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Tweet from @JackieWellbaum in #KSR conversation dated 29-May-2011:

@HBRexchange: CA Innovator 43rd Annual Tri-athalon: "Group-Chant, Group-Think, Group-Glory? Do Effective Cultures Create "Meme-HIVES?" #KSR

In whichever context memes are discussed (definition of meme described in Richard Dawkin's The Selfish Gene), this meme ("Meme-Hive") contributes to the conversation about how memes might be organized. Understanding how memes are organized is, of course, an attempt to understand how memes replicate themselves in an adaptive manner. Understanding how selective pressures might be exerted on memes requires understanding how memes travel through cultures and across generations as well as how memes penetrate social, religious and political 'resistive boundries.' This might provide insight into how memes engage in competition within the self.

If memes were found to coalesce and replicate within hives, or insect-like communities, then do memes spread from parents to children largely unedited? How might individual memes, considered mal-adaptive to particular genes, be 'removed' from a culture so as to improve gene expression into future generational pools? Which came first, the gene or the meme? How do genes influence memes and vice versa?

This meme is notable for simply contributing to the articulation of how memes, as "units of cultural evolution," are organized. Do memes self-organize and replicate individually or within categories/groups? For example, if memes organize themselves in hives, do memes replicate themselves in hives or in solo? How do memes respond and adapt to selective pressure?

We will get to the bottom of none of this if we remain unaware of how memes are organized to influence the culture.

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