Okay, im almost like a brand new menber but i have been looking around at this site around for a few time and i have to say its a pretty good website, and many interesting people, so i found a little thing while lurking around the internet, how apparently someone can change the KFC logo into something else, i would have like to make the meme entry myself but i fear i might mistake something
I will put it in this way;
1. find someone who shares characteristics to Colonel sander's logo (Old man, happy grin, chickens,name with K, or random guy)
2. Limit his name or put him as a title a pun of the actual KFC
3.Limit his colors to red, white, and gray
4. Tadan!
Here are some examples
As an old guy replaced (old snake from Metal gear solid 4)
A happy grin and a name pun
Name with K:
Others: Mannehatten fried hay
Or we could also say as colonel sander as a general meme as or merge him in
Say what you think?, anyone wanna help me? or does it look like it won't be good enough?