
Chris D'Elia Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Chris D'Elia Sexual Misconduct Allegations
D'elia email

Chris D'Elia Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Chris D’Elia, who was just outed as a real life pedophile, literally played a pedophile in season 2 of You AND in an episode of Workaholics. You can’t...

Chris D'Elia Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Chris Delia story

Chris D'Elia Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Aaaand they’re rolling in

Chris D'Elia Sexual Misconduct Allegations
This is crazy bc I’ve literally had this sent to me about Chris Delia as well

Chris D'Elia Sexual Misconduct Allegations
for the longest time i thought it was embarrassing for ME that i was interacting with this older man but he was the one who DM’d me on twitter and was...

Chris D'Elia Sexual Misconduct Allegations
imagine being 16 and being groomed by a stand up comedian twice ur age and the only reason you never met up and never got physically m*lested was beca...

Chris D'Elia Sexual Misconduct Allegations
i still can’t believe netflix cast chris d’elia as the pedophile in season to of “you” like the literal IRONY

Chris D'Elia Sexual Misconduct Allegations