Nasim Aghdam
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Nasim Aghdam, also known by her online handles Nasim Na and Nasim Sabz, was an Iranian-born vegan fitness model and animal rights activist. In early April 2018, Aghdam was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound after shooting several people at the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California.
Aghdam is rumored to have owned and operated the website PeaceThunder.com, featuring links, videos and information about veganism and animal rights. While it is unclear when the site was created, the earliest archive dates back to May of 2011.[1]

Other websites reportedly run by Aghdam included and NasimSabz.com and NasimABC.com. Following the YouTube headquarters shooting, archive screenshots of Aghdam's websites were collected in a thread on 4chan's /pol/ board.[2]

2009 PETA Protest
On August 13th, 2009, the Los Angeles Times[3] published an article which contained a photograph of Aghdam appearing at a PETA protest outside the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps base (shown below).[3] In the article, Aghdam was quoted as saying "For me, animal rights equal human rights."

YouTube Channels
Aghdam maintained four different YouTube channels, all of which were removed from the site following her death in early April 2018.[4][5][6][7] Many of her videos have been reuploaded by various channels on YouTube (shown below).
Following the "YouTube Adpocalypse", Aghdam began regularly complaining that her videos were being filtered and demonetized from the site, preventing her from receives video views and ad revenue for her content.

YouTube Headquarters Shooting
On April 3rd, 2018, a shooting occurred at the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California. Police responded to the scene to discover the suspect dead along with three people who had sustained gunshot wounds. That evening, San Bruno police identified the deceased suspect as Aghdam. In an interview with NBC News,[11] Adghdam’s father said YouTube demonetized her videos, cutting off her sole source of income.
Online Reaction
The following day, a thread about Aghdam was submitted to Kiwi Farms.[8] Meanwhile, The Onion[9] published a satirical article titled "Authorities Fear YouTube Shooter Might Inspire Wave Of Copycat Content Creators," which featured a screen cap from one of Aghdam's videos (shown below).

Also on April 4th, a thread about Aghdam was submitted to 4chan's /pol/ board, which gathered upwards of 380 replies within 24 hours.
![/pol/ thread Nasim Aghdam is a trans, yes? Anonymous (ID: Epvzyoa/04/04/18(Wed)07:33:15 No.166682493 >>16668651 7 >> 166690501 166686569 166687 112 >>1 66687480 >>166687942 >> 166687945 >>166687993 >>166688415 >> 166688768 >>166689565 166690549 >>166690828 166691 058 > >> 166691515 >> 166692081 >> 166692449-166693073 >> 166694876 I first thought she was a woman but then I watched all the videos and noticed her neck and her costumes and her wigs and her autism and how she lives with her parents at 39 and f---, she just has to be trans, no other explanation. Has /pol/ figured it out yet? Anonymous (ID: dTpZXVcc ) 04/04/18(Wed)07:35:48 No. 166682665トー166683077 She was wearing a fake chest in a mockery of over sexualization in that one vid Anonymous (ID: yzlzhi8h) LI 04/04/18(Wed)07:37:54 No. 166682808166684483 166689611 166682493 (OP) nah, at first i thought she was a t----- but its not the case Anonymous l D: D2D D a 04/04/18 Wed 07:38:47 No.1 66682864 ▶ > 166684483-2166684699 >> 166687769-166689677-166690127 >> 166690 307 >>166691 024 2166692745 166694683 1666960012 166682493 (OP) Nah https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue-211&vQbwHUumFRGw [Embed]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/358/802/dd1.jpg)
Personal Life
According to The Daily Mail,[10] Aghdam moved to the United States from Iran as a teenager in 1996.
Search Interest
External References
[1] Web Archive – PeaceThunder.com
[2] Archive.is – /pol/ thread
[3] LA Times – PETA protests use of pigs in military trauma training at Camp Pendleton
[4] YouTube – YouTube channel
[5] YouTube – YouTube channel
[6] YouTube – YouTube channel
[7] YouTube – NasimATBird
[8] Kiwi Farms – Nasim Najafi Aghdam
[9] The Onion – Authorities Fear YouTube Shooter Might Inspire Wave Of Copycat Content Creators
[10] The Daily Mail – Immigrant YouTube shooter went to a gun range HOURS before opening fire on tech campus with her legally held 9mm handgun after posting bizarre videos accusing site of ruining her life by cutting advertising money
[11] NBC News – YouTube shooter Nasim Aghdam
Top Comments
The Human Element
Apr 05, 2018 at 04:23AM EDT
Cellular Lukeleus
Apr 04, 2018 at 12:32AM EDT