I've been considering this for a long time, just in case something unexpected happens to my account here. Am I allowed to make another account in KYM for backup purposes?
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Are users allowed to make backup/alternate accounts on KYM?
Last posted
May 10, 2022 at 04:03PM EDT.
May 10, 2022 at 01:35AM EDT
8 posts
6 users
As far as I know, yes
however if you use it to get around a suspension or ban you’re perma banned
I don't think you're allowed to manipulate votes, either, I think. What is an alt account even used for then?
Maybe it's a way to create a new persona?
No, I'm just making a backup account for my current user if something awful were to befell my main one
Adam DeLand wrote:
Apparently there was a case years ago where someone's split-personality made an account along with their regular one.
That's quite a tale, but worry not, I'm one and whole and I'm just being safe than sorry
just in case something unexpected happens to my account here
Depends what that "something" is. Got bored, lost your credentials, or felt like roleplaying please dont in the comments? Sure, make another account.
Using it to avoid your warning, suspension, or ban history? It's an immediate permaban; you dont get to run from your actions. Same goes for using it to manipulate karma scores by voting more than once, or artifically trend your own content.
We understand the policy is a bit harsh, but the sheer number of kymcores who think they can win arguments with their 6+ accounts is ridiculous. If you're not sure or its some weird and whacky edge case (like the multiple personalities above) just ask a mod.
Yeah I think that is fair