Woah woah woah, that's quite a claim right there. First off, no one can predict the future. All this is entirely possible.
Now that that's said, I'd say we're still far from it. While the government and certain agencies are making questionable moves, total control is not imminent and would most likely be noticeable. If they are passing laws that are generally unfavorable and met with negative backlash, something will be done. The point of government is to serve the people. A failed government is when they begin to serve themselves. The United States has corruption as with any nation, but most of the bills and legislature past have intent. A purpose to strengthen and enforce existing policies, or perhaps to fix a few holes in the law.
Voice won't be ignored, think of situations like LGBT rights or feminism. We here a lot about it no? Society and politics run in a certain way that people will point out the flaws in order to improve everyone's life as a whole. Not everything is addressed and improved, but at least we hear the opposition.
We want to be seen as happy and prospering people. The United States is without doubt a superpower, influence stretching across the world, billions of people know the name. If people, especially leaders and those with power begin hearing of sketchy actions, then our public image begins to deteriorate. Not saying everyone sees the US as a wonderful paradise, but it's respectable. This would be more damaging to us than helping. Sure we may have increased security, but what good is that if a major superpower is noted as a potential autocracy?
Think of Nazi Germany slowly annexing or occupying other lands. Nations began to cut off ties with them, and even go as far as war. Now these to situations are vastly different, but the idea is that security is a major issue and that we as a collective people can and will speak out. The US won't turn into a totalitarian dictatorship overnight.
edits: grammar, structuring, spelling, etc