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Nintendo suing two ROM distributors and github emulator for potentially billions of dollars.

Last posted Aug 17, 2018 at 08:44PM EDT. Added Jul 24, 2018 at 06:29PM EDT
11 posts from 8 users

And by "potentially billions", I mean "$150,000 for each case of copyright infringement found on the sites as well as up to $2 million for each infringement of one of its trademarks. Nintendo also seeks “compensatory damages” and an award to cover its legal fees."

This is honestly kind of just a dick move on Nintendo's part. Sure they have "the rights" to protect their business, but these are ROMs. They're incredibly old, classic, minuscule files that should not cost more than, say, 3 dollars, and Nintendo is suing for up to $150,000 for each one. Imagine having to pay that much money just to play Balloon Fight on your 3DS. It's absolutely not worth it, and this just feels like obscene greed.

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Nintendo has in no position of proving them how poorly they and their games have been doing commercially.

I just hate how few people in suits decide what they think is best for company.

Evilthing wrote:

Nintendo has in no position of proving them how poorly they and their games have been doing commercially.

I just hate how few people in suits decide what they think is best for company.

What? They've been doing extremely well, no? Splatoon is huge in Japan, a ton of hype is being generated by Smash Ultimate, BoTW and SMO met critical acclaim. This is a shitty thing they're doing, but I don't think they're failing commercially.

NotaDick wrote:

What? They've been doing extremely well, no? Splatoon is huge in Japan, a ton of hype is being generated by Smash Ultimate, BoTW and SMO met critical acclaim. This is a shitty thing they're doing, but I don't think they're failing commercially.

That's what I said. Nintendo needs to be doing poorly commercially to have at least some evidence of those ROMs putting a dent on their cashflow.

Last edited Jul 25, 2018 at 11:22PM EDT

I know it's just Nintindo trying to protect their IP but damn, how hard is it for them to have a Virtual Console for the Switch? People would gladly pay money for a legal downloadable copy of an old game if it means not having to resort to any "grey" (or possibly illegal) methods to have access to a game they want to play.

You know….I wish there was a law where you could actually lose your copyright if you don't do the best of your abilities to give the customers what they need and if someone can prove they're better distributors of stuff than they are. And using copyright and trademark laws destructively wouldn't count towards protecting your copyright or trademark.

But copyright is more universal than right to live. And that's a big problem.

I bet majority of current Nintendo employees haven't done anything to make those games that were released decades ago anyway.

Last edited Aug 15, 2018 at 08:18AM EDT

One big mistake those sites is doing is the message they display. Such complacement only encourages Nintendo and other companies to continue their consumer-hostile practices.

If those sites (and fangame sites) would actually start to rebel and call for revolt against such practices, maybe we could see other results.

Last edited Aug 17, 2018 at 06:59PM EDT

Evilthing wrote:

One big mistake those sites is doing is the message they display. Such complacement only encourages Nintendo and other companies to continue their consumer-hostile practices.

If those sites (and fangame sites) would actually start to rebel and call for revolt against such practices, maybe we could see other results.

Here's the problem with your "ROM hosting sites revolting against Nintendo" idea: At the end of the day, Nintendo is the one with the money and power in this situation, and would win against the revolution. Now I'm not defending Nintendo at all for what they did to ROM sites, but trying to stage a revolt for something like this would simply fall on deaf ears on Nintendo's part.


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