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Do you guys think animation memes deserve an entry?

Last posted Jan 28, 2019 at 02:59PM EST. Added Jan 18, 2019 at 08:53AM EST
12 posts from 5 users

I think you all know what animation memes are by now. A short video on YouTube drawn by some 12-year-old "animator" where their puke-colored rainbow cat OC bobs their heads up and down to the beat of some shitty dance music, edgy flash frames optional.

Annoying as it is, I've seen a lot of these so-called animation memes spreading over DeviantART, YouTube and Tumblr plus all the cringy teen drama that comes along with it. Unfortunately, most of the available information regarding this subculture is drowned in a sea of nonsensical content that doesn't explain shit other than a bunch of moody teens jumping on the sparkledog edgymation bandwagon.

Do you guys think that we should do a research on animation memes?

Nothing is stopping you from starting an entry youself if you think they're notable and can back up that they're notable.

You know what? After some looking around, I've decided to can this research. I'm not going to entertain these retarded teenagers with the idea that their little cult is a meme.

The first thing I've discovered when I searched Google about the history of animation memes is a bunch of badly made YouTube videos filled with the pointless opinions of a 14 year old nonbinary "artist" instead of concrete facts about the rime and reason of the animation meme phenomenon. I've kept digging and found nothing of any informative value. If it's not the most frivolous teenage drama you'll ever see, it's art thievery, "criticism" and ass-kissing.

If I made a detailed entry about animation memes, then I'm afraid the amount of cringe generated from the bare facts would overwhelm everyone here. It's a clusterfuck, to say the least. Almost every facet of it is spoiled by the brattiest, most ignorant and self-entitled teenage girls to ever afflict the internet. Even the animation itself is not worth talking about. How am I supposed to describe a community that worships two particular artists as a god and strictly adheres to their art style like it's their holy scripture?

TL;DR: animation memes are just a minor phenomenon confined to moody teenagers in Tumblr, YouTube and DeviantART that got blown out of proportion by sub-par memery and vocal idiots.

Last edited Jan 21, 2019 at 10:57PM EST

OH YEAH wrote:

You know what? After some looking around, I've decided to can this research. I'm not going to entertain these retarded teenagers with the idea that their little cult is a meme.

The first thing I've discovered when I searched Google about the history of animation memes is a bunch of badly made YouTube videos filled with the pointless opinions of a 14 year old nonbinary "artist" instead of concrete facts about the rime and reason of the animation meme phenomenon. I've kept digging and found nothing of any informative value. If it's not the most frivolous teenage drama you'll ever see, it's art thievery, "criticism" and ass-kissing.

If I made a detailed entry about animation memes, then I'm afraid the amount of cringe generated from the bare facts would overwhelm everyone here. It's a clusterfuck, to say the least. Almost every facet of it is spoiled by the brattiest, most ignorant and self-entitled teenage girls to ever afflict the internet. Even the animation itself is not worth talking about. How am I supposed to describe a community that worships two particular artists as a god and strictly adheres to their art style like it's their holy scripture?

TL;DR: animation memes are just a minor phenomenon confined to moody teenagers in Tumblr, YouTube and DeviantART that got blown out of proportion by sub-par memery and vocal idiots.

so what you're telling me is that animation memes are just to be completely edgy and shit
but why does it have to be that? why do so many people do this? why is it called animation memes? if anything i think we would benefit from an animation meme entry, so we can document what the hell is going on and why it's a thing

leatherfootclone wrote:

so what you're telling me is that animation memes are just to be completely edgy and shit
but why does it have to be that? why do so many people do this? why is it called animation memes? if anything i think we would benefit from an animation meme entry, so we can document what the hell is going on and why it's a thing

Well, if someone else is willing to carry the torch and delve into the cringe-tastic world of bratty teenage artists, then go ahead. All the information I found so far about animation memes are completely useless.

I'm gonna get to work on this shit. Not all animation memers are edgy teens, although many are furries and I swear that most are some form of LGBT+ (mostly gay/lesbian/bisexuals, with some who are transgender/nonbinary/whatever)(also I'm a bisexual furry myself). Plenty are really talented. Also we have a few animation memes on here already(Forget and Jump in the Caac(in fact, I'm working on an animation of the latter, and when someone says I'm late to the trend I'm gonna say I knew of it back when there was one animation besides the original, thanks to KYM!)

MP-Lily wrote:

I'm gonna get to work on this shit. Not all animation memers are edgy teens, although many are furries and I swear that most are some form of LGBT+ (mostly gay/lesbian/bisexuals, with some who are transgender/nonbinary/whatever)(also I'm a bisexual furry myself). Plenty are really talented. Also we have a few animation memes on here already(Forget and Jump in the Caac(in fact, I'm working on an animation of the latter, and when someone says I'm late to the trend I'm gonna say I knew of it back when there was one animation besides the original, thanks to KYM!)

Someone has to do it, and I admire your willingness to delve into this excruciating subject. If you can help the internet understand this cultural phenomenon better, then you'll be doing a service to humanity.

Last edited Jan 27, 2019 at 09:32PM EST

OH YEAH wrote:

Someone has to do it, and I admire your willingness to delve into this excruciating subject. If you can help the internet understand this cultural phenomenon better, then you'll be doing a service to humanity.

"service to humanity" Wow. Thanks, my dude/

Artichoke wrote:

'Let's research this meme.'
'LMAO nvm fuck that I don't want to.'
who does this

Sorry man, but it was just too much. Nearly a week of footwork and I still have no idea where to start. It was a horrifying experience.

Last edited Jan 28, 2019 at 03:12AM EST

I'd just like to say that I know that the first animation memes were from 2008. The very first might have been Caramelldansen. I think that the name "animation memes" is from like 2015.


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