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Remasters, Remakes, and Reboots Part 2

Last posted Oct 09, 2023 at 12:58PM EDT. Added Sep 24, 2023 at 02:43PM EDT
13 posts from 5 users

Made a thread on this a few years ago

Wanna revisit it.

So give me some you've played recently, and some old games you really wanna see get some love.

In case anyone is iffy on the definitions.

Taking an existing game, and making it functional on newer consoles, while also polishing up the visuals.

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5, Shadow of the Colossus (PS3), Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, Batman Return to Arkham, Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut, FF7 Remake Intergrade.

This is where someone takes the game and improves the graphics as well as gameplay. Everything is the same, level design, cutscenes, controls, gameplay etc etc. It’s just that the graphics look better and the gameplay is smoother.

Shadow of the Colossus (PS4), Modern Warfare 1 and 2 Remastered, Gears of War Ultimate Edition, Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary.

This is where a game is completely remade from the ground up. While it does somewhat attempt to tell the same story again, it generally has an entirely new graphics engine, completely redone and even brand new cutscenes, and sometimes it may even have a new style of gameplay.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Resident Evil 2 (2019), Resident Evil 3 (2020), Tony Hawks ProSkater 1+2.

Something completely new and entirely from the ground up. Sometimes the only thing these will have in common with the original are similar characters and setting.

Modern Warfare (2019) Shinobi (PS2), Doom (2016), Wolfenstein (2014), EA’s Battlefront (not sure on this one)

Last edited Sep 24, 2023 at 02:44PM EDT

I played Modern Warfare 2 remastered. I'd rate it well, if it wasn't for the fact that they completely left out multiplayer and the spec ops mode.

On top of that, Modern Warfare 2 reboot was ass. So its been pretty dissappointing so far.

As for a wishlitst. I'd really like for Sony to give Sly the Crash Bandicoot treatment. A remake (or hell, even a remaster) of the first 3 Sly games would be gold.

The Live A Live remake that came out last year was Excellent!!

-Used that HD-2D engine Square had, and it really shined with this game
-Finally an official localization of the game with a new script that still has all the same beats as the original!
-Voice acting (which while not necessarily needed) that was well done and fit the vibe of each time period!
-Amazingly remixed ost by Yoko Shimomura, with some new tracks in as well!
-A new final boss should you recruit everyone in the final chapter at least once, which finally gives Oersted a chance to redeem himself!

I’ve played the hell out of Metroid Prime Remastered earlier this year. The updated graphics blew me away and the controls helped be become acquainted to the GameCube classic.

I am very much looking forward to the Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario TTYD remakes considering for a while, it seemed like all hope for Mario RPGs was lost. I can’t wait to see all the old fan favorite characters in HD. I’m curious about how the Thousand Year Door remake will handle Vivian’s gender this time around. Maybe she could be a more respectful depiction of a trans woman compared to before. We’ll just have to wait and see.

If Capcom's gonna remake another RE in the near future then it absolutely needs to be Code Veronica. Frankly they should have remade CV before doing RE4, but I guess they wanted to go straight to 4 first since they already brought back some of 4's mechanics in Village. One element I'd love to see in a CV remake would be to give Steve more playable sections, just like how Carlos got more playable sections in the RE3 remake. And then if Capcom really wants to keep the remake train chugging then after CV the only ones I feel make the most sense would be RE1 and Zero as those games are still only playable in the old fashioned "fixed camera angles and tank controls" style. If Capcom goes right to remaking RE5 after 4 then I'll really be going "the hell?" because if you thought 4 "didn't need a remake" then 5 needs it even less, that game already had the quality of life enhancements I wished the original RE4 had.

Mistress Fortune wrote:

If Capcom's gonna remake another RE in the near future then it absolutely needs to be Code Veronica. Frankly they should have remade CV before doing RE4, but I guess they wanted to go straight to 4 first since they already brought back some of 4's mechanics in Village. One element I'd love to see in a CV remake would be to give Steve more playable sections, just like how Carlos got more playable sections in the RE3 remake. And then if Capcom really wants to keep the remake train chugging then after CV the only ones I feel make the most sense would be RE1 and Zero as those games are still only playable in the old fashioned "fixed camera angles and tank controls" style. If Capcom goes right to remaking RE5 after 4 then I'll really be going "the hell?" because if you thought 4 "didn't need a remake" then 5 needs it even less, that game already had the quality of life enhancements I wished the original RE4 had.

I’d also want Code Veronica remade,

mostly to see D.C. Douglas voice Wesker again

Pokejoseph64 wrote:

I’d also want Code Veronica remade,

mostly to see D.C. Douglas voice Wesker again

Like Steven above said, he's been fired. He broke NDA a couple years back by sharing concept art and confirming the RE4 remake before Capcom officially announced it and Capcom weren't happy about it. Douglas confirmed on his personal Instagram he isn't returning to the role. Wesker's voice in the RE 4 remake is a dude named Craig Burnatowski, so I assume if a Code Veronica remake happens then that's who's gonna voice Wesker.

Mistress Fortune wrote:

Like Steven above said, he's been fired. He broke NDA a couple years back by sharing concept art and confirming the RE4 remake before Capcom officially announced it and Capcom weren't happy about it. Douglas confirmed on his personal Instagram he isn't returning to the role. Wesker's voice in the RE 4 remake is a dude named Craig Burnatowski, so I assume if a Code Veronica remake happens then that's who's gonna voice Wesker.

Night Dive's been on a real roll when it comes to remasters, playing Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition on Switch now and having fun with it, can't wait for Turok 3 next month because I've been wanting to see the remastered N64 Turok trilogy completed for years now. Now that Night Dive is owned by Atari it also looks like Blood: Fresh Supply might be getting updates again soon (Night Dive wanted to keep updating it to keep hardcore fans like Civvie happy, but ran into trouble when Atari stopped paying ND to keep updates going, but stuff found in the backend indicates they're working on it again), and I'd like to see Blood get a console port one day just so everyone can experience it (it's also weird the remaster of Shadow Warrior 1997 from about a decade ago never got a console edition, but yet did go to mobile devices for some reason).

With all the COD remaster's they're doing I'd really like for them to Remaster World at War and Black Ops 1. And actually leave in the Zombies and Multiplayer.

Also I'd Bandai/Namco forever if they announced remasters of the old PS2 Ace Combat games.

For CoD I'm honestly surprised a remaster of Modern Warfare 3 2011 isn't being made to go with the MW3 that's part of the reboot trilogy (they could easily have made it a part of the $100 "special edition"). They did MW 2007 and MW2 2009 remasters but yet the final part of the original trilogy isn't getting the same treatment.

For the PS2 Ace Combat games, I know AC5 was included as a pre-order bonus for AC7, but ONLY for the PS4 version. Pre-ordering the Xbox One version got you a code for AC6 from the Xbox 360, which is backwards compatible, so for someone who already owns a physical copy of AC6 the PS4 pre-order bonus was much more worth it. Weirdly Bandai-Namco aren't selling either game digitally on their own, it's legit a case of "you could only get them digitally by pre-ordering, so if you didn't back in 2019 then tough luck bucko." I think the reason why is due to the licensing for the jets featured in the games, like they could get around rights issues by making both AC5 and 6 free pre-order bonuses, but can't sell them unless they re-up the licenses for both. Interestingly the digital release of AC5 still kept the Puddle of Mudd song "Blurry."

But yeah Bandai-Namco really should remaster the PS2 AC games because damn I loved those games, AC4 is also what got me into the series.


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