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The Walking Dead Season 2 Discussion

Last posted Sep 05, 2014 at 07:04PM EDT. Added Sep 05, 2014 at 01:02PM EDT
4 posts from 2 users


So, yesterday, I bought the Walking Dead Season Pass for Season 2 and played through all of the episodes. I was hesitant to browse KYM and other sites before doing so, because spoilers.

Now that I have played for myself, anyone who has played through it, I'd like to read your thoughts on the episodes, characters, what have you, and give some of my own.

Arvo is horrible.
Bonnie was dumb since she continued to walk on the ice after Luke told her to go away. Then blames you for his death.
I sincerely wished the option to shoot Mike was still in the game instead of patched out due to Ferguson. At least then Arvo had a reason to cap a little girl.
Jane is just.. no.

Kenny was the only great character honestly.

Engie wrote:

Arvo is horrible.
Bonnie was dumb since she continued to walk on the ice after Luke told her to go away. Then blames you for his death.
I sincerely wished the option to shoot Mike was still in the game instead of patched out due to Ferguson. At least then Arvo had a reason to cap a little girl.
Jane is just.. no.

Kenny was the only great character honestly.

Okay, so two things.

1) Did Ferguson really had anything to do with shooting Mike being patched?

2) This is about all of Season 2, not just episode 5.

RandoChris The Uncommitted Furry wrote:

Okay, so two things.

1) Did Ferguson really had anything to do with shooting Mike being patched?

2) This is about all of Season 2, not just episode 5.

For one, Yes. Somewhere along the lines the patched it up day one on PS3 due to the controversial part of shooting a black person. Many took it as a strong hint that TellTale wanted nothing to do with what was happening at the time.

Two, Eps5 seemed to be the only one that mattered. The rest of the game was okay and it really didn't hold up. Some characters were barely memorable but could have been a lot more interesting had they survived. Sarah could have redeemed herself but instead was killed early as one of the most useless characters. Every character from 400 days could have made a large impact but instead we were stuck with Bonnie. The others just made a ten second cameo appearance in Eps3 I think. Pete/Nick could have been pretty great but was cut off early.
It's a great game but there was a lot of wasted opportunities.


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