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Facuckndo's history traces back to latinamerican whatsapp groups in which young adults a little bit too old to be on these kinds of groups started to spam the following picture to bother everybody in the group until the group gets flooded or they get banned.
Eventually, the latin community got a little bit more creative and developed a sense of humor that resembles 2010 internet's humor by creating memes with this specific picture. The flood of this kind of images made the group administrators of dozens of groups to ban this image, nonetheless, this ultimatum can be broken by the use of "Facuckndo: Puto el que me banee" which translates to "Facuckndo: Whoever bans me is a manwhore."
It is unknown who this person is, but the common joke is that this young man is the son of the old weird guy that appears on everybody's dreams.
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