Schizoposting - Videos
When I'm Off My Medicine at the Grand Canyon and the Baby in the Stroller Starts Talking to Me

When I'm Off My Medicine at the Grand Canyon and the Baby in the Stroller Starts Talking to Me
Schizoposting #1: Easter Stream - Movie Theory and Movie Psychology

Schizoposting #1: Easter Stream - Movie Theory and Movie Psychology
Anglo-Libertarian Simulator: Schizo Posting

Anglo-Libertarian Simulator: Schizo Posting
gotye-WOKEuplikethis : WE edition

gotye-WOKEuplikethis : WE edition
Schizo posting on main

Schizo posting on main
schizopost void and the nuclear testing facility

schizopost void and the nuclear testing facility
bomberman schizoposting ft. OzarkClient

bomberman schizoposting ft. OzarkClient
esoteric schizopost status

esoteric schizopost status
schizopost - does it hurt?

schizopost - does it hurt?
schizopost - wakeup

schizopost - wakeup
How to ascend (schizoposting)

How to ascend (schizoposting)
Schizophrenics Share The First Signs Of Them Slowly Starting To LOSE THEIR MIND (r/AskReddit)

Schizophrenics Share The First Signs Of Them Slowly Starting To LOSE THEIR MIND (r/AskReddit)
Anime girls smoke weed to conjure emerging AI which expresses itself using this video as its vessel