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Helping FRIEND with low Icebuger tier fetish.

Last posted Jan 12, 2019 at 12:18PM EST. Added Jan 05, 2019 at 08:00AM EST
9 posts from 6 users

So said FRIEND has a [REDACTED] fetish. And it is pretty deep on the iceberg level. Like [REDACTED] low. Now they want to not be a wizard and become a normal person due to [REDACTED]. The problem is that this is something they have had since [REDACTED]. Even without having it that long, I'm sure said FRIEND would have a difficult time being normal due to [REDACTED] being [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. Even barring this, FRIEND also has [REDACTED] fetish too. While it is not as deep on the tier and more normal _ by comparison_ it might be good idea to change that too.

You guys got any suggestions on helping FRIEND with problem? And no, replacing [REDACTED] with a deeper Iceberg tier fetish is not a solution.

Last edited Jan 05, 2019 at 08:13AM EST

Le Karoler wrote:

While an Oedipus complex might technically be higher on the iceberg than [REDACTED] it is not a viable solution. Any other suggestions?

Kenetic Kups wrote:


I think replacing [REDACTED] with a therapy fetish would be pretty expensive. Might also get in trouble with sexual harassment. Any other suggestions?

Depending on how you want to handle it--I mean, depending on how your friend wants to handle it, I'd say the best approach would be finding a less degenerate fetish that still falls within the same ballpark (modular instead of dismemberment, cat ears and a tail instead of full blown anthro, etc.), then over a period of several years gradually climbing out of the pit.

xTSGx wrote:

Depending on how you want to handle it--I mean, depending on how your friend wants to handle it, I'd say the best approach would be finding a less degenerate fetish that still falls within the same ballpark (modular instead of dismemberment, cat ears and a tail instead of full blown anthro, etc.), then over a period of several years gradually climbing out of the pit.

Thank you for providing FRIEND with some actual advice. I don't know how well it will work, but it's better than Vaz's suggestion of literally an iceberg fetish. Granted, how low tier [REDACTED] is FRIEND might be at that for quite some time. Still better than anyone else in the thread. Anyone else with some other suggestions?

If it becomes seriously difficult to replace the fetish or make it more normal, you may just have to accept living with it. I don't know how badly it affects you, like if you have a foot fetish and being out in public when people have sandals on causes you uncontrollable boners, but if it's manageable to be out in public then you can become more normal while still accepting that you have this fetish. If it's something like pedophilia, I can understand why you're concerned, and you should definitely try to replace it first, but in the case that you simply can't get rid of it just know that you should never act out on it. As JC suggested, therapy is a viable option for trying to get rid of a crippling impulse, and you should try literally everything else before deciding that the only way to please your reprehensible fetish is to act it out IRL.


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