Instant Sound Effects Sites | Know Your Meme
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Instant Sound Effects Sites

Added • Updated 8 months ago

Added by Algernon Carr • Updated 8 months ago by Philipp
Added by Algernon Carr • Updated 8 months ago by Philipp

Instant Sound Effects Sites
Category: Meme Status: Submission Year: 2008 Origin: Instant Rimshot Region:
Type: Sound Effect,
Tags: websites, jokes, sound effects,
Instant Sound Effects Sites


Instant Sound Effects Sites, also known as Instant X, are websites used to punctuate internet discussions as a form of response. An Instant Sound Effects Site normally consists of a single page dominated by a large button, which, when clicked, yields (via sound and/or video) the "reaction" promised by the site's URL and title.

Instant Sound Effects Sites developed on the popularity of the original of the species, Instant Rimshot, and gained popularity on forums and discussion boards, as well as on social sites such as Digg and Reddit and on IRC. They may be linked to by the original poster of the "reactive" material (e.g. used ironically, following the punchline of a joke), or by a responder (presenting an individual or perceived collective response to the material). The popularity of these sites is sometimes put down to filling the void left in electronic communication by the absence of auditory and visual cues.

Notable Examples

Instant Rimshot: The earliest and best-known reaction site. Used for a successful joke or one-liner. Equivalent to "BADUM-TISH!" in spoken conversation.

Sad Trombone: Used in an ironic or tragicomic observation. Equivalent to the vocalized "sad trombone sound" in spoken conversation.

Buuurn (that's three 'U's): Used for a stinging insult, comeback or retort. Equivalent to "Burn!", "Zing!" or "Oh snap!" in spoken conversation.

Instant Crickets: Used for a failed joke or non sequitur. Equivalent to an awkward silence in spoken conversation.

Epic One Liner: Used for a self-conscious pun, often by the poster of said pun. Makes use of the famous intros from CSI: Miami with David Caruso[1]. Often found in this format:

[first part of pun] -- puts on sunglasses -- [punchline] -- YYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH.

(Also see this gallery (NSFW))

Instant No Button!: Used in faux-dramatic or terrible situations. The sound clip used is Darth Vader's Noooooooooooo from Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith[2].

External References

Tags: websites, jokes, sound effects,

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