Butthurt - Images



Effects of Butthurt



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![hwo do yuu even sit down after that sphincter searing Imao, ur butt deserves to be in a moseum FOR F---, i bet u hope mommy and daddy would jump on the internet right now to save u, but they won't lol (hecuse their too busy f------ ur dog and boyfriend at the same time] ur bawwtism is flaring upagain,don't flail too hard or ur pasty manbuubs might chafe even moar (lmao owned so hared its like ur a slave in 18201 go cry abot on ur facbook except opps u have no frlends nerd) u shuld see a doctor about it exceptibet every tiem u see a male nurse ugetan ereaction U H--- remember that one time u weren't a gigantic felatioqueen me neitherLSHIASAERUMN tlaughing so hard iaccidentally snorted anentirerutabaga upmy nostrils i can't even wipe the tears and crusty sparms off my keyboard fast enough toreply"-u all this dried semen and snotis leakingoutof my nose because iam a sad autistic buttsexman who recesentle had sex with like 14 guys and they all took turns turring my face and anus into a horrifying wasteland of balljuice and shattered dreams"- uagain after getting buttsecksed 50 times ROFL fianal notic before butt eviction: WHIET HOT ANALPOCALYPSE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/751/746/8c0.jpg)
![hwo do yuu even sit down after that sphincter searing Imao, ur butt deserves to be in a moseum FOR F---, i bet u hope mommy and daddy would jump on the internet right now to save u, but they won't lol (hecuse their too busy f------ ur dog and boyfriend at the same time] ur bawwtism is flaring upagain,don't flail too hard or ur pasty manbuubs might chafe even moar (lmao owned so hared its like ur a slave in 18201 go cry abot on ur facbook except opps u have no frlends nerd) u shuld see a doctor about it exceptibet every tiem u see a male nurse ugetan ereaction U H--- remember that one time u weren't a gigantic felatioqueen me neitherLSHIASAERUMN tlaughing so hard iaccidentally snorted anentirerutabaga upmy nostrils i can't even wipe the tears and crusty sparms off my keyboard fast enough toreply"-u all this dried semen and snotis leakingoutof my nose because iam a sad autistic buttsexman who recesentle had sex with like 14 guys and they all took turns turring my face and anus into a horrifying wasteland of balljuice and shattered dreams"- uagain after getting buttsecksed 50 times ROFL fianal notic before butt eviction: WHIET HOT ANALPOCALYPSE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/751/746/8c0.jpg)

Well someone is sore

Green Butthurt



Mr. Ral is clearly butthurt

The creative alliteration is what makes this perfect.
