Lalo Salmanca Is Right Behind Me, Isn't He

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
Metamorphosis joins the MCU
Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
Marvel Danganronpa

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
*Terminator 2 as a Marvel Movie*

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
greg hirsch is the type to go "aaaand he's right behind me isn't he"

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
guy who says "sooo that just happened 😅" after sex

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
When she has a strap on

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
After ejaculation: well THAT just happened

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
9/11 if it was directed by Marvel:

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
I do not trust the writers of the new daredevil to avoid a quirky "uhhh he's right behind me isn't he" joke because he's blind

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
(other people start showing up to the orgy) guys.. we got company

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
(getting fucked in the ass) aaaand he's right behind me isn't he

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
Howard: he's right behind me isn't he. Umm well this is awkward

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
letterboxd review of the week

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
If Moon Knight was in the MCU, Marc would say "He's right behind me, isn't he?"

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened
Marvel fans when Batman doesn't say "Yep... that just happened!" after Riddler blows up Gotham sea walls

Marvel One-liners / So That Just Happened