She whipped against her own position from yesterday and still lost. Theresa May now so weak she can’t even defeat Theresa May.

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
I normally try very, very, hard not to say things like this, but have never actually seen anything like what's happened tonight

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Squids High

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Goodbye Euro Pony Hitler

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Your Brexit soundtrack for the day: --"Tell me what you want, what you really, really want" (Spice Girls) --"You can't always get what you want" (Roll...

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
UK PM Theresa May loses MPs’ #BrexitVote on her deal by 432 votes to 202 - the biggest government defeat since 1924

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Off the back off @itvnews' live stream success, please welcome our new correspondent, The Door

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
I’ve just had exclusive behind the scenes access of “The Door”. Look how there’s a back gate camera too...

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
It’s the #Brexit shot of the day.... Cabinet over-running so join thousands of others watching the front door of #NumberTen live via @itvnews http://w...

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Brexit explained

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Hurricane Brexit's coming

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
If you don't understand world trade negotiations this is prety much what brexit mean

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
tintin and the brexit plan

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Oh the irony

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Sure that's how it work.

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit