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Rate this slam death metal band logo

Last posted Feb 21, 2017 at 04:38PM EST. Added Feb 20, 2017 at 10:58PM EST
7 posts from 6 users

Well, font wise it's fairly good. It fades at the top a little too much compared with how abrupt the bottom is but that's not too bad.

The biggest problem is the colors. What kind of Metal ban chooses tan letters with a sky blue background? I know Silver/gray on black has been done a million times, but maybe it's been done that many times because its the objective best.

Final score

Font: 6.5/10
Color: 1.5/10
Overall score: One animated green combine harvester diagram

Last edited Feb 20, 2017 at 11:51PM EST

Amongus wrote:

plz rate mine

8 "BLECH"s out of 10

[dumb explain the joke moment: a LOT of "slam death metal" songs seem to have an obligatory part or two where the singer lets out a random "BLECH!"]

Last edited Feb 21, 2017 at 04:39PM EST

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