Big Chungus - Images
Call Of Chungus

Big Chungus
Peak Evolution

Big Chungus
Duke Nukem Meets Big Chungus

Big Chungus
Live Action Chungus Confirmed for 2019

Big Chungus
Merry Chungus

Big Chungus
WTF is Outback Steakhouse planning

Big Chungus
big chungus = goty 2018

Big Chungus
Da Wae

Big Chungus
Chungus Kart

Big Chungus
Jim's response to Big Chungus

Big Chungus
Big Chungus II - The Final Fight

Big Chungus
Big Chungus Funny Moments

Big Chungus
tiny pp

Big Chungus
And you thought Ridley was too big?

Big Chungus
I Don’t Really Have the Background in Philosophy
![Anonymous Sat May 27 18:12:21 2017 No.9559798 File: 249 KB, 248x459, 1489615524698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] [report Quoted by:>95598189559928 >>9559930 9559962 I should start by saying that I don't really have the background in philosophy to go deep into the historical ideas behind Land and accelerationism and that the essay in OF is my first reading of Land. One of this first things that struck me about the first few paragraphs was the similarity between his idea that there is some increasingly self-aware, minimally intelligent parasite thriving in the shadows and Colin Wilsons novel "The Mind Parasites." In Wilson's book, the protagonist discovers that since the beginnings of civilization a parasitic "organism" has grown in number while simultaneously infecting the deep subconscious of the human mind. The goal of the parasites was to steer human endeavors to ever grater excess and depravity in order to feed off the inevitable wake of misery. It's a great book and Wilson does a great job of developing the idea, but I'm not sure that I can accept the fantastical notion that capitalism has become self aware. I have a feeling Land is being more literary and metaphorical than anything else.](
![Anonymous Sat May 27 18:12:21 2017 No.9559798 File: 249 KB, 248x459, 1489615524698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] [report Quoted by:>95598189559928 >>9559930 9559962 I should start by saying that I don't really have the background in philosophy to go deep into the historical ideas behind Land and accelerationism and that the essay in OF is my first reading of Land. One of this first things that struck me about the first few paragraphs was the similarity between his idea that there is some increasingly self-aware, minimally intelligent parasite thriving in the shadows and Colin Wilsons novel "The Mind Parasites." In Wilson's book, the protagonist discovers that since the beginnings of civilization a parasitic "organism" has grown in number while simultaneously infecting the deep subconscious of the human mind. The goal of the parasites was to steer human endeavors to ever grater excess and depravity in order to feed off the inevitable wake of misery. It's a great book and Wilson does a great job of developing the idea, but I'm not sure that I can accept the fantastical notion that capitalism has become self aware. I have a feeling Land is being more literary and metaphorical than anything else.](
Big Chungus
Reading on the Train
![loggle deleted replies File: 249 KB, 248x459, 1499490578802.png [View same] ligdb] [saucenao] [google] [report] O Anonymous Wed Jul 19 02:33:28 2017 No.9774657 Reply] [Original] Quoted by: >>9774660 >>9774666>9774669 >>9774677>>9774743>775251>9775989 >9776186 >>9777747 >>9778227 9778645 >>9778784 >>9779464 >9779770 >>9780955 >>9780994 >>9781137 >>9781327>9781445 >>9781665 >>9783318 >>9783716>>9787484 >>9787912 >>9787933 >>9787960 reading on the train Is there anything more pretentious, more attention-seeking? Anonymous Wed Jul 19 02:34:48 2017 No.9774660 OP Why do you specify train?](
![loggle deleted replies File: 249 KB, 248x459, 1499490578802.png [View same] ligdb] [saucenao] [google] [report] O Anonymous Wed Jul 19 02:33:28 2017 No.9774657 Reply] [Original] Quoted by: >>9774660 >>9774666>9774669 >>9774677>>9774743>775251>9775989 >9776186 >>9777747 >>9778227 9778645 >>9778784 >>9779464 >9779770 >>9780955 >>9780994 >>9781137 >>9781327>9781445 >>9781665 >>9783318 >>9783716>>9787484 >>9787912 >>9787933 >>9787960 reading on the train Is there anything more pretentious, more attention-seeking? Anonymous Wed Jul 19 02:34:48 2017 No.9774660 OP Why do you specify train?](
Big Chungus