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Part of a series on /mu/. [View Related Entries]

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Hmm Today I Will, also known as Today I Will Listen to Some X and Clueless, is a series of four-pane comics centered around a stick-figure character who reacts in a certain way after listening to a song by band (X). Yet another spin-off of the Rageguy comics, this series illustrates a wide range of audience receptions (depending on each illustrator's music preferences), as well as humorous observations on various subcultures and dress codes commonly associated with certain bands and genres. In 2018 the format gained popularity in ironic memes on Instagram and /r/okbuddyretard subreddit.


One of the earliest "Hmmm Today I Will" image threads was posted via 4chan's /mu/ board (music) in early February 2010 (NSFW) and similar image threads continued to surface on 4chan and related forums throughout the summer.

File :1265738935986.jpg-(107 KB, 665x598, mb.jpg) O Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)13:08 No.7466645 Let's make comics to show how we really feel about a band or an artist! >> □ Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)13:12 No.7466676 7466645 has never really listened to Merzbow >> Another Name 02/09/10(Tue) 13:13 No.7466679 is he violently masturbating?


While Google search reveals a number of blog posts and bookmarks carrying images of "Today I Will Listen to X", most instances are believed to have originated from 4chan's /mu/ board.

Ironic Use

Starting July 2017, readapted "Today I Will" format started seeing use in ironic memes. On July 25th, 2017, Tumblr[1] user decaymart posted a four-panel edit of the comic by an unknown author in which the protagonist "launched his infant son into orbit". The post gained over 42,900 likes and reblogs in 18 months.

hmm today i will launch my infant son into orbit I found this deep in some search results and I am losing it
Original source unknown.

On August 12th, 2017, Redditor[2] jackscapee posted a bone-hurting version of the meme to /r/bonehurtingjuice subreddit (shown below, left). The post gained 160 upvotes in 18 months. On November 12, 2017, Redditor[3] GingerMonkeys posted another version of the meme, originally posted on 4chan, to /r/ComedyCemetery subreddit (shown below, right). The post received over 400 upvotes in 15 months.

hmm today . will not launch my infant son into orbit
hmm today I will ham lol hamm ham good ham ifunny.Co

On August 26th, 2018, popular Instagram account salad.snake[4] reposted the "I Will Launch My Infant Son" instance of the meme. The post gained over 17,000 likes in six months. In the following months, the user reposted multiple memes utilizing the format (examples shown below). Additionally, variations of the meme appeared in /r/okbuddyretard[5] subreddit.

IG: @salad.snake l'm Retard Lol
clueless I don't have a clue where I left my headphones youtube to mp3 ヲ

hmm today i will Crush my infant son with a rock
1】 hmm, today I w be a background character in an episode of seinfeld TOM'S RESTAURANT RESTAU

On November 2, 2018, /r/hmmtodayiwill[6] subreddit was launched. As of February 15th, 2019, the community had over 13,500 subscribers.

Various Examples

clueless hmmm today I will listen to some Drowning Pool let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies 1 the floor let the bodies hit the floor let th bodies hit the Tel let the bodie nit the floor let he bodies the floor let che bodies hit let the the floo dies hit the f oor let th diehit the f .bodies t th eiit he f bodies Ii* let the hot the flocr let t bodies it the fi et the cdies hit the uor let the bc dies l the floor et the beaie, rit the floor let th bodies t the oor let the odies hil the f let th: 1iies hit the floor let h bc dies H the foor let the bodies hit the floor let th ho ites hit the floor let the hodies hit the f odies floor let th odies hi the f
clueless lunnm today I will listen to some Hick Cave
clueless hmm today I will listen to some MINOR THREAT fb be ND 다 PA Skate mean live clean
clueless humm today I will listen to some Queen
< clueless hmm today I will listen to some The Smiths JAMES DEAN Heaven KnoWs im Miserzble Now
clueless hunmm today I will listen to Iggy Pop's The Idiot
clueless hununn today I will listen to some Lady Gaga Lol Limewire POKER FACE
clueless lunnm today I will listen to soine Andrew w.K.
hmm today I will ham lol ham ham good ham

Various Examples (Post-2018)

hunmm today I will undergo mitosis
blueless hmm today i will have an RGB value of 255, 255,0 hueless hmm today i will revert back to an RGB value of 0, 0, 0 Wenalm
hmm today . will Crush my greasy c--- and balls with a rock oh god nuck

clueless hmm today will exberience an ethical dilemma You, on the other hand, are willing to kill someone you don't know basec is concetiihell the situation seemed like to you at the moment. Are you often addre one that, at the very least, does involve me. yurded judgement. I gotta hav in this first case a utilitarit lever and save the greate constitutes as a has a moral q ble to cha ve livesn e done man is th ourself with "1 thought that..."? ves above s? Based on immediate desires and... quan gation to get der au st the second case, u e on rolley. g. It reduces thought experiment mbe boring and frustra ilemmas down to math utilitariai and ethica component Aconomicte The removes the important human eriments so fun. I liken utilitarians t ch make érms of finances, while the former in ter Inactivity IS a choice. By bdle you are getting involved in the killing of 4 (5 total minus 1 unavoidable). We live to obtain order, choosing d3j4n 1 point 11 monthsag reliable path is the right thing. Being afraid to choose means loosing power over your responsibilities as aumn ng, capable of making decisions. enano, nowever, one faces a conflbetwe a ne an on the footbridge, and the positi duty ofs ving t saving the lives of the five workmen equires dong ed in doing it Sive assumption? da positive duty, namely the negative duty ive workmen on the track. In this case, Fo o (indeed, killing) the fat man on the footb
cluelesS hmm today I will avert my gaze from SCP-173


clueless huninun today I will listen to soine

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stick figure with arms crossed "hmmm today I will listen to some"

Hmm Today I Will

Part of a series on /mu/. [View Related Entries]
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PROTIP: Press 'i' to view the image gallery, 'v' to view the video gallery, or 'r' to view a random entry.


Hmm Today I Will, also known as Today I Will Listen to Some X and Clueless, is a series of four-pane comics centered around a stick-figure character who reacts in a certain way after listening to a song by band (X). Yet another spin-off of the Rageguy comics, this series illustrates a wide range of audience receptions (depending on each illustrator's music preferences), as well as humorous observations on various subcultures and dress codes commonly associated with certain bands and genres. In 2018 the format gained popularity in ironic memes on Instagram and /r/okbuddyretard subreddit.


One of the earliest "Hmmm Today I Will" image threads was posted via 4chan's /mu/ board (music) in early February 2010 (NSFW) and similar image threads continued to surface on 4chan and related forums throughout the summer.

File :1265738935986.jpg-(107 KB, 665x598, mb.jpg) O Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)13:08 No.7466645 Let's make comics to show how we really feel about a band or an artist! >> □ Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)13:12 No.7466676 7466645 has never really listened to Merzbow >> Another Name 02/09/10(Tue) 13:13 No.7466679 is he violently masturbating?


While Google search reveals a number of blog posts and bookmarks carrying images of "Today I Will Listen to X", most instances are believed to have originated from 4chan's /mu/ board.

Ironic Use

Starting July 2017, readapted "Today I Will" format started seeing use in ironic memes. On July 25th, 2017, Tumblr[1] user decaymart posted a four-panel edit of the comic by an unknown author in which the protagonist "launched his infant son into orbit". The post gained over 42,900 likes and reblogs in 18 months.

hmm today i will launch my infant son into orbit I found this deep in some search results and I am losing it Original source unknown.

On August 12th, 2017, Redditor[2] jackscapee posted a bone-hurting version of the meme to /r/bonehurtingjuice subreddit (shown below, left). The post gained 160 upvotes in 18 months. On November 12, 2017, Redditor[3] GingerMonkeys posted another version of the meme, originally posted on 4chan, to /r/ComedyCemetery subreddit (shown below, right). The post received over 400 upvotes in 15 months.

hmm today . will not launch my infant son into orbit hmm today I will ham lol hamm ham good ham ifunny.Co

On August 26th, 2018, popular Instagram account salad.snake[4] reposted the "I Will Launch My Infant Son" instance of the meme. The post gained over 17,000 likes in six months. In the following months, the user reposted multiple memes utilizing the format (examples shown below). Additionally, variations of the meme appeared in /r/okbuddyretard[5] subreddit.

IG: @salad.snake l'm Retard Lol clueless I don't have a clue where I left my headphones youtube to mp3 ヲ
hmm today i will Crush my infant son with a rock 1】 hmm, today I w be a background character in an episode of seinfeld TOM'S RESTAURANT RESTAU

On November 2, 2018, /r/hmmtodayiwill[6] subreddit was launched. As of February 15th, 2019, the community had over 13,500 subscribers.

Various Examples

clueless hmmm today I will listen to some Drowning Pool let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies 1 the floor let the bodies hit the floor let th bodies hit the Tel let the bodie nit the floor let he bodies the floor let che bodies hit let the the floo dies hit the f oor let th diehit the f .bodies t th eiit he f bodies Ii* let the hot the flocr let t bodies it the fi et the cdies hit the uor let the bc dies l the floor et the beaie, rit the floor let th bodies t the oor let the odies hil the f let th: 1iies hit the floor let h bc dies H the foor let the bodies hit the floor let th ho ites hit the floor let the hodies hit the f odies floor let th odies hi the f clueless lunnm today I will listen to some Hick Cave clueless hmm today I will listen to some MINOR THREAT fb be ND 다 PA Skate mean live clean

clueless humm today I will listen to some Queen < clueless hmm today I will listen to some The Smiths JAMES DEAN Heaven KnoWs im Miserzble Now clueless hunmm today I will listen to Iggy Pop's The Idiot

clueless hununn today I will listen to some Lady Gaga Lol Limewire POKER FACE clueless lunnm today I will listen to soine Andrew w.K. hmm today I will ham lol ham ham good ham

Various Examples (Post-2018)

hunmm today I will undergo mitosis blueless hmm today i will have an RGB value of 255, 255,0 hueless hmm today i will revert back to an RGB value of 0, 0, 0 Wenalm hmm today . will Crush my greasy c--- and balls with a rock oh god nuck
clueless hmm today will exberience an ethical dilemma You, on the other hand, are willing to kill someone you don't know basec is concetiihell the situation seemed like to you at the moment. Are you often addre one that, at the very least, does involve me. yurded judgement. I gotta hav in this first case a utilitarit lever and save the greate constitutes as a has a moral q ble to cha ve livesn e done man is th ourself with "1 thought that..."? ves above s? Based on immediate desires and... quan gation to get der au st the second case, u e on rolley. g. It reduces thought experiment mbe boring and frustra ilemmas down to math utilitariai and ethica component Aconomicte The removes the important human eriments so fun. I liken utilitarians t ch make érms of finances, while the former in ter Inactivity IS a choice. By bdle you are getting involved in the killing of 4 (5 total minus 1 unavoidable). We live to obtain order, choosing d3j4n 1 point 11 monthsag reliable path is the right thing. Being afraid to choose means loosing power over your responsibilities as aumn ng, capable of making decisions. enano, nowever, one faces a conflbetwe a ne an on the footbridge, and the positi duty ofs ving t saving the lives of the five workmen equires dong ed in doing it Sive assumption? da positive duty, namely the negative duty ive workmen on the track. In this case, Fo o (indeed, killing) the fat man on the footb cluelesS hmm today I will avert my gaze from SCP-173


clueless huninun today I will listen to soine

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Some of the "new ironic ones" were actually from /mu/ in 2012. The "ham good" one, for instance. My favorite of those was the "FUCKING JPEG COMPRESSION ARTIFACTS EVERYWHERE FUCK" one.


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