I'm Making Fucking Mac and Cheese
I'm Making Fucking Mac and Cheese is an internet catchphrase that has been inserted in numerous video clips. The clip got popular in November of 2018 after the release of Deltarune when it was paired with the character Rouxls Kaard.
The earliest known usage of the meme was in a remix by YouTuber topkek on August 11th, 2018. The video remix features a clip from Dragon Ball with the audio "I'm making mac and cheese" overdubbed.
In the comments of the clip, YouTuber Laytr claims that the audio comes from Snapchat, meaning the original may be lost.
The clip was reposted to YouTube at least twelve times in the following months.[1] It was also paired to a clip of Jojo's Bizarre by user Chamblane (shown below, left) and a clip from Bravest Warriors posted by user Maxymus (shown below, right).
The quote reached its widest audience after it was tweeted by user @Kardiamente, who paired the quote with the character Rouxls Kaard of Deltarune, gaining over 11,000 retweets and 26,000 likes.
— Kardiamente (@Kardiamente) November 3, 2018
This was the first of many videos @Kadiamente made featuring Rouxls Kaard saying various vulgar things (shown below).
— Kardiamente (@Kardiamente) November 6, 2018
— Kardiamente (@Kardiamente) November 5, 2018
On January 9th, 2019, TikTok user @skinnyfatboiiiii posted a video using the audio and recreating the scene of making the mac and cheese. The post received more than 6,900 favorites and 290 shares (shown below, left).
The video became the first in a series of recreations of the scene (examples below, center and right).
Top Comments
Nov 12, 2018 at 09:26PM EST
The Queen of Hatred
Nov 13, 2018 at 02:07PM EST