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shouldn't the matrix be considered as the apex of human civilization?

Last posted Nov 15, 2015 at 04:46PM EST. Added Nov 14, 2015 at 04:46PM EST
10 posts from 9 users

i mean, instead of actually needing struggle for for sustanance, we will just have a machine inject our body with vital fluids while we live in a globally connected network where we can do whatever the hell they want.

you could:
kill zombies
eat 100 tons of ice cream
hug fluttershy

all in this new form of reality that has been created for you. live in eternal paradise.

so why the matrix films and their ripoffs presnt this kind of future as grim and opressive?

Jolly Jew wrote:

i mean, instead of actually needing struggle for for sustanance, we will just have a machine inject our body with vital fluids while we live in a globally connected network where we can do whatever the hell they want.

you could:
kill zombies
eat 100 tons of ice cream
hug fluttershy

all in this new form of reality that has been created for you. live in eternal paradise.

so why the matrix films and their ripoffs presnt this kind of future as grim and opressive?

They said in the movie that they tried making a paradise reality in the matrix. But it failed because the mind couldn't accept perfection. So the people hooked up to it would shut down and die. So instead they basically had to make a replica of the real world in order for it to work.

You'd open yourself up to enslavement, termination or whatever by people not in the matrix. Also, a lot of people want purpose in their lives, to feel like they did something important or was a part of something bigger. Knowingly plugging yourself into the Matrix would rob you of all that. It would be nice to hug Fluttershy, and fun to kill zombies, but you know it's just a fantasy, and not a lot of people would want to completely give up a substantial reality for an empty fantasy for all eternity.

yeah well, if most of humanity would be logged into the matrix 24/7 and it will be the main place where life would take place, the whole empty fantasy wouldn't be so empty because there is no other alternative.

the abuse from people outside the matrix could be countered with security messures.

and the whole "human mind cannot accept perfection" puzzles me. how does that work? the only explanation i can come up with is that in the movie-world, the machines would hook-up the humans into the matrix without letting them know about it. so when the brain realizes that this cannot be the real world, it would collapse on itself.

so if the humans WOULD know that they are inside an etheral world, the problem would resolve itself. hell even the movie did this, the gang could jack into the matrix and have superpoweres while inside, all while knowing they are inside the matrix.

thing is, im pretty sure the matrix is what humanity is going to boil down into eventually, its bound to happen.

Ryumaru Borike wrote:

You'd open yourself up to enslavement, termination or whatever by people not in the matrix. Also, a lot of people want purpose in their lives, to feel like they did something important or was a part of something bigger. Knowingly plugging yourself into the Matrix would rob you of all that. It would be nice to hug Fluttershy, and fun to kill zombies, but you know it's just a fantasy, and not a lot of people would want to completely give up a substantial reality for an empty fantasy for all eternity.

>not a lot of people would want to completely give up a substantial reality for an empty fantasy for all eternity.

It was only a few months ago that you were criticizing the Matrix now you're wanting to live in it…and yet you still sound like you haven't bothered watching it yet.

so why the matrix films and their ripoffs presnt this kind of future as grim and opressive?

You're getting mixed up, in one hand you have a virtual world you can voluntarily enter and manipulate as you see fit…

and in the other you have the Matrix, a virtual prison. If you watched the films you'd know that even in this third version of the Matrix their are "programs", virtual people who secretly guide and police the trapped human population.

For example you could be living in the Matrix right now, do you consider this life to be fulfilling?
The Matrix was never built to entertain humans just to keep them mentally occupied. As the films were made quite some time ago they obviously represent an older setting, one that may seem strange to us now but was normal back then.

if most of humanity would be logged into the matrix 24/7 and it will be the main place where life would take place, the whole empty fantasy wouldn’t be so empty because there is no other alternative.

Well yeah that's because you just imprisoned yourself, wtf

and the whole “human mind cannot accept perfection” puzzles me. how does that work? the only explanation i can come up with is that in the movie-world, the machines would hook-up the humans into the matrix without letting them know about it. so when the brain realizes that this cannot be the real world, it would collapse on itself.

In the original write-up of the fiction the Matrix's purpose wasn't to use humans as batteries but as organic CPU's. Sub-concious ejection of the Matrix caused it damage, wide-scale rejection would cause it to "crash" and kill everyone hooked upto it.

The rejection is subconscious because the timeline runs over about 200 years so everyone who was inside the world during the time of the films would have been born in their, along with their families for generations back.

The collapse of the Matrix due to rejection is simply a fictional mechanic, it can't be explained any further than "it just happens because it does"

so if the humans WOULD know that they are inside an etheral world, the problem would resolve itself.

Not everyone would just willingly accept the fact they are mentally imprisoned and being guided through their lives like slaves. Some do (See Cypher) but most don't.

the gang could jack into the matrix and have superpoweres while inside, all while knowing they are inside the matrix.

Neo was the was only one with powers as far as I can remember. As he is the Prime Program he is given extra-sensory abilities for his task which he developed massively. The other members of his team are just well trained and amped up slightly to make for good viewing.

The other character with powers are "programs" not people.

So yeah in short I enjoy talking about the Matrix and you're confused

I hate to be "that" guy, but…

Part of the reason why people subscribe to certain religions, philosophies, cults, etc. is that they wish to find meaning in their life. Nobody wishes to believe that their life is meaningless, which is why so many people look to other sources for this. If you ever read the "Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series it delves into this question of what is the meaning of life (and to how frankly absurd it is).

If you live in the Matrix, your life is literally meaningless because everything is fake. Nothing you do truly matters because the world could be reset in a snap. That would drive anyone insane imo, to truly know that nothing you do matters or will matter.


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