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Part of a series on Onision. [View Related Entries]


Onision Sexual Misconduct Allegations refers to claims that YouTuber Gregory Jackson (aka Onision) and his partner Kai Avaroe groomed a young girl named Sarah when she was an underaged foster child. In January 2019, rumors regarding the inappropriate relationship began spreading online, becoming more widespread later that year after Sarah made additional accusations on social media.


In 2016, After befriending YouTuber married couple Onision and Lainey on Twitter, Sarah began making appearances in their YouTube videos (shown below, left). On February 8th, 2017, Sarah and Lainey streamed lived and spoke about how Sarah was now her foster child and Sarah moved into their house at age 16 (shown below, right).

On February 8th, 2017, Onision announced on his YouTube channel that Sarah would be leaving the house stating that it wasn't anyones fault but the internet's for complicating their relationship (shown below). The video gained over 349,200 views in two years.

[This video has been removed]

Notable Developments

On January 4th, 2019 Ayalla Renan[4] tweeted, "Sarah herself admitted to me at 15 in Greg’s house that she had not only been flirting back and forth with Lainey at some points but they also had romantic discussions. AT 15. Just because she’s 18 now doesn’t mean they’re any less PREDATORY" (shown below).

Father Deer @ayallakarina Jan 4 Sarah herself admitted to me at 15 in Greg's house that she had not only been flirting back and forth with Lainey at some points but they also had romantic discussions AT 15. Just because she's 18 now doesn't mean they're any less PREDATORY maturin @kathgetts Jan 4 He truly is a vile human being. His wife is no better. She admits to talking to Sarah at age 14 then later becomes her legal Guardian. She got sent home because people flipped out. It makes me sick to think that in a few years his daughter will be bringing her friends over This Tweet is unavailable Father Deer @ayallakarina Replying to@Submiss90817598 and @kathgetts Pictures are nothing. Lainey brought Sarah into the bathroom while she bathed 11:16 AM Jan 4, 2019 Twitter for iPhone

The next day, both Lainey and Onision streamed live to address her accusations and denied being inappropriate or sexually involved with Sarah at all (shown below). Despite their streams, many viewers refused to believe them due to Onision's negative relationship history[7] and continued to dig up any evidence against them.

On January 13th, YouTuber Demoncub uploaded a video regarding Onision and Laineybot grooming their foster daughter (shown below). The video features clips of their stream, old tweets and videos. The video garnered over 107,300 views in eight months.

Sarah Speaks Out

On August 24th, 2019, Onision and Laineybot's foster child, Sarah, spoke about her relationship with them on YouNow saying that when she was 15 they would flirt back and forth with one another (shown below).

[This video has been removed]

On September 3rd, influencer Ayalla Renan[5] tweeted, "Onision And Kai intentionally skated the legal lines when they manipulated Sarah and groomed her for their Sexual Intensions. They’re Predators, but there is little legal protections for victims in these types of situations. I support her coming forward and you should too" (shown below). The tweet garnered over 1,000 likes and 160 retweets in a day. That same day, Sarah[8] took to Twitter to leak screenshots of Onision and Kai acting inappropriately and to expose them for mistreating her. One tweet shows a conversation between Kai and Greg discussing Sarah's virginity (shown below, left). The tweet gained over 400 likes in a day.

Father Deer @ayallakarina Onision And Kai intentionally skated the legal lines when they manipulated Sarah and groomed her for their Sexual Intensions. They're Predators, but there is little legal protections for victims in these types of situations. I support her coming forward and you should too. 7:11 PM Sep 3, 2019 Twitter for iPhone
Sar @notsolillioness blue is Kai grey is Greg 7:33 al Gregory Thought we agreed that using virginity as a pawn was wrong But now that it suits you, you want to resort to that It's a big deal And she lost it to you, not me Virginity does maternity matter So does 7 years of a relationship but we're forgetting about that And no you did threaten our relationship So I just ignore you taking a girl's virginity then treating her like she is dead to you because she got jealous, then doubling down on treating her like she is dead when she tries to shut herself off so she can't be hurt IMessage Pay 11:14 PM Sep 3, 2019 Twitter for iPhone

The next day, Sarah[9] posted screenshots of Onision's texts claiming that Sarah had raped them, lied and that she is under an NDA (shown below, right). The post garnered over 530 likes in a day. Hashtags like #WeStandWithSarah[6] began trending in support of her. Various Subbreddits and Tumblr accounts like r/Onision,[1] r/Drama[3] and the Tumblr account ChaseAgainstOnision[2] housed logs of all the gathered evidence against Onision and Lainey.

1. You blackmailed us which is illegal in the way you did. 2. You and Billie both publicly and privately admitted you, Sarah, were never groomed. We have the receipts 3. You r---- Kai, not only with the crime of sexual extortion (look it up, that's exactly what you did) but also r---- Kai when he flirted with you as an adult from a far, but said he was uncomfortable repeatedly to you in person. You knew he was uncomfortable, and did what you did anyway. You forced him. 4. You said you hated Ayalla for saying she wanted to have sex with you when you were a minor, we all hated her, but clearly you were dishonest, all because you would do anything
because you would do anything to sleep with Kai, again, even without his consent. You joined the people who talk about us obsessively after lying and saying you hated them/would never become like them. 5. We haven't gone public about your blackmail, sexual extortion and r--- because we don't want to violate the NDA, we also don't want to hurt your ability to succeed in life, but you have gone public because you are a liar, you did not care about any of us. You violated the legal agreement you blackmailed us to sign, you are a liar, illegally so. 6. I'm asking you move on with your life, after all the crimes you have committed, this is the simplest request. You said you
simplest request. You said you cared about our kids, even said you were like a mom to them, so what are you doing? What are you getting out of this? You know it's hurting them, when we have hurt no kids, you actively hurt ours. 7. After you admitted to r----- Kai via sexual extortion, after also r----- Kai when he clearly was not into you and yo pushed anyway, you stormed off because I refused to have sex with you. I refused to even kiss you. And now you're going on a public campaign with no one knowing you are a r-----, and we suffer silently as you get praised for being a criminal liar, a r----- & a blackmailer.
a r----- & a blackmailer. I know you're getting paid to lie on YouNow, I know you like the attention, but this is wrong. You without any doubt did all these things, and we'll still respect the NDA despite all this because unlike you, we are honest. We respect the legal agreement you publicly admitted to breaking (admitting you are a liar in the worst way). You may also want to pass on the fact you admitted to doing cocaine in your home state to your audience and your diagnosis which directly effects your ability to function like a normal human being. Like your personality disorder, this is sick Sarah. They should know who you actually are, but we are not

Onision's Breakdown Videos

Starting on November 21st, 2019, Onision posted a number of videos in showing himself crying, screaming and imploring to stop the and behaving in a manner symptomatic of a nervous breakdown, or acting in such manner (first video, titled "please stop this", shown below, left).[10] On November 26th, 2019, Onision's Patreon account was suspended due to Onision tweeting screenshots of private text messages between himself and YouTuber Billie Dawn Webb.[11] On the same day, Onision uploaded a video titled "wow" in which he behaved erratically and rambled about the Patreon ban (shown below, right). The video received over 804,400 views in two weeks.[12]

[This video has been removed]

[This video has been removed]

wow. woOoOoOw. WOW. SO you guys are SO INTO yourselves, like, you are SO committed to CENSORING innocent people that you’re just gonna go and try to get my patreon DELETED now. oh, you have an OPINION of me, so you’re just gonna try and RUIN my entire career. REALLYmmmmIS THAT what you’re GOING to DO? OH i’m SORRY, the FBI never SHOWED UPHHHOH IM Sorry the cOPS ARE ALL ABOUT ONION BOY because TURNS OUT didn’t break a single hhhLAW !!! SO WHAT DO WE DO? OwhHhahwhwhH WELL our opinions have been invalidated SO many times of him tHAT we’re gufnfnfha disable HISP ATREON. Woaowowe.. wow you would really do that? YOU WOOULDREALLYDO THAT?? GHHHHHHNNNNHHHHHHH!!!!! Slurp… You TRIIIIED TO DO THE FBI BUT IT DIDNT HHHWORK!!!! YOU TRIED TO DO THE PO-LICE,,, DIDNT WOoRK?!! So, instead… you resorts to the PAYCHECK!!!.?.!. AND yOU GOT IT!!! HHHYOU GOT IT!!!! ALL MY PATRONS HAve been gggrrrDELETED… hnnhhh.. are you HAPPY HNNNNOW??! aaaaaaAAaaaaaIH!! IFHDHJDHDHDHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! HNNNNFHHFGFH!!!! Is tHis wHat yOu wAnt HuUuUh?? Is this whAt Uou waNana TOTAL MELTdOoOown.!.!.!? YA LIKE… kombucha??? I lUuuUuurve KombUcha!!! wuUuUu!!! WUUuuhHhh!!! WoOoOoowh!!! OOOH!! DriNks like PEE And smells even WORSE…. OooooH!!! OOOOOH!!!! ooOoOh!! WUUUOHHH!! wuuuuhhhh my patreonsdeleted…. wuUuUuUg my paTreon!!! UUuUu.. UUUUUU….!!! WhaT AM I GONNA DO… WHWHWHATAMIGONNADONOWWWW.,, WHAMGONNBLUUU… MruuUuUh,,, MRUUUUUUUH,,, MrruuUUuwHATAMIGUNNADO…..WHATAMIGO NA DO.. I’m cOVERED in KOMBUCHA and i have NO MORE PATREON uWaaWwWaaAAAAhhahayyhuhuHUHHLUUUGHUhghHkugh… YOU DID THIS TOHMEEEE.. ALL oF YOUUUU.

In the following days, Onision posted more videos in which he rambled about his current situations and behaved in an erratic way (examples shown below).

[This video has been removed]

[This video has been removed]

A number of news outlets and users on YouTube, Twitter and other platforms suggested that Onision has been only acting as if he was experiencing a nervous breakdown.[13][14]

Online memes about Onision behaving in a mentally unstable fashion gained popularity, particularly on Twitter (examples shown below), with his ramblings gaining popularity as copypastas.[15][16]

Civil Lawsuits

According to Newsweek,[15] Onision filed two civil lawsuits agained Chris Hansen and Daniel"Repzion" Sulbach accusing them of . On January 16th, 2020, Repzion[16] tweeted, "This really is not how I wanted to start of 2020 -- but here we go….. After the 24th, I will be creating a gofundme for legal fees. Until after that point, please do not donate to any gofundme's that aren't tweeted by me directly. Receipts will be posted once complete" which gained over 5,900 likes an 600 retweets in two weeks (shown below).

Repzion @DDsulzbach This really is not how I wanted to start of 2020 -- but here we go.. After the 24th, I will be creating a gofundme for legal fees. Until after that point, please do not donate to any gofundme's that aren't tweeted by me directly. Receipts will be posted once complete. 11:17 AM · Jan 16, 2020 · Twitter Web App

On January 18th, Chris Hansen of the YouTube channel Have a Seat With Chris Hansen uploaded a video in which reveals the 911 call recordings made by Onision as Chris Hansen was knocking on his door to receive a comment about his sexual misconduct allegations.

On January 24th, Onision went to Pierce County District court in washington in hopes to begranted protection from both Hasen and Sulbach. Tha day, Twitter user @JoshPescatore[17] announced that he was not granted an order of protection (shown below, left). The tweet gained over 1,300 likes and 190 retweets in five days. Accoring to Mike Morse Law Firm the suit was sent to the wrong Chris Hansen. The law firm posted the "wrong" Hansen's response to Twitter[18] (shown below, right).

* Pescatore News Network #PNN "Join the Discord" @JoshPescatore #BREAKING: @onision was NOT GRANTED an Oreder of Protection against @DDsulzbach and @chrishansen 5:05 PM · Jan 24, 2020 · Twitter for Android
Mike Morse Law Firm @855mikewins Here's the official response from the "wrong" Chris Hansen. Good guy who wrote an appropriate response to the court. @chrishansen @DDsulzbach #onision #mikemorse #855mikewins #chrishansen FILED PC DISTRICT COU JAN 21 20e:4 Jackson, James Jackson, Kai PIERCE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT STATE OF WASHINGTON Case No. Plaintiff(s), MOTION FOR Dismissal of the Complaint vs. Hansen, Chris Defendant(s). I am the Respondent in this case and make the following motion: I, Chris Hansen, request a motion to dismiss the complaint from the plaintiff due to improper service. I have nothing to do with this very public case and do not know the petitioner or the intended respondent. This case involves an ongoing investigation of the petitioner by investigative journalist, Chris Hansen, former host of the show To Catch a Predator, I'm am not Chris Hansen from To Catch a Predator. Given that I'm not the intended receipient of this complaint, there shoudn't be a case against me. I'm not the person the platintiff is seeking harassment protection from. I request the Court to: and dismiss the complaint with prejudice. grant this mot 3:39 PM · Jan 25, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone

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Onision Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Onision Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Part of a series on Onision. [View Related Entries]

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Onision Sexual Misconduct Allegations refers to claims that YouTuber Gregory Jackson (aka Onision) and his partner Kai Avaroe groomed a young girl named Sarah when she was an underaged foster child. In January 2019, rumors regarding the inappropriate relationship began spreading online, becoming more widespread later that year after Sarah made additional accusations on social media.


In 2016, After befriending YouTuber married couple Onision and Lainey on Twitter, Sarah began making appearances in their YouTube videos (shown below, left). On February 8th, 2017, Sarah and Lainey streamed lived and spoke about how Sarah was now her foster child and Sarah moved into their house at age 16 (shown below, right).

On February 8th, 2017, Onision announced on his YouTube channel that Sarah would be leaving the house stating that it wasn't anyones fault but the internet's for complicating their relationship (shown below). The video gained over 349,200 views in two years.

[This video has been removed]

Notable Developments

On January 4th, 2019 Ayalla Renan[4] tweeted, "Sarah herself admitted to me at 15 in Greg’s house that she had not only been flirting back and forth with Lainey at some points but they also had romantic discussions. AT 15. Just because she’s 18 now doesn’t mean they’re any less PREDATORY" (shown below).

Father Deer @ayallakarina Jan 4 Sarah herself admitted to me at 15 in Greg's house that she had not only been flirting back and forth with Lainey at some points but they also had romantic discussions AT 15. Just because she's 18 now doesn't mean they're any less PREDATORY maturin @kathgetts Jan 4 He truly is a vile human being. His wife is no better. She admits to talking to Sarah at age 14 then later becomes her legal Guardian. She got sent home because people flipped out. It makes me sick to think that in a few years his daughter will be bringing her friends over This Tweet is unavailable Father Deer @ayallakarina Replying to@Submiss90817598 and @kathgetts Pictures are nothing. Lainey brought Sarah into the bathroom while she bathed 11:16 AM Jan 4, 2019 Twitter for iPhone

The next day, both Lainey and Onision streamed live to address her accusations and denied being inappropriate or sexually involved with Sarah at all (shown below). Despite their streams, many viewers refused to believe them due to Onision's negative relationship history[7] and continued to dig up any evidence against them.

On January 13th, YouTuber Demoncub uploaded a video regarding Onision and Laineybot grooming their foster daughter (shown below). The video features clips of their stream, old tweets and videos. The video garnered over 107,300 views in eight months.

Sarah Speaks Out

On August 24th, 2019, Onision and Laineybot's foster child, Sarah, spoke about her relationship with them on YouNow saying that when she was 15 they would flirt back and forth with one another (shown below).

[This video has been removed]

On September 3rd, influencer Ayalla Renan[5] tweeted, "Onision And Kai intentionally skated the legal lines when they manipulated Sarah and groomed her for their Sexual Intensions. They’re Predators, but there is little legal protections for victims in these types of situations. I support her coming forward and you should too" (shown below). The tweet garnered over 1,000 likes and 160 retweets in a day. That same day, Sarah[8] took to Twitter to leak screenshots of Onision and Kai acting inappropriately and to expose them for mistreating her. One tweet shows a conversation between Kai and Greg discussing Sarah's virginity (shown below, left). The tweet gained over 400 likes in a day.

Father Deer @ayallakarina Onision And Kai intentionally skated the legal lines when they manipulated Sarah and groomed her for their Sexual Intensions. They're Predators, but there is little legal protections for victims in these types of situations. I support her coming forward and you should too. 7:11 PM Sep 3, 2019 Twitter for iPhone Sar @notsolillioness blue is Kai grey is Greg 7:33 al Gregory Thought we agreed that using virginity as a pawn was wrong But now that it suits you, you want to resort to that It's a big deal And she lost it to you, not me Virginity does maternity matter So does 7 years of a relationship but we're forgetting about that And no you did threaten our relationship So I just ignore you taking a girl's virginity then treating her like she is dead to you because she got jealous, then doubling down on treating her like she is dead when she tries to shut herself off so she can't be hurt IMessage Pay 11:14 PM Sep 3, 2019 Twitter for iPhone

The next day, Sarah[9] posted screenshots of Onision's texts claiming that Sarah had raped them, lied and that she is under an NDA (shown below, right). The post garnered over 530 likes in a day. Hashtags like #WeStandWithSarah[6] began trending in support of her. Various Subbreddits and Tumblr accounts like r/Onision,[1] r/Drama[3] and the Tumblr account ChaseAgainstOnision[2] housed logs of all the gathered evidence against Onision and Lainey.

1. You blackmailed us which is illegal in the way you did. 2. You and Billie both publicly and privately admitted you, Sarah, were never groomed. We have the receipts 3. You r---- Kai, not only with the crime of sexual extortion (look it up, that's exactly what you did) but also r---- Kai when he flirted with you as an adult from a far, but said he was uncomfortable repeatedly to you in person. You knew he was uncomfortable, and did what you did anyway. You forced him. 4. You said you hated Ayalla for saying she wanted to have sex with you when you were a minor, we all hated her, but clearly you were dishonest, all because you would do anything because you would do anything to sleep with Kai, again, even without his consent. You joined the people who talk about us obsessively after lying and saying you hated them/would never become like them. 5. We haven't gone public about your blackmail, sexual extortion and r--- because we don't want to violate the NDA, we also don't want to hurt your ability to succeed in life, but you have gone public because you are a liar, you did not care about any of us. You violated the legal agreement you blackmailed us to sign, you are a liar, illegally so. 6. I'm asking you move on with your life, after all the crimes you have committed, this is the simplest request. You said you simplest request. You said you cared about our kids, even said you were like a mom to them, so what are you doing? What are you getting out of this? You know it's hurting them, when we have hurt no kids, you actively hurt ours. 7. After you admitted to r----- Kai via sexual extortion, after also r----- Kai when he clearly was not into you and yo pushed anyway, you stormed off because I refused to have sex with you. I refused to even kiss you. And now you're going on a public campaign with no one knowing you are a r-----, and we suffer silently as you get praised for being a criminal liar, a r----- & a blackmailer. a r----- & a blackmailer. I know you're getting paid to lie on YouNow, I know you like the attention, but this is wrong. You without any doubt did all these things, and we'll still respect the NDA despite all this because unlike you, we are honest. We respect the legal agreement you publicly admitted to breaking (admitting you are a liar in the worst way). You may also want to pass on the fact you admitted to doing cocaine in your home state to your audience and your diagnosis which directly effects your ability to function like a normal human being. Like your personality disorder, this is sick Sarah. They should know who you actually are, but we are not

Onision's Breakdown Videos

Starting on November 21st, 2019, Onision posted a number of videos in showing himself crying, screaming and imploring to stop the and behaving in a manner symptomatic of a nervous breakdown, or acting in such manner (first video, titled "please stop this", shown below, left).[10] On November 26th, 2019, Onision's Patreon account was suspended due to Onision tweeting screenshots of private text messages between himself and YouTuber Billie Dawn Webb.[11] On the same day, Onision uploaded a video titled "wow" in which he behaved erratically and rambled about the Patreon ban (shown below, right). The video received over 804,400 views in two weeks.[12]

[This video has been removed]

[This video has been removed]

wow. woOoOoOw. WOW. SO you guys are SO INTO yourselves, like, you are SO committed to CENSORING innocent people that you’re just gonna go and try to get my patreon DELETED now. oh, you have an OPINION of me, so you’re just gonna try and RUIN my entire career. REALLYmmmmIS THAT what you’re GOING to DO? OH i’m SORRY, the FBI never SHOWED UPHHHOH IM Sorry the cOPS ARE ALL ABOUT ONION BOY because TURNS OUT didn’t break a single hhhLAW !!! SO WHAT DO WE DO? OwhHhahwhwhH WELL our opinions have been invalidated SO many times of him tHAT we’re gufnfnfha disable HISP ATREON. Woaowowe.. wow you would really do that? YOU WOOULDREALLYDO THAT?? GHHHHHHNNNNHHHHHHH!!!!! Slurp… You TRIIIIED TO DO THE FBI BUT IT DIDNT HHHWORK!!!! YOU TRIED TO DO THE PO-LICE,,, DIDNT WOoRK?!! So, instead… you resorts to the PAYCHECK!!!.?.!. AND yOU GOT IT!!! HHHYOU GOT IT!!!! ALL MY PATRONS HAve been gggrrrDELETED… hnnhhh.. are you HAPPY HNNNNOW??! aaaaaaAAaaaaaIH!! IFHDHJDHDHDHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! HNNNNFHHFGFH!!!! Is tHis wHat yOu wAnt HuUuUh?? Is this whAt Uou waNana TOTAL MELTdOoOown.!.!.!? YA LIKE… kombucha??? I lUuuUuurve KombUcha!!! wuUuUu!!! WUUuuhHhh!!! WoOoOoowh!!! OOOH!! DriNks like PEE And smells even WORSE…. OooooH!!! OOOOOH!!!! ooOoOh!! WUUUOHHH!! wuuuuhhhh my patreonsdeleted…. wuUuUuUg my paTreon!!! UUuUu.. UUUUUU….!!! WhaT AM I GONNA DO… WHWHWHATAMIGONNADONOWWWW.,, WHAMGONNBLUUU… MruuUuUh,,, MRUUUUUUUH,,, MrruuUUuwHATAMIGUNNADO…..WHATAMIGO NA DO.. I’m cOVERED in KOMBUCHA and i have NO MORE PATREON uWaaWwWaaAAAAhhahayyhuhuHUHHLUUUGHUhghHkugh… YOU DID THIS TOHMEEEE.. ALL oF YOUUUU.

In the following days, Onision posted more videos in which he rambled about his current situations and behaved in an erratic way (examples shown below).

[This video has been removed]

[This video has been removed]

A number of news outlets and users on YouTube, Twitter and other platforms suggested that Onision has been only acting as if he was experiencing a nervous breakdown.[13][14]

Online memes about Onision behaving in a mentally unstable fashion gained popularity, particularly on Twitter (examples shown below), with his ramblings gaining popularity as copypastas.[15][16]

Civil Lawsuits

According to Newsweek,[15] Onision filed two civil lawsuits agained Chris Hansen and Daniel"Repzion" Sulbach accusing them of . On January 16th, 2020, Repzion[16] tweeted, "This really is not how I wanted to start of 2020 -- but here we go….. After the 24th, I will be creating a gofundme for legal fees. Until after that point, please do not donate to any gofundme's that aren't tweeted by me directly. Receipts will be posted once complete" which gained over 5,900 likes an 600 retweets in two weeks (shown below).

Repzion @DDsulzbach This really is not how I wanted to start of 2020 -- but here we go.. After the 24th, I will be creating a gofundme for legal fees. Until after that point, please do not donate to any gofundme's that aren't tweeted by me directly. Receipts will be posted once complete. 11:17 AM · Jan 16, 2020 · Twitter Web App

On January 18th, Chris Hansen of the YouTube channel Have a Seat With Chris Hansen uploaded a video in which reveals the 911 call recordings made by Onision as Chris Hansen was knocking on his door to receive a comment about his sexual misconduct allegations.

On January 24th, Onision went to Pierce County District court in washington in hopes to begranted protection from both Hasen and Sulbach. Tha day, Twitter user @JoshPescatore[17] announced that he was not granted an order of protection (shown below, left). The tweet gained over 1,300 likes and 190 retweets in five days. Accoring to Mike Morse Law Firm the suit was sent to the wrong Chris Hansen. The law firm posted the "wrong" Hansen's response to Twitter[18] (shown below, right).

* Pescatore News Network #PNN "Join the Discord" @JoshPescatore #BREAKING: @onision was NOT GRANTED an Oreder of Protection against @DDsulzbach and @chrishansen 5:05 PM · Jan 24, 2020 · Twitter for Android Mike Morse Law Firm @855mikewins Here's the official response from the "wrong" Chris Hansen. Good guy who wrote an appropriate response to the court. @chrishansen @DDsulzbach #onision #mikemorse #855mikewins #chrishansen FILED PC DISTRICT COU JAN 21 20e:4 Jackson, James Jackson, Kai PIERCE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT STATE OF WASHINGTON Case No. Plaintiff(s), MOTION FOR Dismissal of the Complaint vs. Hansen, Chris Defendant(s). I am the Respondent in this case and make the following motion: I, Chris Hansen, request a motion to dismiss the complaint from the plaintiff due to improper service. I have nothing to do with this very public case and do not know the petitioner or the intended respondent. This case involves an ongoing investigation of the petitioner by investigative journalist, Chris Hansen, former host of the show To Catch a Predator, I'm am not Chris Hansen from To Catch a Predator. Given that I'm not the intended receipient of this complaint, there shoudn't be a case against me. I'm not the person the platintiff is seeking harassment protection from. I request the Court to: and dismiss the complaint with prejudice. grant this mot 3:39 PM · Jan 25, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone

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