Kind of like a shitposting thread, but at the same time kind of serious. What I mean by this is that if you have a unpopular opinion go ahead and share it, BUT you have to present a reason why you think such a opinion and if you debate someone's unpopular opinion you have to present in not a asinine way.
No berating a person as a individual (obvious)
No trying to redefine commonly used words to suite your needs. Sadly this happens often times in controversial subjects where rather than putting for a reason they try and redefine a word.
Don't go "I'm a expert in this" unless you have accreditation in said field; like don't say you're a expert in micro-biology unless you are actually a expert.
If you are going to post a reference to data on something if it is peer reviewed scientific journals go ahead; if it's say a random blogpost don't immediately pass it off as word of god. Sometimes you do run into blog posts (once in a blue moon) that have a damn good point, but often times most internet blogs are just that blogs and opinions.
I'll go first: I do agree that testosterone in men is in decline in the usa, but I don't think it's cause of one particular reason but rather multiple. For starters most of our economy isn't reliant on hard labor, like back in the day you would work in factories or work in construction; now though most jobs are either desk jobs or jobs like the service industry or such. Another is that women's taste in men change over time and men's taste in women over time. For example the size of breasts most men liked on women ten years ago was DD, now it's C. What women USED TO consider the ideal man body type wise was like Arnold Scharzenegger back when he was a body builder; nowadays the amount of muscle women like on men is drastically less. Nowadays what men and women want most of the time is a nice butt.
To which you would reply why you think that's bullshit and then you post a unpopular opinion.
Side note: don't post shit like "I think governmental corruption is bad" everyone thinks that so it's not a unpopular opinion.