Ad blocking - Videos
Brand Killer

Brand Killer
Adblock Plus Shows Cat on April Fool

Adblock Plus Shows Cat on April Fool
Why Ad Blocking Sucks And Why You Shouldn't Use It

Why Ad Blocking Sucks And Why You Shouldn't Use It
Why you shouldn't use AdBlock on YouTube: No Ads, No Fun.

Why you shouldn't use AdBlock on YouTube: No Ads, No Fun.
Paid YouTube Subscriptions, AdBlock, and Monetization of Online Media

Paid YouTube Subscriptions, AdBlock, and Monetization of Online Media
Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus
14,000 Subscribers! Why Not To Use Adblock!

14,000 Subscribers! Why Not To Use Adblock!
AdBlock is crowdfunding to tell the world about the ad-free Internet!

AdBlock is crowdfunding to tell the world about the ad-free Internet!
adblock is dumb

adblock is dumb
Why You Should Not Use Adblock: How It Affects Youtube And Other Free Medias

Why You Should Not Use Adblock: How It Affects Youtube And Other Free Medias
Is Adblock Plus a Scam? Is Internet Advertisement Broken?

Is Adblock Plus a Scam? Is Internet Advertisement Broken?
Adblock Creators are Scum and need YOUR MONEY to destroy the internet! Ads for Adblock Campaign...

Adblock Creators are Scum and need YOUR MONEY to destroy the internet! Ads for Adblock Campaign...
Dear AdBlock, Kiss My A$$!

Dear AdBlock, Kiss My A$$!
A Message for AdBlock Users and More On "Pay for Subscription" Channels on YouTube

A Message for AdBlock Users and More On "Pay for Subscription" Channels on YouTube
SPECIAL: Please Let the Ads Play