I Can't Take It Anymore, Seriously I'm at My Limit
I Can't Take It Anymore, Seriously I'm at My Limit refer to a catchphrase used as a caption in a series of image macros featuring various characters and individuals, usually small and cute, showing signs of stress.
The original template for the image macro series shows a hamster sitting on a couch while the catchphrase overlays the image in Impact Font. While it is unclear where the picture originated, the earliest discovered example was posted to Twitter. On May 7th, 2019, Twitter user @shyfew[1] tweeted the image and an ASCII rendering of it, gaining over 2,000 retweets and 4,600 likes combined (shown below).

In the following years, the hamster image became an exploitable, as memers changed the character in the image but kept the couch. Examples include an August 7th, 2019 post by Twitter user @retquits,[2] who posted it with the Pokémon Morpeko, gaining over 3,300 retweets and 8,300 likes (shown below, left). On May 2nd, 2020, user @burger_chaser[3] edited the image so it appeared as though the hamsters were from Final Fantasy, gaining over 1,300 retweets and 2,600 likes (shown below, right).

The phrase has also been applied to numerous characters with no relation to the original image. For example, Redditor TheFantasticNate posted a Hollow Knight meme with the phrase to /r/HollowKnightMemes,[4] gaining over 980 points (shown below, left). It later became commonly associated with the Things That Look Like Among Us Crewmates meme (example shown below, right).

Various Examples


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External References
[3] Twitter – @burger_chaser
[4] Reddit – /r/hollowknightmemes
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