4chan - Images
Anyone have an archived thread of these? | /r/4chan

/k/ doesn't like David Spade | /r/4chan

/mu/sician records his neighbours | /r/4chan

Anon thanks /biz/ and /pol/ | /r/4chan

Anon explains why /b/ isn't as good as it used to be | /r/4chan
![O File: This is so Beautiful.jpg (26 KB, 400x400) O Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)03:12:04 No.824677824 [Reply] THISIS You know what's wrong? You f--- stay on this s----- Mongolian basket weaving forum and complain about how the degeneracy has become rampant, and that nothing really grabs you and excites you. You're desensitized, and you can't even get a chub without a black cuck t----- angle thrown in to your sissy i----- fanfic. You can't fathom that every bad thing that spawns here isn't caused by some gay n----- jew spook. Let me propose something for you to ponder for 0.0000001 second before being called out for the f-- that I am: You stayed too long. That magic spark that hooks deep into you, that wonder and horror that is /b/ and 4chan - it's plunged into you as deep as it can. You've enjoyed 80% of the glory of 4chan in your first year, and every subsequent year has been a vigorous shovelfest sifting through the ever-filling landfill of shitposts. There is never a 100% experience of 4chan, it changes always, and the things that don't change are abstract to the point where everyone experiences it in their own way on SO BEAUTIFUL contact without being able to point to it. What is to be done? If you have a shred of self-respect or will power, I propose this: 4chan should be something you only allow yourself to access unbridled for 1-2 years, and then you should pull out entirely, save for a yearly reunion. The day- to-day is near worthless when you've been here every day. The magic was all there when you dove in blind and dumb, a virgin to the content. Veterans, you've done your tour. Go home back to ciwy life, and grasp reality again with all you've learned. Come back on an anniversary to enjoy the nostalgia and the new content, but Inmiefator.nat don't linger. If you must stay, you best contribute OC to this beast, give back to the community that gave you such great and horrible things.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/819/328/d76.jpg)
![O File: This is so Beautiful.jpg (26 KB, 400x400) O Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)03:12:04 No.824677824 [Reply] THISIS You know what's wrong? You f--- stay on this s----- Mongolian basket weaving forum and complain about how the degeneracy has become rampant, and that nothing really grabs you and excites you. You're desensitized, and you can't even get a chub without a black cuck t----- angle thrown in to your sissy i----- fanfic. You can't fathom that every bad thing that spawns here isn't caused by some gay n----- jew spook. Let me propose something for you to ponder for 0.0000001 second before being called out for the f-- that I am: You stayed too long. That magic spark that hooks deep into you, that wonder and horror that is /b/ and 4chan - it's plunged into you as deep as it can. You've enjoyed 80% of the glory of 4chan in your first year, and every subsequent year has been a vigorous shovelfest sifting through the ever-filling landfill of shitposts. There is never a 100% experience of 4chan, it changes always, and the things that don't change are abstract to the point where everyone experiences it in their own way on SO BEAUTIFUL contact without being able to point to it. What is to be done? If you have a shred of self-respect or will power, I propose this: 4chan should be something you only allow yourself to access unbridled for 1-2 years, and then you should pull out entirely, save for a yearly reunion. The day- to-day is near worthless when you've been here every day. The magic was all there when you dove in blind and dumb, a virgin to the content. Veterans, you've done your tour. Go home back to ciwy life, and grasp reality again with all you've learned. Come back on an anniversary to enjoy the nostalgia and the new content, but Inmiefator.nat don't linger. If you must stay, you best contribute OC to this beast, give back to the community that gave you such great and horrible things.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/819/328/d76.jpg)
Anon's first time | /r/4chan

Blackpill from To Catch A Predator | /r/4chan
![: Anonymous To Catch a Predator: Jeff Stac(...) 04/03/20(Fri)15:58:09 No.131672396 HIC maxresdefault (5).jpg| 39 KB JPG https://youtu.be/K9KN6BE7IQY [Open] Jeff Stacy, AKA The Mickey Mouse Predator. His voice sounds like he perpetually inhales helium, he's short and horrendously overweight, he's got a p--- old mustache to match his actions, he met a 15 year decoy for sex and responded "it's a question!" when confronted about asking if she does a---, and he cried and tried to stab himself with a pen when he was arrested. Records show he got married in 2018. This man is more desirable to women than you.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/819/288/cb9.png)
![: Anonymous To Catch a Predator: Jeff Stac(...) 04/03/20(Fri)15:58:09 No.131672396 HIC maxresdefault (5).jpg| 39 KB JPG https://youtu.be/K9KN6BE7IQY [Open] Jeff Stacy, AKA The Mickey Mouse Predator. His voice sounds like he perpetually inhales helium, he's short and horrendously overweight, he's got a p--- old mustache to match his actions, he met a 15 year decoy for sex and responded "it's a question!" when confronted about asking if she does a---, and he cried and tried to stab himself with a pen when he was arrested. Records show he got married in 2018. This man is more desirable to women than you.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/819/288/cb9.png)
Anons know history | /r/4chan

Boris is gonna be okay bros | /r/4chan

Anons put the bants on Brittany | /r/4chan

A true /r9k/ hero | /r/4chan
![File: misne.png (846 KB, 699x879) Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)10:39:00 No.57535161 [Reply] ► Have you heard about this guy called Misne? He's been a NEET for about a decade, lurks here on r9k and posts sometimes. I recently came across this site and thought it was a joke site, for giggles you know, but after searching through the archives and talking to a few people on Discord who know him I realize it's joking about the real things he's done. https://misnefucksdogs.com/ Things he's done: - f----- several dogs - get a girl from Southeast Asia to kill herself after giving her LŠD - give crack rocks to a 12 year old Not only that, but he's been giving HRT to young teenagers online that he's been grooming in a fashion similar to Reiko. I've been in contact with one such person (a user by the name of Link) and he's told me multiple times that he's thought of killing himself and it started a few weeks after he took HRT. He's off it now but he was on it months before he stopped.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/819/152/709.jpg)
![File: misne.png (846 KB, 699x879) Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)10:39:00 No.57535161 [Reply] ► Have you heard about this guy called Misne? He's been a NEET for about a decade, lurks here on r9k and posts sometimes. I recently came across this site and thought it was a joke site, for giggles you know, but after searching through the archives and talking to a few people on Discord who know him I realize it's joking about the real things he's done. https://misnefucksdogs.com/ Things he's done: - f----- several dogs - get a girl from Southeast Asia to kill herself after giving her LŠD - give crack rocks to a 12 year old Not only that, but he's been giving HRT to young teenagers online that he's been grooming in a fashion similar to Reiko. I've been in contact with one such person (a user by the name of Link) and he's told me multiple times that he's thought of killing himself and it started a few weeks after he took HRT. He's off it now but he was on it months before he stopped.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/819/152/709.jpg)
PS5 Controller Size Comparison | /r/4chan

Anon sees a movie | /r/4chan
![File: 1547730607413.jpg (12 KB, 314x360) Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)21:00:00 No.131864968 [Reply] >movie takes place in Colorado >isn't shot in Colorado + 26 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view. O Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)21:22:30 No.131865999 File: 1573734864113.jpg (85 KB, 754x1158) >american goes to the cinema >is shot in colorado](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/819/150/12d.png)
![File: 1547730607413.jpg (12 KB, 314x360) Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)21:00:00 No.131864968 [Reply] >movie takes place in Colorado >isn't shot in Colorado + 26 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view. O Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)21:22:30 No.131865999 File: 1573734864113.jpg (85 KB, 754x1158) >american goes to the cinema >is shot in colorado](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/819/150/12d.png)
Anon messes up | /r/4chan

anon gets stood up | /r/4chan

Anon meets Dumbledore | /r/4chan
