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KYM Team Fortress 2 General

Last posted 8 years ago. Added 12 years ago
1057 posts from 134 users

The KYM TF2 General is locked lock for being to old,
So now I'm posting the KYM Team Fortress 2 General.
Post hats, hats, TF2 Videos, Discussion. hats, Gameplay styles, hats, And most of all, Unusual Hats.


For one thing, we need the TF2 KYM Server, I'm gonna check the thread now.

Also, how much is a Strange Big Earner?

User Name wrote:


For one thing, we need the TF2 KYM Server, I'm gonna check the thread now.

Also, how much is a Strange Big Earner?

Cheek the TF2 Spread Sheet
A Strange Big Earner is only worth about 1-2 reclaimed metal(s) in Trades.
But If you're talking about something like USD.

Last edited 12 years ago

angstyHoodie wrote:

I like TF2, even though I suck at it. My Kill/Death top ration is 6 to 10.

Don't give a s**t about your K/D. A lot of really good players tend to have more deaths than kills. Focus on capping points and pushing the damn cart. Don't go out of your way for kills, unless maybe you're a Spy or Sniper.

@Katia Managan
Cite is right, But don't get out of your way for just for kills even if you're playing Spy or Sniper,
A Sniper with a Sydney Sleeper can still be a good teammate just from Assist kills, And a spy can get 30 Deaths and 5 kills but still get a lot of points from destroying a lot of buildings, And there's even a Medic achievement for being MVP without getting ANY kills. I'm not saying you should not kill players in TF2, I'm just saying you can still be a good player with a bad k/d ration as ANY Class.

angstyHoodie wrote:

I like TF2, even though I suck at it. My Kill/Death top ration is 6 to 10.

>Disregard Kills
>Acquire "Credit to Team" points

Also, What Hats do you guys have. I have atleast 4 Non-Dirty Hats, Non-Dirty as in I can Trade them and Craft.

Deadcone, I recently got this hat from Drop.

Ol' Snaggletooth, I actually Crafted this hat, it was worth the weight.

Billycock Backbiter, Not my favorite to still good to have.

Handyman's Handle, I have Two of my favorite hat, both from Drop. I'll be willing to trade second Handyman's Handle if someone has a hat just as good as this.

Last edited 12 years ago

I did a lot of trading recently, and I've got some pretty awesome ones, all clean. Barring the obvious ones like Ellis' Cap, and the Ghastlier Gibus, I have….

Officer's Ushanka. Very first hat I got from a friend for buying the game. My favorite hat, as Heavy is best class.

Proof of Purchase. Bought the damn thing a week before it went free. Oh well, at least the PoP is an awesome hat. I use it on my Soldier and my combat Engineer.

Copper's Hard Top. First had I crafted. I used achievement items for the metals, so it's nontradable, but oh well. It's a cool hat.

Hotrod. Been wanting to get one forever, and finally traded for it the other day.
Other hats I'm not including pictures for: Ellis' Cap, MONOCULUS!, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head, Seal Mask, Manniversary Paper Hat, Party Hat, Ghastlier Gibus, Bolt Action Blitzer

With some trading, I also have most of the Heavy's Halloween costume. I'm just missing the Can Opener, but the Ghastlier Gibus makes a good replacement. Also, it's the only time I'll ever use that hat. I also have the Professor Speks because I am good teacher, and the Summer Shades. I also have the Sandvich Safe from the BEST TRADE EVER (Schadenfreude for it), and a Pocket Medic I got from an Ornament Armament. Not to mention I also have that renamed Iron Curtain. Overall, my Heavy's pretty pimped out.

Only way he could be more pimpin' is if he had a High Five!, the GRU were strange, and maybe if the Ushanka was unusual. Not that I care about that much.
All in all, my Hoovy is badass.

Yesterday i got this its called Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet i'm glad too because it seems rare
After i got it some one sent me a trade request

The Pilotka
Even though the TF2 wiki says this is a promotional headwear i rebuilt it

Familiar Fez
I forgot when i got this but when i noticed it notso got so jelly (i also got the Eternal Reward and the L'Etranger which means i got all the items in the Saharan Spy set)

Stately Steel Toe
I got this a long time ago and for some reason just noticed that it was a level 74 hat

Last edited 12 years ago

Cite wrote:

Don't give a s**t about your K/D. A lot of really good players tend to have more deaths than kills. Focus on capping points and pushing the damn cart. Don't go out of your way for kills, unless maybe you're a Spy or Sniper.

You're right, I guess I just need to stop thinking of TF2 like every other shooter.

I suppose I feel like a noob because I am one, I'm still using default weapons, and the only two classes I play are Soldier and Demoman.

Not to mention I only have one hat, the Proof of Purpose, and it was free.

angstyHoodie wrote:

You're right, I guess I just need to stop thinking of TF2 like every other shooter.

I'm just saying but you kind of just thought of this now..?

And don't worry about sucking, you are supposed to suck when you first play. Everyone does because, yeah, this is not your average shooter game.
And to be honest, a 3:5 k/d ratio ( > 2012 , not simplifying fractions) is actually really good. When I first started I literally had a 1:10 k/d for the first few days of playing time. Then you just…get good. I can speak on behalf of multiple people I have introduced the game to. You suck, then suddenly you have an awesome match and then just…do better from there on.
And no one really cares if you're bad because a single person doesn't really hold up the team (unless you're a Medic, then everyone loves you). Plus there aren't any stupid profiles that you can be paranoid over people looking at your horrible k/d when you first start out.


Holy Cow, you guys were right. I just gotten out of a capture game and was playing as a Scout, and in less then about a minute I was able to capture all the points, and I didn't get hit once.

First time I ever topped the leaderboard for the whole game. Not just my team.
I am credit.

Just got a New Hat from Drop.

The Magnificent Mongolian for the Heavy,
I kind of like it, So i'm keeping it, Or maybe i'll use one of my paint buckets for once.

Last edited 12 years ago

Cite wrote:

First time I ever topped the leaderboard for the whole game. Not just my team.
I am credit.

I don't want to But Here's the Leaderboard of a TF2 Game I just played.
Mind that some of the players Quit at this point.


But I've played much longer and This was not my frist time Top Player
So if that was you're first time top player, Cool for you.
ITT:We are Credit to Team.

Last edited 12 years ago


How long have you been playing? I top leaderboards all the time and I'm not that great! 0_o

My hats are as follows:

Genuine Hats/Accessories:
Genuine El Jefe
Genuine Purity Fist
Genuine Janissary Ketche
Genuine Pip-Boy
Genuine Stahlhelm
Genuine Pilotka
Genuine Conjurer's Cowl
Genuine Bushman's Boonie
Genuine Battle Bob
Genuine Merc Medal

Non Genuine Clean Hats:
Purity Fist
Blighted Beak
Grimm Hatte
Villain's Veil
Trophy Belt
Soldier's Stash
Prussian Pickelhaube
Buckaroos Hat
Old Guadalajara
Vintage Camera Beard
Dealer's Visor
Berliner's Bucket Helm

Halloween items:
Emerald Jarate
Hair of the Dog
Haunted Intangible Ascot
Tail From the Crypt

And I'm not gonna list the non tradeables and obvious ones like Gibus and Mannco hat but if anyone wants to trade me, I'm up for a deal. But be aware I don't want to part with my genuines and some of my hats because I use them as sets (ie, Blighted Beak+Grimm Hatte is baws)

But I am willing to trade the Buckaroos Hat, Berliner's Bucket Helm, Purity Fist for other hats or refined metal. Just contact me.

And OH! I'm trading away all my Halloween items except the Emerald Jarate and Tail from the Crypt.

Last edited 12 years ago

By the way, in this article, there's talk that Valve announced a new secret project that's something new, any thoughts what that could be?

Obviously, it's a huge new rendering engine that can have 24 players playing on a hat/map hybrid while 24 players wearing the hat/maps will also play a game of TF2. So basically, on one server there can be 25 matches of TF2 at any one time.

I haven't played in a while unfortunately. Just curious, since the Sandvich alt nerf, do people actually use shotguns as heavy now? And have I missed out on any new weapon adds since the engie/pyro update?

Jackal Lantern wrote:

I haven't played in a while unfortunately. Just curious, since the Sandvich alt nerf, do people actually use shotguns as heavy now? And have I missed out on any new weapon adds since the engie/pyro update?

No, Heavies still don't use the shotgun. It's not as big a nerf as you'd think. It also encourages players to give Sandviches to their Medics, thankfully.
Also, you've missed… two or three, I think.
Added since the Pyro/Engie update: the Wrap Assassin, the Holiday Punch, and the Spy-cicle.
There haven't been any major updates since Australian Christmas 2011.

I've already seen those weapons. I think they came out at the same time as the engie/pyro update, or at least within a very slim timeframe.

Glad to see the nerf encouraged teamwork at least. Still kinda sucks that people totally overlook the shotgun. Works great with the Brass Beast. Oh well. As much as I dislike it when good weapons go under-rated, I suppose it's for the best. I hear Brass Beast goes for as low as one Ref.! >:]

Jackal Lantern wrote:

I've already seen those weapons. I think they came out at the same time as the engie/pyro update, or at least within a very slim timeframe.

Glad to see the nerf encouraged teamwork at least. Still kinda sucks that people totally overlook the shotgun. Works great with the Brass Beast. Oh well. As much as I dislike it when good weapons go under-rated, I suppose it's for the best. I hear Brass Beast goes for as low as one Ref.! >:]

>brass beast
>one refined

Dude, never spend more than two scrap for a weapon unless it's been out for less than three weeks.
Also, the Brass Beast is pathetic.

CitationNeeded Wrote:

Dude, never spend more than two scrap for a weapon unless it’s been out for less than three weeks.

Then i guess i should've not crafted my Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker

Recently found out that my Summer Shades are apparently worth 5 keys.
Definitely not trading that now. It's like the only item of superiority that I have since Cloud mysteriously erases my vintage hats from my backpack and Valve never gave me my season 5 Highlander medal :I


Aww man, you guy's have so many cool hats! I don't even have one yet….

Some of the older hats are real cheap now in terms of metal. if you have 2-3 refined metal sitting around, you can trade it for a decent hat online.

For example, the Sniper's Desert Marauder and other "Craft Hats" go for about 1.66 Refined metal (That's one refined+2 reclaimed metal)

So smelt your extra junk weapons and trade 'em for hats!

Riyku wrote:

CitationNeeded Wrote:

Dude, never spend more than two scrap for a weapon unless it’s been out for less than three weeks.

Then i guess i should've not crafted my Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker

That's different. The only way to get that weapon is by crafting.

IcedHotChocolate wrote:

Recently found out that my Summer Shades are apparently worth 5 keys.

Did you paint them?

Looking for Strange Equalizer, will give metal….


Your choice, although the choice is obvious.

God i want TF2. Dunno if i can get it or not. i only get 10g of internet a month, so i question, How many gigabytes or kilobytes does Steam itself require for download, and how many Kb does TF2 take up?

💜✨KaijuSundae✨💜 wrote:

God i want TF2. Dunno if i can get it or not. i only get 10g of internet a month, so i question, How many gigabytes or kilobytes does Steam itself require for download, and how many Kb does TF2 take up?

>Asking about Kilobytes and Gigabytes
>skips megabytes

TF2 overall is around 8 gigs to download, give or take. As for your internet limitations, 10 g should be enough; TF2 uses 105 megs an hour.

So, I went to tf2spreadsheets and this is all I see:

What do?

I mean, it doesn't show me the chart like it used to. Does it happen to anyone else or just me?

Last edited 12 years ago

Works for me. Try Ctrl-F5 or clicking the buttons on the top till it comes up.


Updated the Frying Pan so it can also be equipped by the Scout, Sniper, Medic, Heavy, and Pyro

burning_phoneix wrote:

Works for me. Try Ctrl-F5 or clicking the buttons on the top till it comes up.


Updated the Frying Pan so it can also be equipped by the Scout, Sniper, Medic, Heavy, and Pyro

I used to have a Frying Pan…

You'd think that blue pyro would have airblasted those things away :P

burning_phoneix wrote:

You'd think that blue pyro would have airblasted those things away :P

"Well, we could try burning those here stickies awa- nope, hmm. Let's see how this flare gun wor- nothing. Welp. I'm out of ideas."

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