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Youtube People Entries

Last posted Aug 11, 2013 at 02:59PM EDT. Added Mar 09, 2012 at 03:31PM EST
60 posts from 43 users

So, a month ago in this thread Don told us that Youtube celebrities are all great for an entry…..which gave me an idea.
There are countless notable Youtubers, from cyriak to MysteryGuitarMan to UberHaxorNova. I can't possibly name all of them, so I need a lot of help to encompass all of these Youtube celebs.

I already created a few entries for Youtubers already, and found a few old ones and pulled them out the deadpool, but I still need a lot of help. I can't research all the entries at once, so if you would like to help, just request editorialship in these entries, or create a new entry if you can't find an already existing entry. Please note that this isn't an opportunity to advertise your favorite Youtuber.

You can see some of the entries here.

Last edited Mar 09, 2012 at 03:33PM EST

maybe the mega 64 series? they have 81 million views and average 37k views a day

edit: wtf we don't have an an entry for weebl's stuff? mind=blown. +1 weebl, but his stuff predates youtube

Last edited Mar 09, 2012 at 05:03PM EST

Well, if you think they are worthy just make an entry for them. Be sure to add the tag "youtube celebrity" so it would be easier to find.

Chuggaaconroy maybe? there's already a page for him on here, and he made the whole Steve the red pikmin thing, but i dunno if he's actually famous enough

Well, the Shadow is Israphel series by the Yogscast is extremely popular, and created Minecraft-themed semi-memes, like "I am a X and I'm Ying a Z, Y-y, Y-y Z, I'm Y-ing a Z!", "That'sssssss a very nice X you have there……. it would be a shame if ssomething were to happen to it……", "I'M THIRTY-TWO YEARS OLD", and lots of other stuff.

You can find them over at the bluexephos channel.

Last edited Mar 16, 2012 at 05:17PM EDT

I'll help. Probably write some this weekend if I get the time.

Here's some ideas I'll work on:

Let me know if you think one doesn't belong.

How about SSohPKC. He has had a fairly large presence with deeply loyal fans and a horde of trolls who fail to understand his humor. His popularity predates that of Nova or the other creatures group. (to my knowledge)

Last edited Mar 17, 2012 at 12:57AM EDT

Okay, if anyone is still reading this, please make an entry for the ones you believe you have most info on. Naming them is great, but why they should have an entry is equally important. And if you have questions regarding how to write an entry, this thread will be your guide. Be sure to add the tag "youtube celebrity" for it to show up in here and for it to be easier to recognize. All the moderators and admins are happy to help if you have questions.

Charmalandosaur wrote:

Chuggaaconroy maybe? there's already a page for him on here, and he made the whole Steve the red pikmin thing, but i dunno if he's actually famous enough

Well, there's:
Steve (Duh)
Do'h I missed

That's all.

He is a popular YouTuber, (possibly my favorite) but he doesn't really need an entry.

What about Venusangelic? Lots of views, plus she's gotten attention in mainstream articles lately. Also Jenna Marbles, she gets millions of views pretty much every time she posts a new video. I'm not sure she qualifies, but… Anyway, I second Sassy Gay Friend. Pretty much every other English major I know knows about him, even those who aren't into internet culture.

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