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Part of a series on The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. [View Related Entries]



Endless Eight (Japanese: エンドレスエイト) is an infamous arc in the second season of the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya by Kyoto Animation studio. The arc consisted of eight episodes of the cast being stuck in a Groundhog Day time loop. The anime episodes depicting this were more or less the same episode being animated over and over.


涼宮ハルヒの暴走 谷川

Endless Eight was an arc in The Rampage of Haruhi Suzumiya, the fifth book in the light novel series, where Haruhi wished for an endless summer. Due to her being God who can unwittingly bend reality to her will, her wish came true and the result was that the entire cast was stuck in a time loop that repeated itself over 15,000 times until Kyon figured a way to break out of it.

This arc was faithfully animated by spending eight episodes in the second season of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and aired from June 19th, 2009 to August 7th, 2009.


This arc caused a lot of controversy among fans who more or less raged and felt like they were being trolled. It got to the point where the former director of the first season of the anime series publicly apologized.[1]

Endless Eight is still commonly talked about to this day among fans of the series and has evolved into a running joke. The Endless Eight controversy spiked a lot of interested in the anime, despite it already being widely popular before.

Several demotivationals and rage comics have sprung from the Endless Eight phenomena, and the subject is still widely talked about among Haruhi fans to this day.

Notable Derivatives

Fan Reactions

Episode 4 Episode 2 Kyon- kun, denwa! Kyon- kun, denwa! Episode 7 Kyon- kun, denwa! LD: FFFFFF

Endless Eight was almost universally met with mostly rage in Japan as well as outside of Japan. During and after the arc people could commonly find threads on both 2channel and 4chan's anime board of people showing their frustration over the constant repeating of the nearly same episode. These type of threads can still be found on occasion, though some also start them in an attempt to troll others.

File 1246552241 jpg-(20 KB, 233x350, ev_356 jpg) Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12:30 No. 22743632 YOUR REACTION WHEN SUMMER DIDNT END KYOANI 15,498/10 TROLLS □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:32 No 22743672 LAUGHING ELF MAN JPG □ Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:32 No.22743682 File 1246552376.ipg-(393 KB, 960x720, 1233789978365 jpg) □ Milfeulle is my Waifu !iS.YunS 07/02/09(Thu)12:33 No.22743703 Endless summer sure is endless □ Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:34 No.22743719 I thought to myself Tve lost so much faith in KyoAni that I think they might actually replay this one more time... no, they wouldn't do. There's no need WHAT THE F---!? AGAIN!? □ Taiga 07/02/09Thu)12:34 No.22743731 Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:38 No 22743829 EPIC TROLLING IS EPIC! FFFFFFFFFFFUUUCKING FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- GOOD WORK KYOAN □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12:41 No.22743889 □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12:44 No 22743955 □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:36 No.22743750 Kyoani: KEIKAKU DOORI Endless □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:46 No.22743989 Endless Endless Endless I declare we create a new scale for trolling □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:35 No.22743756 F--- YOU KYOANI F--- YOU!!! 15,498/10 only achievable by KyoAni, masses of rage guaranteed. □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:35 No 22743760 also....F--- YOU KYOAN!!! Endless Elabor □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12 50 No 22744095 ndless File 1246553426 ipg-(21 KB, 255x288, rage jpg) □ Cliff Racer !!QRtSJJr1Egz 07/02/09(Thu)12:36 No.22743763 File 1246552568 ipg-(51 KB, 400x300, 1245806064935.jpg) Endless Endless I CANT F------ TAKE THIS IT FEELS LIKE MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE Endless Endless Endless Eight Eights of Endless □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu) 12 59 No 22744328 7/02/09 (Thu)12:36 No 22743769 pg-(57 KB, 750x600, 1236696743941.jpg) □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12:46 No.22744008 File 1246553967 ipg-(82 KB, 1024x1024, 1245479246150 jpg) even rea "Endoresu Eto" (エンドレスエイト) June 19, 2009 ough "Endoresu Eito"(エンドレスエイト) June 26, 2009 □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12 36 No 22743776 (10 KB, 453x437, 1246136093110 jpg) 14 "Endless Eight July 3, 2009 'Endoresu Eito" (エンドレスエイト) □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu) 13:13 No 22744692 >>Endless Eight Theatrical Edition: The Last Loop F--- YOU KYOANI F--- YOU □ Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu) 13:15 No.22744 717 Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:58 No.22744300 File 1246553891.ipg-(160 KB, 671x638, 1246042317922 jpg) I hate Haruhi, and I want her to die □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12 37 No 22743803 just 15,498/10 [ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)13:15 No 22744722 THIS TIME WE CAN CLEARLY SEE THAT ITS KYOANI'S FAULT you did th F--- YOU KYOANI F--- □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu) 12:58 No 22744302 □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu) 13:15 No 22744740 □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12 38 No 22743819 Wouldn't he loop come to an end, if they killed Haruhi? no F--- MAN. SERIOUSLY W-- Look harder. it's on /a/ frontpage Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)13:20 No 22744850 File 1246555225 ipg-(95 KB, 530x557, dio jpg) Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:40 No.22743861 □ wat !EPsK4bai 07/02/09(Thu)12:58 No 22744307 s#2009)ers en FOOLS! THIS IS THE POWER OF THE WORLD Read the descriptions. Even Wikis getting in on it □ Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:41 No.22743874 Endless 8 will replay until summer ends. Then season 3 will start in 4 years during a rebroadcast with only 1 endless 8 episode Heard it here first! Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12 41 No 22743880 File 1246552877 jpg-(48 KB, 640x512 □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:59 No 22744330 5b0c249da8a237a7fd85e76fa(..) jpg) 2chan going apes http://dec.2chan.net/24/res/3848092 htm http://dec.2chan.net/24/res/3848089 htm Endless crap is crap □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu) 12 59 No 2 KYOANI SURE ISNT HAPPY WITH THEIR TROLL LEVELS □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12 42 No 22743910 □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)13:01 No 22744373 F--- YOU KYOANI F--- YOU I Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12:42 No.22743913 □ wat EPsK4bai 07/02/09(Thu)13:03 № 22744404 You know, the fact that i despise failruhi gives me now the chance to laugh at you idiots Oh my god. I know Im supposed to rage over this BUT THIS IS F------ GOLD □ deify !5wxYp5ivqM 07/02/09(Thu)12 43 No 22743933 I wonder how many anons just broke their keyboard/window/siblings face hard [ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu) 13:09 No.22744570 □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)13:19 No.22744824 The master trolls at work, this is the finest of the finest File 1246555158.ipg-(72 KB, 638x563, FFFFUUU jpg) d expect the audience to >Yeah, I'd expect it to lose one's temper blt was a Well, Ill die in a hellish loop that move sea cat □ Taiga 07/02/09Thu)12:51 №22744 133 this isn't real, tell me this isn't real, tell me this is just one anon trying to trick everyone despair ye 2chan is also raging like the fist of the north star odleveltrolls

[Click image for higher resolution.]

Kyon-kun, Denwa!

This catchphrase best expresses the amount of agony and trolling caused by the Endless Eight. During every arc of the time loop, Kyon's younger sister would say "Kyon-kun, Denwa!" (Kyon! The phone!).

[This video has been removed]

It is somewhat similar to other internet phenomena like Nyan Cat where a seemingly cute phrase when repeated several times can quickly get on one's nerves. Likewise, at the end of the arc the phrase got on most people's nerves.

Kyon-kun, Den-

Kyon Snapped

Aside from "Kyon-kun Denwa", a fairly popular exploitable spawned from the phenomena of Endless Eight. On August 2nd, 2009, one /a/nonymous user posted a modified image of Kyon aiming a gun.[2]

This image is very likely a parody of Lelouche pointing a gun from the famous Spinzaku scene in Code Geass. It's use is very similar, but it was specifically created to express fan rage over the Endless Eight along with fans sympathizing with Kyon for having to deal with a lot of crazy things because of Haruhi.

Kyon you've turned off your targeting computer! Gary Spivey Psychic Medium, Space Station, Superweapon

Search Interest

Thought it showed a lot of notoriety among anime fans outside of Japan, the impact and controversy in Japan was much greater.

External References

[1] Japanator (via Wayback Machine) – Yamakan Didn't Like Endless Eight Either / 07-20-2009

[2] chanarchive.org (via Wayback Machine) – Kyon snapped / Posted on 08-22-2009

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the number 8

Endless Eight / Kyon-kun Denwa!

Part of a series on The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. [View Related Entries]

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Endless Eight (Japanese: エンドレスエイト) is an infamous arc in the second season of the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya by Kyoto Animation studio. The arc consisted of eight episodes of the cast being stuck in a Groundhog Day time loop. The anime episodes depicting this were more or less the same episode being animated over and over.


涼宮ハルヒの暴走 谷川

Endless Eight was an arc in The Rampage of Haruhi Suzumiya, the fifth book in the light novel series, where Haruhi wished for an endless summer. Due to her being God who can unwittingly bend reality to her will, her wish came true and the result was that the entire cast was stuck in a time loop that repeated itself over 15,000 times until Kyon figured a way to break out of it.

This arc was faithfully animated by spending eight episodes in the second season of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and aired from June 19th, 2009 to August 7th, 2009.


This arc caused a lot of controversy among fans who more or less raged and felt like they were being trolled. It got to the point where the former director of the first season of the anime series publicly apologized.[1]

Endless Eight is still commonly talked about to this day among fans of the series and has evolved into a running joke. The Endless Eight controversy spiked a lot of interested in the anime, despite it already being widely popular before.

Several demotivationals and rage comics have sprung from the Endless Eight phenomena, and the subject is still widely talked about among Haruhi fans to this day.

Notable Derivatives

Fan Reactions

Episode 4 Episode 2 Kyon- kun, denwa! Kyon- kun, denwa! Episode 7 Kyon- kun, denwa! LD: FFFFFF

Endless Eight was almost universally met with mostly rage in Japan as well as outside of Japan. During and after the arc people could commonly find threads on both 2channel and 4chan's anime board of people showing their frustration over the constant repeating of the nearly same episode. These type of threads can still be found on occasion, though some also start them in an attempt to troll others.

File 1246552241 jpg-(20 KB, 233x350, ev_356 jpg) Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12:30 No. 22743632 YOUR REACTION WHEN SUMMER DIDNT END KYOANI 15,498/10 TROLLS □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:32 No 22743672 LAUGHING ELF MAN JPG □ Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:32 No.22743682 File 1246552376.ipg-(393 KB, 960x720, 1233789978365 jpg) □ Milfeulle is my Waifu !iS.YunS 07/02/09(Thu)12:33 No.22743703 Endless summer sure is endless □ Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:34 No.22743719 I thought to myself Tve lost so much faith in KyoAni that I think they might actually replay this one more time... no, they wouldn't do. There's no need WHAT THE F---!? AGAIN!? □ Taiga 07/02/09Thu)12:34 No.22743731 Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:38 No 22743829 EPIC TROLLING IS EPIC! FFFFFFFFFFFUUUCKING FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- GOOD WORK KYOAN □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12:41 No.22743889 □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12:44 No 22743955 □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:36 No.22743750 Kyoani: KEIKAKU DOORI Endless □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:46 No.22743989 Endless Endless Endless I declare we create a new scale for trolling □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:35 No.22743756 F--- YOU KYOANI F--- YOU!!! 15,498/10 only achievable by KyoAni, masses of rage guaranteed. □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:35 No 22743760 also....F--- YOU KYOAN!!! Endless Elabor □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12 50 No 22744095 ndless File 1246553426 ipg-(21 KB, 255x288, rage jpg) □ Cliff Racer !!QRtSJJr1Egz 07/02/09(Thu)12:36 No.22743763 File 1246552568 ipg-(51 KB, 400x300, 1245806064935.jpg) Endless Endless I CANT F------ TAKE THIS IT FEELS LIKE MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE Endless Endless Endless Eight Eights of Endless □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu) 12 59 No 22744328 7/02/09 (Thu)12:36 No 22743769 pg-(57 KB, 750x600, 1236696743941.jpg) □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12:46 No.22744008 File 1246553967 ipg-(82 KB, 1024x1024, 1245479246150 jpg) even rea "Endoresu Eto" (エンドレスエイト) June 19, 2009 ough "Endoresu Eito"(エンドレスエイト) June 26, 2009 □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12 36 No 22743776 (10 KB, 453x437, 1246136093110 jpg) 14 "Endless Eight July 3, 2009 'Endoresu Eito" (エンドレスエイト) □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu) 13:13 No 22744692 >>Endless Eight Theatrical Edition: The Last Loop F--- YOU KYOANI F--- YOU □ Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu) 13:15 No.22744 717 Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:58 No.22744300 File 1246553891.ipg-(160 KB, 671x638, 1246042317922 jpg) I hate Haruhi, and I want her to die □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12 37 No 22743803 just 15,498/10 [ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)13:15 No 22744722 THIS TIME WE CAN CLEARLY SEE THAT ITS KYOANI'S FAULT you did th F--- YOU KYOANI F--- □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu) 12:58 No 22744302 □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu) 13:15 No 22744740 □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12 38 No 22743819 Wouldn't he loop come to an end, if they killed Haruhi? no F--- MAN. SERIOUSLY W-- Look harder. it's on /a/ frontpage Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)13:20 No 22744850 File 1246555225 ipg-(95 KB, 530x557, dio jpg) Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:40 No.22743861 □ wat !EPsK4bai 07/02/09(Thu)12:58 No 22744307 s#2009)ers en FOOLS! THIS IS THE POWER OF THE WORLD Read the descriptions. Even Wikis getting in on it □ Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:41 No.22743874 Endless 8 will replay until summer ends. Then season 3 will start in 4 years during a rebroadcast with only 1 endless 8 episode Heard it here first! Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12 41 No 22743880 File 1246552877 jpg-(48 KB, 640x512 □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12:59 No 22744330 5b0c249da8a237a7fd85e76fa(..) jpg) 2chan going apes http://dec.2chan.net/24/res/3848092 htm http://dec.2chan.net/24/res/3848089 htm Endless crap is crap □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu) 12 59 No 2 KYOANI SURE ISNT HAPPY WITH THEIR TROLL LEVELS □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)12 42 No 22743910 □ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu)13:01 No 22744373 F--- YOU KYOANI F--- YOU I Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)12:42 No.22743913 □ wat EPsK4bai 07/02/09(Thu)13:03 № 22744404 You know, the fact that i despise failruhi gives me now the chance to laugh at you idiots Oh my god. I know Im supposed to rage over this BUT THIS IS F------ GOLD □ deify !5wxYp5ivqM 07/02/09(Thu)12 43 No 22743933 I wonder how many anons just broke their keyboard/window/siblings face hard [ Lanced Jack 07/02/09(Thu) 13:09 No.22744570 □ Taiga 07/02/09(Thu)13:19 No.22744824 The master trolls at work, this is the finest of the finest File 1246555158.ipg-(72 KB, 638x563, FFFFUUU jpg) d expect the audience to >Yeah, I'd expect it to lose one's temper blt was a Well, Ill die in a hellish loop that move sea cat □ Taiga 07/02/09Thu)12:51 №22744 133 this isn't real, tell me this isn't real, tell me this is just one anon trying to trick everyone despair ye 2chan is also raging like the fist of the north star odleveltrolls
[Click image for higher resolution.]

Kyon-kun, Denwa!

This catchphrase best expresses the amount of agony and trolling caused by the Endless Eight. During every arc of the time loop, Kyon's younger sister would say "Kyon-kun, Denwa!" (Kyon! The phone!).

[This video has been removed]

It is somewhat similar to other internet phenomena like Nyan Cat where a seemingly cute phrase when repeated several times can quickly get on one's nerves. Likewise, at the end of the arc the phrase got on most people's nerves.

Kyon-kun, Den-

Kyon Snapped

Aside from "Kyon-kun Denwa", a fairly popular exploitable spawned from the phenomena of Endless Eight. On August 2nd, 2009, one /a/nonymous user posted a modified image of Kyon aiming a gun.[2]

This image is very likely a parody of Lelouche pointing a gun from the famous Spinzaku scene in Code Geass. It's use is very similar, but it was specifically created to express fan rage over the Endless Eight along with fans sympathizing with Kyon for having to deal with a lot of crazy things because of Haruhi.

Kyon you've turned off your targeting computer! Gary Spivey Psychic Medium, Space Station, Superweapon

Search Interest

Thought it showed a lot of notoriety among anime fans outside of Japan, the impact and controversy in Japan was much greater.

External References

[1] Japanator (via Wayback Machine) – Yamakan Didn't Like Endless Eight Either / 07-20-2009

[2] chanarchive.org (via Wayback Machine) – Kyon snapped / Posted on 08-22-2009

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