like the Site Rules should have a whole different location than hidden forum threads.

For one thing we can probably take down the Amanda.B sticky. (It’s been a month. We get that she’s gone.) That would give us more space for a new sticky

Agreed and undid that Sticky.

At this point it might be smarter to either make a Site Related thread to discuss this, or make it a mod discussion. I leave that up to you for now. If you only wish to reply to this post for now, go ahead and do that here.

Last edited Dec 25, 2013 at 11:06PM EST

How so that division? Is the discussion of musical preferences necessary for KYM? Does a music general fall in line with the purpose of KYM? Do we need to have a thread about music for the forum to progress correctly?

That's not what I meant. This has absolutely nothing to do with threads being more or less in line with KYM's focus or purpose.

What I am trying to say is that the sticky feature is just a tool. The Sticky not like some kind of promotional thing that means that the thread must be more important to everyone's interests here compared to other topics. It means that you just don't want the topic to get buried under other topics at this time so people recognize it.

I used a tool to help this thread get recognized as The Music General. That's all.

Fandom threads like MLP or something like an anime general is more in line with the focus of internet culture and thus KYM’s focus than music discussion, and are thus more worthy of a sticky imo.

I say again: stickies should be granted upon need, not virtue

Those fandom threads didn't get a sticky because they didn't need one. Nobody is going to forget about Pony General and make a duplicate thread for it next month. The same cannot be said for Music General as past occurrences have already indicated that it gets duplicated often, which is why I believed this thread needed one

An anime general might work similarly to a music general. You can also decide to move all (actually active) fandom threads to JFF and sticky them, having a nice folder of Stickied fandom discussions

Discussion of board/thread arrangement is a separate topic. And yes, lets please take that to Site related

Now can we please get back to the music! Direct any further questions to PM, thank you

[BSOD slams the headphones back on and replays the Youtube clip he has open…]

Last edited Dec 26, 2013 at 06:08AM EST

Cronus wrote:

I like the Noise genre.

Whether it be the good ol' Jackhammers, Crows Crowing or the famous Car Horns.

In classical music, for noise music I would recommend John Cage, Iannis Xenakis, Karlheinz Stockhausen, George Antheil, Luigi Russolo, Antonio Russolo, La Monte Young, Edgard Varèse, James Tenney, Steve Reich, Richard Maxfield, and Pierre Henry.

Here's a list of more awesome pieces that I discovered:
Maurice Ravel – Sonatine
Iannis Xenakis – Mists
Joel Love – Synchronicity in Purple Minor
Adam Scott Neal – Tidal
Finnur Karlsson – Rhezocs
Ian Mikyska – Places and People
John Zorn – Carny
Oliver Searle – Snowbirds
John Cage – In a Landscape
- Suite for Toy Piano
William Duckworth – Time Curve Preludes
Lansing McLoskey – Theft
György Ligeti – Musica Ricercata
- Hungarian Rock
- Ballad and Dance
Philip Glass – Concerto Fantasy for Two Timpanists and Orchestra
Stefan Wolpe – Stehende Musik


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