Hey there "meme dude"!
My name is Charlie Whiter and I'm here to tell you some hippity hot memes! "Prepare your angus" because these memes are going to "rustle your jamies"!
Number one hot meme: "#IfIWereaBoy"
Man this meme sure is "banging"! I remember going on KYM (as usual) and thinking "gee wilkers charlie, I wonder what hot meme is coming out today! And I wasn't disapointed! It's smart and charming wit really made my day.
Number two hot meme: "Lonk"
As a Pennsylvanian, I really enjoyed that "shout-out" and I also loved the facial expression! But what I'm confused about is that I'm wondering that what is a Link? Isn't that character named "Zelda"?
Number three hot meme: "Makeup Transformations"
These darn young'uns and their shenanigans! Makeup can't do that! Also, who is "Drizzy" and "Beeyonce"?
Number four hot meme: *"Barneyf*g (or Barneyfan)"*
My grandson watches Barney, and that language isn't okay.
Number five hot meme: "#FeministsAreUgly"
I don't understand since these fine lass are quite charming!?
Thank you for watching my "hot memes" and I hope you have a great day! ಠ_à²