While mindlessly uploading furry icons onto the furry section of this site, I have noticed from one of the pictures that there is one meme not present on this site that I am currently aware of called "Krystal Can't Enjoy Her Sandwich". If any of you don't know about it, check these out:
- http://furry.wikia.com/wiki/Krystal_can%27t_enjoy_her_sandwich
- http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Krystal_Can%27t_Enjoy_Her_Sandwich
- http://starfoxwiki.wetpaint.com/page/%22Krystal+Can%27t+Enjoy+Her+Sandwich%22
- http://www.flixster.com/poll/why-cant-krystal-enjoy-her-sandwich
- http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080229163301AAW0dl8
Here's the song:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1qlCZDESwQ
Here's the critique:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaJWNyWnyn4
Those weak at heart and can't stand certain pics may not want to see this, but it's previewed in YTMND, so… yeah:
- http://krystalcantenjoyhersammich.ytmnd.com/
Basically, it's a meme that started on a furry site, so I'm kinda 50-50 about its appearance in furry bashing sites such as 4chan and Something Awful, but it's a meme nonetheless, a meme that FurAffinity started. If it is a plausible entry, could someone do this for me. I'm not that great in researching things and I don't even know a lot about this meme other than what is stated in the wikis. I'm not even sure if it has spread enough for it to be considered a meme. It would be much appreciated if I can get some answers. Thank you.