Chris Fleming - Images
...the "I guess" meme comes from a comic about a stripper cat
Chris Fleming
A bit late in the day, but eh....
Chris Fleming
Okay was anyone going to tell me that template
Chris Fleming
why there are 180,000 bees living in notre dame
Chris Fleming
Sky high was eugenicist propaganda
Chris Fleming
the creator of cereal had daily yogurt enemas
Chris Fleming
Was anybody going to tell me that cereal was invented to stop masturbation, or was I supposed to read that in a video about _Sky High_ being eugenicist propaganda
Chris Fleming
Was anybody going to tell me that this year was the 25th anniversary of The Nightmare Before Christmas, or was I supposed to read that on the Spirit of Halloween website myself.
Chris Fleming
Give me one good movie kiss
Chris Fleming
Elon musk was in that
Chris Fleming