The old site was nice and compact, and took advantage of the fact that screens are usually wide instead of tall. The article was front and center, and things that were not the article were placed off to the side and in the margins. The images were of consistent size, because the first and the latest image in any particular gallery are of equal importance. The editorials were off in their own little place because we didn't care, and the latest images were always at the bottom and packed full because we really cared. The old site worked well for desktops, and only required a few tweaks to make it more modern.
Now, the site is just scrollapalooza. Everything is inline, and the things that you'd expect to see on the sides is now competing with the article itself for screen-space. Not only that, but the competition is fierce, and everything is competing by trying to take up more vertical space than everything else. The images are of inconsistent sizes just to take up more vertical space. The entries are of all differing sizes to take up more vertical space. The text itself is double spaced, putting less information on the screen at any one time and taking up – you guessed it – more vertical space. The comments are even getting into the game, embarking in a social distancing of their own. Worst of all, the best part of the site – the latest images section below every article, where I not only see a ton of what the internet has cooked up, but also new memes and formats – has been replaced by singlular examples and editorials, designed to take up MORE VERTICAL SPACE. This may be a boon to mobile users, but as someone who has a screen that's wide rather than tall, it makes the site unreadable.
I don't want to dart my eyes back and forth like a typewriter and have to scroll down three times to see the end of a paragraph. I don't want to have to go past important things like the header. I want to see what the KYM userbase has coughed up, not just the staff's clickbait titles. This site is one of the last I frequent that's ideal for desktop users, and this redesign takes that away from me.
Put stuff on the side of the page, for christ's sake. The summary of the article, for instance, or the related entries, or the sub-entries – these are IDEAL for putting to the side, as it allows you to go to related memes quickly and easily. Compress the UI down, too, so that you can see lots of text at the same time – and for the love of god, keep the large number of latest/trending images at the bottom of the page! Maybe put bands of your clickbait editorials at regular intervals, like you do with bands of ads between 'pages' now, but don't take that away completely!