on Snapchat, "premium accounts" are private accounts set up for permitted followers only. Online sex workers have been using private SC accounts (as well as similar features on other social media sites) in order to monetize their nude photos. The idea is that some thirsty guy pays a sex worker some money to be added to her premium account, through which the woman periodically sends nudes for all of her followers to have a wank over.
Unsurprisingly, a lot of these snapchat strippers haven't put much thought into their taxes. Apparently, a large number of them are potentially guilty of tax evasion.
A guy called David Wu has commenced Thotageddon by approaching these sex workers pretending to be a customer, getting them to state their snapchat username and a demand for payment, and then reporting them to the IRS in an attempt to get them audited.
His path of destruction has spawned a bunch of imitators and is currently causing a significant twitter shitstorm.
David Wu's facebook (he's pretty open about his identity)
A popular tweet on the subject (search "IRS" on twitter to see more)