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Favorite video game weapon

Last posted Jan 25, 2016 at 04:25PM EST. Added Jan 11, 2016 at 10:51AM EST
33 posts from 32 users

It can be a weapon from just about any game series. From medieval to scifi to modern day shooters.

To start for me it has to be Chillrend from the elder scrolls series. The sword itself looks cool and counting on the fact it does Ice Damage and can freeze an enemy for about a 10 seconds makes it all the while fun to have and it's custom blade animation with most coming off it makes it even better. Alright now that I stated mine let me see all yours.

I was always really good with the Spartan laser from halo and I loved the weapon in general. But the best weapon would be the pulse wave torpedo launcher from xcom terror from the deep. It's a missile launcher you can guide around corners and it practically never misses.

Give me a shotgun and I'll take on the world. They're almost invariably my favorite weapon in any shooter. But Painkiller's shotgun is extra special. When it's not blowing demons a hundred feet across the room, it has a built-in freezethrower that can be used to practice your Lin Kuei skills.

A classic and a morbid one. First, you need to detect an organism with a brain. Next up, you proceed to launch the bore. Then, watch how said bore penetrates the skull of the target to extract brain fluid. And finally, when there's nothing else to expell to the surface, the bore will detonate, sending the whole head through a one way ticket to oblivion.

Last edited Jan 11, 2016 at 01:15PM EST


Seriously. One of the best moments in gaming for me, ending of Fallout 1 let you use rational argumentation as a weapon. Or Deus Ex with its masterfully written dialogue with "Daedlus". Those are the moments when words are your weapons, and beating them by those means is incredibly satisfying.

Hands down it's gotta be Lucifer from DMC4 or Nevan from DMC3

Lucifer is.. a strange one.

The weapon actually kind of gives me a headache.

I swear the person who designed it needs a pay-raise and mandated therapy.

Concept is, it summons needles that float in the air where you place them.

Each needle has its own timer before it explodes----and when it does, it knocks back anything it hits.

Beyond that, any enemy that walks into a needle will have it stuck inside them.

There are various commands to move them, collect them, or rearrange them in various compositions---as well as manually detonating them.

Simply put, it's a crowd control weapon

But, it's that weapon that nooblets hate because it sucks while experts are fawning over because it's fucking insane.

This video right here shows some of what you can do with it

The section at 1:06 is a small combo that uses Pandora (The briefcase that spawns a gatling gun), E&I and Lucifer---I decided to point it out for how he manipulates that single Scarecrow's movements using explosions

The entire video though is filled with examples of Lucifer being useful for various positioning and movement tricks-----But a lot of the combo mads that use all the weapons have more intricate tricks, as the weapon, while perfectly capable of standing by itself, works the best when it's used to augment other weapons rather than being the primary focus

Bonus points for having the best acquisition cutscene ever

Nevan, on the other hand, is basically Lucifer's predecessor as a crowd control weapon.

It's not nearly as mindmelting, but instead _face_melting.

Nevan can be summed up like this: A Purple, Literal Electric Guitar that summons bats, shoots purple lightning bolts and is used as a scythe---and is also a sexy redheaded celtic vampire fairy succubus courtesan.

No, really.

Just watch this video

Dante's got some mad fingering skills, huh?


Get yer mind out of the gutter! I'm talking about the guitar! (But there is a reason why guitarists are popular among the ladies ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ)

Here's some pitifully low-res gameplay of the weapon in action

Her actual bossfight is one of my favorites, as well

Last edited Jan 11, 2016 at 03:06PM EST

I have a lot of favorite weapons in various video games, but here's a few that stand out to me:

"Love Is Blue", from Bayonetta 2
Nice and simple weapons, with a stylish look and ever useful combos. Plus, you can't go wrong with having four guns at the same time.

"Omega Yato", from Fire Emblem Fates and Super Smash Bros.
It's a fucking golden, flaming, god-slaying chainsaw sword. If that isn't badass, I don't know what is.

"Monado", from Xenoblade Chronicles
Awesome design? Check. Freaking huge? Check. Has an even bigger laser blade? Check. Can use a variety of Arts that can change the flow of battle? Check. Can let the user see into the future? Super check. This thing is fucking awesome.

Nate χ (Blade of Dawn) wrote:

I have a lot of favorite weapons in various video games, but here's a few that stand out to me:

"Love Is Blue", from Bayonetta 2
Nice and simple weapons, with a stylish look and ever useful combos. Plus, you can't go wrong with having four guns at the same time.

"Omega Yato", from Fire Emblem Fates and Super Smash Bros.
It's a fucking golden, flaming, god-slaying chainsaw sword. If that isn't badass, I don't know what is.

"Monado", from Xenoblade Chronicles
Awesome design? Check. Freaking huge? Check. Has an even bigger laser blade? Check. Can use a variety of Arts that can change the flow of battle? Check. Can let the user see into the future? Super check. This thing is fucking awesome.

Never played a Xenoblade game, so if you could clear something up for me, that'd be just swell. Where's the edge on the Monado when the beam isn't extended? It doesn't look like it's sharpened or anything.

Amaze your team! Impress women! Kill overhealed Heavies in less than a second! Fuck up W+M2 scrubs! All this with a downside the Manmelter (itself an equally useful weapon) can negate a good bit of!

Seriously, this thing is way more useful than the Degreaser could ever hope to be. If you play your cards right (that is, avoid places where Soldiers can spam you to death), it's easily one of the best weapons in TF2 without being outright OP.

Omega Weapon, Final Fantasy XIII
Combines everything awesome about a sword and a gun, and manages to keep that same "FF13" feeling with it. Prime reason why I actually don't hate 13.

No Name(?), Kingdom Hearts 3D
…. Look at it. LOOK AT IT. THIS THING IS AWESOME. Huge improvement on what I consider the usually pretty lackluster Keyblades.

The greatest handgun ever made, the Colt Single Action Army, Metal Gear
Six bullets. More than enough to kill anything that moves. And damn right does it kill anything that moves if you get a shot off on it. Only wish we could actually use it.

Monado II, Xenoblade

Excalibur, SATBK
A holy sword of death and shit wielded by a stupid-fast hedgehog. Not much else to say.

Rebellion, Devil May Cry (Not the shitty reboot)
AKA, Fuck-Uppus-Your-Shittus. You toss this thing around, everything you don't like is fucking dead, period.

Metal FUCKING Gear Sahelanthropus
Impractical? Yes. Unrealistic? Yes. Flawed in too many ways? Yes. Badass beyond belief? HELL YEAH. You'd forget everything wrong with this thing when you see what it can do.
Overall, in general, gimme a sword or a giant mecha and I'll go berserk.

MIMU wrote:

Never played a Xenoblade game, so if you could clear something up for me, that'd be just swell. Where's the edge on the Monado when the beam isn't extended? It doesn't look like it's sharpened or anything.

It's incapable of attacking in that form anytime you initiate battle it opens up and the saber comes out. It being closed is basically a sheath, it's unusable. I'm seconding that the monado is my favorite game weapon. I actually prefer Monado 1 to 2 though sorry Trollanort.

Another fav would definitely be the classic master sword.

Don't even need to explain in basically every game you get this thing the godly glow and the beautiful markings and handle and the sharpness and size makes it feel like you're truly cleaving evil itself with every swing.


Super versatile customizable future mechas that can fly and look so amazing you can masturbate to them for the win.

Last edited Jan 12, 2016 at 12:48AM EST

Teddy Sadcat wrote:

Noobtubes are actually vital in single-player. It's not CoD so complaints are invalid.

M416 is bae. <3

Anyways, I think I've lasted longer using this baby than the stock rocket:

Very precise, cheap ammunition, high damage when fully charged and a powerful melee attack (using the electrified rails in front of the weapon) The volt driver from Metro 2033 is a good weapon in many situations.

Last edited Jan 16, 2016 at 03:53PM EST

"This Machine" From F:NV has always been one of my favorite weapons in a video game. Eight rounds in a magazine, good damage, ammo is pretty cheap in-game, and it's an m1 garand! I've always loved that gun. Simple but awesome, as TV tropes would say. I'd like to eventually get one IRL even.

It's especially fun using it to romp around while in power armor for a nice schizo tech feel. I can't wait until the F04 G.E.C.K. comes out so I can properly mod it into Fallout 4. I'm eventually going to make a nice big quest mod for that game, so why not? I'll probably make it have a variant that shoots lasers though since I'm a jackass.

Look at this shit. Looks stupid right? Well, I can assure you, it is most certainly not stupid when you use it to usher forth a flurry of pink death that causes your enemies to violently explode. Usually multiple times. And it can home in on targets. And it can be dual wielded in 2.

Can't go wrong with a giant fuck-all axe of destruction.

The "Black Knight Greataxe" of Dark Souls 1 is probably one of my most loved weapons in my limited memory, barely rising over the Demon's Greataxe. Huge damage, enormous rage, swing combos, and a massive uppercut swing just in case you need a little more style. Easily one of the more elegant strength weapons, and it's actually very good for PvP as well, and can punish backstab fishing as well as break guards in no time at all.

I don't think I have a single favorite but I'll list a few from games I like and my reasoning.
Stickybomb Launcher (TF2):

Such a versatile weapon: traps, A.O.D, mobility, and spamability.
Arc Caster (Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2):

♫You've been…THUNDERSTRUCK!♫ Hit-stun and kills most infantry in 2 shots or less. Also good for taking out heroes when used with jump pack.
Holy Moonlight Blade (Souls series):

What do you get when you combine Dragonslayer, a lightsaber (in terms of appearance not actual power), and the ability to shot energy projectiles like in The Legend of Zelda? Me drooling at the mouth.
Metal Gear Rex (Metal Gear Solid 1 and 4):

Do I even have to say why? It's a giant robot created by an otaku with an arsenal of weapons, the ability to shoot undetectable nukes, and it's design is based off of, arguably, one of the most iconic dinosaurs that ever lived (it even roars like one). Even when this thing is half busted in MGS4 it can still kick the other giant robot's ass.

Last edited Jan 17, 2016 at 09:10PM EST

Metal Blade (Mega Man 2):

The gamebreaker of 2, this simpistic weapon is deadly because not only it can take down half of the robot masters, it has tons of ammo and can allow you to fire 8 directions, something the Mega Buster lacks.

The Vector Cannon is hands down one of, if not, the most powerful usable weapon in any video game out there.
To start off your already in a 60ft mech capable of single-handedly wiping out a armada with it's fire power alone, but when you really want to vaporize your opponents you materialize a cannon on your back that is larger than your mech itself.
Then you have to wait 15 seconds for all of the auxiliary systems to boot up while you mech simultaneously anchors itself to the ground to not be blown away by the recoil of the shot.
Finally when all systems are booted up it lets off a laser beam so intense it vaporizes absolutely everything in front of it within 3 miles of it.

What makes it the coolest weapon isn't even it's power cause you eventually replace it later in the game to be able to have your mech do instant-transmissions, it's the sheer satisfaction of how gratuitously overkill it is.

The Rosary Whips are probably easily my favorite Video Game Weapon.

I just like magical weapons that are fast, hit hard, and have long range. And this is one of if not the only weapons I know that meets that requirement.

Boy, that's a hard one.

The closest thing would probably be any minigun in a video game that can be carried around. I know that's extremely broad, but still. It's even better when they take the place of your standard automatic weapon rather than an assault rifle (I know some old-school FPSes, like Doom and Unreal Tournament did this).

StoneColdKillerWhale wrote:

The Vector Cannon is hands down one of, if not, the most powerful usable weapon in any video game out there.
To start off your already in a 60ft mech capable of single-handedly wiping out a armada with it's fire power alone, but when you really want to vaporize your opponents you materialize a cannon on your back that is larger than your mech itself.
Then you have to wait 15 seconds for all of the auxiliary systems to boot up while you mech simultaneously anchors itself to the ground to not be blown away by the recoil of the shot.
Finally when all systems are booted up it lets off a laser beam so intense it vaporizes absolutely everything in front of it within 3 miles of it.

What makes it the coolest weapon isn't even it's power cause you eventually replace it later in the game to be able to have your mech do instant-transmissions, it's the sheer satisfaction of how gratuitously overkill it is.

Usually I just upvote a post I agree with but in this case I have to ditto you, this is would also be my choice, happy to see people remember this gun.

This cannon is literally capable of single-handedly shooting down battleships and cruisers and breaking unbreakable shields, apparently firing "compressed space"

Life-ring has started revolving
Ready to fire


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