Social Justice Blogging - Images
SJWs vs. Bears

Social Justice Blogging
Not moving out of woman's way = ?

Social Justice Blogging

Social Justice Blogging
Cows don't work that way

Social Justice Blogging
Too dysphoric to work.

Social Justice Blogging
White people not welcome in elevators

Social Justice Blogging
Double standards

Social Justice Blogging

Social Justice Blogging
Hypocrisy is strong in this one...

Social Justice Blogging
Really now?

Social Justice Blogging
Dress codes...

Social Justice Blogging
So now there are two genders that don't exist.

Social Justice Blogging
Can anyone translate this?

Social Justice Blogging
12 Triggers of CIS-mas (alt. The White Knight Before Chris-misogyny)

Social Justice Blogging
But why?

Social Justice Blogging
Race/population lopsidedness

Social Justice Blogging