Oompa Loompa Girl
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Oompa Loompa girl is a meme that originated on 4chan's /b/ on the 2nd of June 2010. The meme originated when a /b/tard posted "shall i do it /b/?" with a screencap of an orange girl's facebook profile and in the wall post box the words – "i'm not sure you're aware of this, but you look like an oompa loompa."
Picture below:
The shitstorm started and there were countless posts of "DO IT FAGGOT" and the like, until one /b/tard got to his shoop station and took the orange girl's profile picture and shooped her hair green.
After many messages to the orange girl, OP received a message from one of her friends defending her and telling him how ugly he was. /b/ responded by telling OP to reply with "nice teeth horse face" and the shoops of the friend's profile picture started.
There were countless inbox battles between anon and the Orange girl + Friends until at around 8PM GMT the orange girl blocked everyone, at which point anon started monitoring her wall (which she was still dumb enough to keep public) to find her countless spelling mistakes and retarded phrases. These mistakes were then turned into an "Advice Dog" Spinoff on memegenerator again using orange girl's facebook profile picture.
A Facebook group was made and can be seen here:
Jenna Jackson… I'd Oompa Loompa
However at 23:28 PM GMT the group was taken down as it violated facebook's terms of use.
There was also a Femanon going by the name of Rachel who was heavily involved in the raid and created many of the images you see, and an epic video about Orange Girl and her faggot Friend.
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