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Part of a series on 4chan. [View Related Entries]


In late 2006, stick-figure comics depicting a character who is bound to fail at everything he does started to appear on 4chan.

File :1159165197.gif-(4 KB, 400x400, speak.gif) ■ 09/25/06(Mon)01:19:57 No.13358472 TT EVERYONE FAILS BUT ME FOR BEHOLD, I HAVE BREACHED THE HTML BARRIER AND DESTROYED THE BOUNDARIES BETWEEN IMAGE AND POST WORSHIP ME AS YOUR GOD 0 >> 09/25/06(Mon)01:20:39 No.13358496 File:1159165239.gif-(3 KB, 400x400, speakcorrectbg.gif) whoops try that again: HAHAHA I DO NOT FAIL >> 09/25/06(Mon)01:20:48 No.13358499 U FAILED >> 09/25/06(Mon)01:20:50 No.13358500 File :1159165250.ipg-(9 KB, 315x341, deathisbutadoor jpg) God damn do you suck. >> □ 09/25/06(Mon)01:21:03 No.13358509 File :1159165263 gif-3 KB, 400x400, igiveup.gif) f---

The Character soon became known as "Epic Fail Guy."

On September 30th, 2006, a thread was posted in which "Epic Fail Guy" found a Guy Fawkes mask similar to the one in the movie V for Vendetta in a garbage bin.

File :1159651513. gif-3 KB, 400x400, food gif) 09/3006(Sat) 1625:13 No.13611119 And so, to, I present to you a tread that is 100% fil-proof, giaranteed of sticky In this thread, we MSPaint our favorite foods >>「09/30/06(Sat) 16:25:42 No. 1361 1 135 File :1159651542 (3 KB. 400x400,food gif) Oh, you gotta be shittin' me. >>「093006(Sat)16:30:22 No.13611361 File :1159651822 -(2 KB, 400x400, foodgt) >>「09/30.06(Sat) 16:31:34 No 1361 1423 File :1159651894 (2 KB, 400x400, food >>「093006(Sat)16:32:17 No. 13611451 File :1159651937 f-(2 KB, 400x400, foodgf) eehh ehmf efh emf >>「09/30/06(Sat)16:32:45 No.1361 1473 File :1159651965E2 KB, 400x400, foodg) eh »「09/30.06(Sat)16:32:56 No. 1361 1483 File :1159651976df-(2 KB, 400x400, food >>「093006(Sat) 16:33:15 No. 1361 1507 File :1159631995 -(2 KB, 400x400, foodgf >>「09/30/06(Sat)16:33:33 No 13611525 File 1159652013 s-2 KB, 400x400, food g) This is really awkward »「093006(Sat)16:37:41 No.13611686 Fle:1 -(2 KB, 400x-400, foodgf) Heh heh uh don't mind me guys I was just uh about to throw this away >>「09:3006(Sat)16:39:41 No.13611773 File 1159652381-2 KB, 400x400, food gt) Lemme just go get my trashcan >>「09.3006(Sat)16:39:58 No.13611786 File :1159652398.gf-(780 B, 400x400, food gif) >>「09:30-06(Sat)16:40:30 No. 13611806 File :1159652430.圣(3 KB. 400x400, food lol found my trashcan >>「093006(Sat)16:41:18 No.1361 1828 File :1159652478 -(2 KB, 400x400, foodgt) wait a minute 093006(Sat)16:41:53 No.1361 1857 File :1159652513.of..(2 KB. 400x400, food >> What's that, inside? >>「093006(Sat) 16:42:22 No.1361 1875 File :1159652542 gf-(2 KB, 400x400, foodgf) Let me get a better look at this >>「09/30/06(Sat)16:42:40 No. 1361 1886 File :1159652560 of.(2 KB, 400x400, food »「09:3006(Sat)16:43:04 No. 1361 1904 File :1159652584df-(2 KB, 400x400, food >>「0930 06(Sat)16:44:06 No.13611942 File :1159632646.-(2 KB, 400x400, foodgf >>「09:3006(Sat)16:44:18 No 1361 1952 File :1159652658.豏(3 KB, 400x400, food Well hello there

From this point onward, many more Epic Fail Guy threads would appear on /b/ depicting him both with and without the Guy Fawkes mask. Exactly why EFG wore the mask is unknown, but Anonymous's preference for the mask seems to have grown directly from this meme. As time went on, Epic Fail Guy began to appear almost exclusively wearing the mask.

Epic Fail Guy on YouTube

On October 15th, 2006, YouTube user Chainsaw09 posted the video "Epic Fail Guy on HW lan."

Through the various EFG threads, EFG became something of a beloved 4chan folklore figure. By 2008, a thread appeared in which EFG travels through time, explaining that he has ALWAYS had the mask, in true 4chan revisionist tradition.

Relevance to Chanology

By the time Project Chanology rolled around in January of 2008, Anonymous chose to show up in meatspace wearing the Guy Fawkes masks popularized by V for Vendetta not out of tribute to the movie, but as a way of visually telling Scientology they were an EPIC FAIL.

Epic Get Guy?

Due to 4chan's numbering system utilized for tracking posts, Anonymous has had a long tradition of making a game out of the reply system. When the number begins to approach any significant hallmark (such as post ending in 000,000) an Anon will attempt to claim the post, as can be seen below.

File :1204160722.gif-(15 KB, 799x558, EFG.gif) □ 02/27/08(Wed)20:05:22 No.56000000 THAT'S WRITE M------------, MGONNA GET IT! 57M GET! EPIC FAIL GU Y Tel

In the picture above, Epic Fail Guy would have succeeded in his GET, if not for the sake of exclaiming "57M GET" when what he meant to say was "56M GET."

In the next screen grab, we see the thread in which Epic Fail Guy maneuvered a successful GET for a post ending in 5.

File :1230048376.gif-(3 KB, 400x400, Epic_fail_guy.gif) O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:06 No. 17369695 Hay gaiz. Am i getting 5? O Detective ISY5P×6D7IY 12/23/08(Tue)11:06 No.17369703 Enough. >5 O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:06 No. 17369705 OH GOD WHAT THE F--- O moot 12/23/08(Tue)11:06 No. 17369706 >>17369695 yes f----- O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:07 No. 17369712 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:07 No.17369716 File :1230048448.ipg-(121 KB, 500x409, 1219524017700.jpg) АННННННННННННННННННННН O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:07 No. 17369718 File 1230048452.jpg-(48 KB, 600x600, !.jpg) >>17369695 >EFG >he gets a 5 THIS IS MADNESS O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:07 No.17369720 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF archive this O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:07 No. 17369721 Did Epic Fail Guy just.. succeed? Sage for shock and horror. O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:08 No.17369734 File :1230048538 png-(218 KB, 459x424, laugh.png) DON'T MAKE >>17369695 AAAAAAAGHYRUYKTBILGFTRO! ME LAUGHI MA O Krizalid lld8yGuJYDV40 12/23/08(Tue)11:11 No. 17369773 OH F--- O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:11 No.17369777 >>17369695 OP just divided by 0 O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:12 No. 17369786 EFG WON!? Blasphemy O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:12 No.17369792 O GOD WHAT IS THIS I DONT EVEN KNOW O regginator 12/23/08(Tue)11:13 No.17369800 File :1230048793 gif-(9 KB, 400x400, 1b1318ebbb1ad7f7a160635118b37b(.) gif) Well done sir you got a 5, you may now be called Epic Get Guy O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:13 No.17369807 >>17369800 has a nice ring to it O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:14 No. 17369818 LOL RAGE REACTION THREAD GO! XD >O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:14 No.17369824 >>17369718 Madness? O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:14 No. 17369826 archive request submitted O Soichiro Yagami 12/23/08(Tue)11:16 No.17369859 Well done Matsuda, see you on XBL. O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:17 No. 17369871 OH F--- HE GOT 5 THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE ARCHIVE THIS S--- FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 55555555555555555555 IS NEW FFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:17 No.17369877 File :1230049047 jpg-(57 KB, 704x396, D= jpg) O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:17 No. 17369878 EFG was expected to not get a five, and then got one. Therefore he failed. Good show, old chap. O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:19 No. 17369919 File :1230049196.jpg-(87 KB, 866x771, 1229523356490.jpg) O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:20 No. 17369921 File :1230049201 ipg-(10 KB, 388x307, WHOA.jpg) >>17369695 >5 >EFG O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:20 No.17369924 >>17369878 mind=blown O : 12/23/08(Tue)11:21 No. 17369937 >>17369800 >00 Whatever double 0 says is right, Epic Get Guy O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:24 No.17370007 >>17369878 This O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:28 No. 17370081 EFG is now EGG EPIC GET GUY IS NOW A MEME

Given the 1 in 10 chance, this is not really Epic. There is very little search traffic to reflect any genuine interest in "Epic Get Guy" outside of the historical recount of the character and GET games. Anonymous decided to commonly agree in renaming the character "Epic GET Guy," and Dramatica followed suit.

Google Insights for Search shows that although Epic Fail Guy predates Project Chanology, interest in Epic Fail Guy peaked at the same time as Chanology's peak. Epic Fail Guy also seems to be most popular in Finland.

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stick figure wearing a guy fawkes v for vendetta mask

Epic Fail Guy

Part of a series on 4chan. [View Related Entries]

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In late 2006, stick-figure comics depicting a character who is bound to fail at everything he does started to appear on 4chan.

File :1159165197.gif-(4 KB, 400x400, speak.gif) ■ 09/25/06(Mon)01:19:57 No.13358472 TT EVERYONE FAILS BUT ME FOR BEHOLD, I HAVE BREACHED THE HTML BARRIER AND DESTROYED THE BOUNDARIES BETWEEN IMAGE AND POST WORSHIP ME AS YOUR GOD 0 >> 09/25/06(Mon)01:20:39 No.13358496 File:1159165239.gif-(3 KB, 400x400, speakcorrectbg.gif) whoops try that again: HAHAHA I DO NOT FAIL >> 09/25/06(Mon)01:20:48 No.13358499 U FAILED >> 09/25/06(Mon)01:20:50 No.13358500 File :1159165250.ipg-(9 KB, 315x341, deathisbutadoor jpg) God damn do you suck. >> □ 09/25/06(Mon)01:21:03 No.13358509 File :1159165263 gif-3 KB, 400x400, igiveup.gif) f---

The Character soon became known as "Epic Fail Guy."

On September 30th, 2006, a thread was posted in which "Epic Fail Guy" found a Guy Fawkes mask similar to the one in the movie V for Vendetta in a garbage bin.

File :1159651513. gif-3 KB, 400x400, food gif) 09/3006(Sat) 1625:13 No.13611119 And so, to, I present to you a tread that is 100% fil-proof, giaranteed of sticky In this thread, we MSPaint our favorite foods >>「09/30/06(Sat) 16:25:42 No. 1361 1 135 File :1159651542 (3 KB. 400x400,food gif) Oh, you gotta be shittin' me. >>「093006(Sat)16:30:22 No.13611361 File :1159651822 -(2 KB, 400x400, foodgt) >>「09/30.06(Sat) 16:31:34 No 1361 1423 File :1159651894 (2 KB, 400x400, food >>「093006(Sat)16:32:17 No. 13611451 File :1159651937 f-(2 KB, 400x400, foodgf) eehh ehmf efh emf >>「09/30/06(Sat)16:32:45 No.1361 1473 File :1159651965E2 KB, 400x400, foodg) eh »「09/30.06(Sat)16:32:56 No. 1361 1483 File :1159651976df-(2 KB, 400x400, food >>「093006(Sat) 16:33:15 No. 1361 1507 File :1159631995 -(2 KB, 400x400, foodgf >>「09/30/06(Sat)16:33:33 No 13611525 File 1159652013 s-2 KB, 400x400, food g) This is really awkward »「093006(Sat)16:37:41 No.13611686 Fle:1 -(2 KB, 400x-400, foodgf) Heh heh uh don't mind me guys I was just uh about to throw this away >>「09:3006(Sat)16:39:41 No.13611773 File 1159652381-2 KB, 400x400, food gt) Lemme just go get my trashcan >>「09.3006(Sat)16:39:58 No.13611786 File :1159652398.gf-(780 B, 400x400, food gif) >>「09:30-06(Sat)16:40:30 No. 13611806 File :1159652430.圣(3 KB. 400x400, food lol found my trashcan >>「093006(Sat)16:41:18 No.1361 1828 File :1159652478 -(2 KB, 400x400, foodgt) wait a minute 093006(Sat)16:41:53 No.1361 1857 File :1159652513.of..(2 KB. 400x400, food >> What's that, inside? >>「093006(Sat) 16:42:22 No.1361 1875 File :1159652542 gf-(2 KB, 400x400, foodgf) Let me get a better look at this >>「09/30/06(Sat)16:42:40 No. 1361 1886 File :1159652560 of.(2 KB, 400x400, food »「09:3006(Sat)16:43:04 No. 1361 1904 File :1159652584df-(2 KB, 400x400, food >>「0930 06(Sat)16:44:06 No.13611942 File :1159632646.-(2 KB, 400x400, foodgf >>「09:3006(Sat)16:44:18 No 1361 1952 File :1159652658.豏(3 KB, 400x400, food Well hello there

From this point onward, many more Epic Fail Guy threads would appear on /b/ depicting him both with and without the Guy Fawkes mask. Exactly why EFG wore the mask is unknown, but Anonymous's preference for the mask seems to have grown directly from this meme. As time went on, Epic Fail Guy began to appear almost exclusively wearing the mask.

Epic Fail Guy on YouTube

On October 15th, 2006, YouTube user Chainsaw09 posted the video "Epic Fail Guy on HW lan."

Through the various EFG threads, EFG became something of a beloved 4chan folklore figure. By 2008, a thread appeared in which EFG travels through time, explaining that he has ALWAYS had the mask, in true 4chan revisionist tradition.

Relevance to Chanology

By the time Project Chanology rolled around in January of 2008, Anonymous chose to show up in meatspace wearing the Guy Fawkes masks popularized by V for Vendetta not out of tribute to the movie, but as a way of visually telling Scientology they were an EPIC FAIL.

Epic Get Guy?

Due to 4chan's numbering system utilized for tracking posts, Anonymous has had a long tradition of making a game out of the reply system. When the number begins to approach any significant hallmark (such as post ending in 000,000) an Anon will attempt to claim the post, as can be seen below.

File :1204160722.gif-(15 KB, 799x558, EFG.gif) □ 02/27/08(Wed)20:05:22 No.56000000 THAT'S WRITE M------------, MGONNA GET IT! 57M GET! EPIC FAIL GU Y Tel

In the picture above, Epic Fail Guy would have succeeded in his GET, if not for the sake of exclaiming "57M GET" when what he meant to say was "56M GET."

In the next screen grab, we see the thread in which Epic Fail Guy maneuvered a successful GET for a post ending in 5.

File :1230048376.gif-(3 KB, 400x400, Epic_fail_guy.gif) O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:06 No. 17369695 Hay gaiz. Am i getting 5? O Detective ISY5P×6D7IY 12/23/08(Tue)11:06 No.17369703 Enough. >5 O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:06 No. 17369705 OH GOD WHAT THE F--- O moot 12/23/08(Tue)11:06 No. 17369706 >>17369695 yes f----- O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:07 No. 17369712 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:07 No.17369716 File :1230048448.ipg-(121 KB, 500x409, 1219524017700.jpg) АННННННННННННННННННННН O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:07 No. 17369718 File 1230048452.jpg-(48 KB, 600x600, !.jpg) >>17369695 >EFG >he gets a 5 THIS IS MADNESS O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:07 No.17369720 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF archive this O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:07 No. 17369721 Did Epic Fail Guy just.. succeed? Sage for shock and horror. O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:08 No.17369734 File :1230048538 png-(218 KB, 459x424, laugh.png) DON'T MAKE >>17369695 AAAAAAAGHYRUYKTBILGFTRO! ME LAUGHI MA O Krizalid lld8yGuJYDV40 12/23/08(Tue)11:11 No. 17369773 OH F--- O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:11 No.17369777 >>17369695 OP just divided by 0 O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:12 No. 17369786 EFG WON!? Blasphemy O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:12 No.17369792 O GOD WHAT IS THIS I DONT EVEN KNOW O regginator 12/23/08(Tue)11:13 No.17369800 File :1230048793 gif-(9 KB, 400x400, 1b1318ebbb1ad7f7a160635118b37b(.) gif) Well done sir you got a 5, you may now be called Epic Get Guy O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:13 No.17369807 >>17369800 has a nice ring to it O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:14 No. 17369818 LOL RAGE REACTION THREAD GO! XD >O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:14 No.17369824 >>17369718 Madness? O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:14 No. 17369826 archive request submitted O Soichiro Yagami 12/23/08(Tue)11:16 No.17369859 Well done Matsuda, see you on XBL. O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:17 No. 17369871 OH F--- HE GOT 5 THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE ARCHIVE THIS S--- FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 55555555555555555555 IS NEW FFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:17 No.17369877 File :1230049047 jpg-(57 KB, 704x396, D= jpg) O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:17 No. 17369878 EFG was expected to not get a five, and then got one. Therefore he failed. Good show, old chap. O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:19 No. 17369919 File :1230049196.jpg-(87 KB, 866x771, 1229523356490.jpg) O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:20 No. 17369921 File :1230049201 ipg-(10 KB, 388x307, WHOA.jpg) >>17369695 >5 >EFG O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:20 No.17369924 >>17369878 mind=blown O : 12/23/08(Tue)11:21 No. 17369937 >>17369800 >00 Whatever double 0 says is right, Epic Get Guy O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:24 No.17370007 >>17369878 This O Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)11:28 No. 17370081 EFG is now EGG EPIC GET GUY IS NOW A MEME

Given the 1 in 10 chance, this is not really Epic. There is very little search traffic to reflect any genuine interest in "Epic Get Guy" outside of the historical recount of the character and GET games. Anonymous decided to commonly agree in renaming the character "Epic GET Guy," and Dramatica followed suit.

Google Insights for Search shows that although Epic Fail Guy predates Project Chanology, interest in Epic Fail Guy peaked at the same time as Chanology's peak. Epic Fail Guy also seems to be most popular in Finland.

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