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Dorbees is a failed Christian television pilot made by The Gaithers in 1998. They are the ones who also made Gaither's Pond. The only episode, deemed "Making Decisions," featured the plot of the show, which is jumbled and split into multiple segments. It features the tiny balls named Jack and Mary Jane who skip school and go to a haunted house to prove that they're adults. Then, a foreign man named Otto who is looking for clothes must make a deal with 70's buisiness man Dig for making a decision to have a friend or a profit. There are multiple songs included, such as the infamous "I Wanna Be Grown Up."
On December 22nd, 2015, YouTuber Grimy Ghost! uploaded a video called "BALLS JUST WANNA GROW UP." The spread began rapidly among others and then got a slowdown.
On August 24th, 2016, YouTube Movie/Television Show reviewer TheMysteriousMrEnter showcased Dorbees in his ongoing series "Animated Atrocities."
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