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Chanon(site domain: chanon.ro) is the most popular Romanian-language imageboard community.The site consists of 17 topical imageboards plus an archive and a suggestions board.
The site opened gates on 20th of June 2011, a few months after 112chan.ro closed its game.
After the closing of 112chan there was a period of transition that followed with the creation of two imageboards, malign and chanon, with the first one closing soon after because of lack of visitors and childish administration.
/b/ – Bălăceanca
Chanon's /b/ (random) board is by far the most popular imageboard which accounts for nearly 80% of site traffic.
Most of the discussions on chanon's /b/ are random, and very little discussion is may-may related.
Chanon's most notable figure is Citponys, an anime enthusiast that lives alone in the middle of fucking nowhere.Legend says every time Citponys faps to drawn images of naked japanese people eating shit and sucking tentacles a star is born.That's why there's so many fucking stars.

/c/ – catastif
/c/ is chanon's archive.The threads that provide most lulz are saved there.Most of these threads are threads that contain photosopped images of various users or famous Romanians.
Chanon, despite being an image-board doesn't really relate to may-may's.Except "Astral Projection", that is an awesome may-may that needs to receive more attention.
Most of chanon's may-may's are literal translations of 4chan may-may's .(eg. "IF e un poponar", "tate sau iesi acasa"), or image macros of random faggots.
The last may-may to hit chanon is "Omu Paiangan", an alteration of "Omul Paianjen" which translated into English means "Goat".
Ion Douasuteunspe este un retardat cu pula mica si bleanga care crede tot ce citeste.

Atentie!Caine rau!
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