/tv/ - Images
A day that will live on in g'nfamy
Coom Meridian
![>He was just an average kid, looking for some adventure
>But when adventure finds him . . .
>*cuts to The Kid (played by Finn Wolfhard) getting woken up on his horse* Wait, what's going on?
>*Glanton (played by Adam Sandler) is shaking him "Wake up, lazy bones! We're gonna sack this village!"*
>*cuts to wide shot of the Gang approaching the village (which is notably white, so as not to anger the Native American market) as dramatic BWOMMMMS play*
>*Suddenly, the dramatic tension cuts as one of the villagers shoots an arrow at Glanton's crotch, causing him to cringe*
>*The Judge (played by The Rock in white-face, for some easily marketable controversy) winces and goes "Ooooh, right in the Toadvine!"*
>*Cormac McCarthy himself shows up to say "'Nuff said!"*
>. . . he's gonna need some friends along the way.
>This summer . . .
>*The kid yells "This desert is our home! We can't let the army take what's ours! Who's with me gang?" as everyone cheers*
>. . . the west . . .
>*shows The Kid and Toadvine (who is now played by Leslie Jones) beatboxing on their horses*
>. . . is gonna get . . .
>*shows the dancing bear beating up army goons as The Judge rides on his back with a rife*
>. . . wild!
>*music stops with a record scratch as The Judge twerks*
>*Glanton's jaw drops as The Kid goes "Awkwaaaaard"*
>BLOOD MERIDIAN, RATED PG-13 (accompanied by a cgi title screen and a guitar riff)
>*The scene cuts to black*
>*Suddenly, the scene cuts back to The Judge sitting in a saloon, when he hears a voice say "Hey Holden, I'm not through with you!"*
>*Camera turns around, showing an aged Javier Bardem reprising his role as Anton to set up the McCarthy Cinematic Universe*
>COMING JANUARY 2022](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/098/537/dbc.jpeg)
![>He was just an average kid, looking for some adventure
>But when adventure finds him . . .
>*cuts to The Kid (played by Finn Wolfhard) getting woken up on his horse* Wait, what's going on?
>*Glanton (played by Adam Sandler) is shaking him "Wake up, lazy bones! We're gonna sack this village!"*
>*cuts to wide shot of the Gang approaching the village (which is notably white, so as not to anger the Native American market) as dramatic BWOMMMMS play*
>*Suddenly, the dramatic tension cuts as one of the villagers shoots an arrow at Glanton's crotch, causing him to cringe*
>*The Judge (played by The Rock in white-face, for some easily marketable controversy) winces and goes "Ooooh, right in the Toadvine!"*
>*Cormac McCarthy himself shows up to say "'Nuff said!"*
>. . . he's gonna need some friends along the way.
>This summer . . .
>*The kid yells "This desert is our home! We can't let the army take what's ours! Who's with me gang?" as everyone cheers*
>. . . the west . . .
>*shows The Kid and Toadvine (who is now played by Leslie Jones) beatboxing on their horses*
>. . . is gonna get . . .
>*shows the dancing bear beating up army goons as The Judge rides on his back with a rife*
>. . . wild!
>*music stops with a record scratch as The Judge twerks*
>*Glanton's jaw drops as The Kid goes "Awkwaaaaard"*
>BLOOD MERIDIAN, RATED PG-13 (accompanied by a cgi title screen and a guitar riff)
>*The scene cuts to black*
>*Suddenly, the scene cuts back to The Judge sitting in a saloon, when he hears a voice say "Hey Holden, I'm not through with you!"*
>*Camera turns around, showing an aged Javier Bardem reprising his role as Anton to set up the McCarthy Cinematic Universe*
>COMING JANUARY 2022](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/098/537/dbc.jpeg)
The ogre anon that lives in a dungeon
![File: IMAG0093. jpg (3.47 MB, 3024x5376) O Fury Road Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:10:29 No.60542742 >260542803 >>60542811 >>6054 >>60543432 >>60543640 >>60543953 >60544275 >>60544722 >>60544858 >60545025 >>60545041 >>60545065 Aw yeah, just got back from the cosco to get my copy of fury road. Anyone else picked it up? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:11:36 No.60542764 >60542800 >60543184 File: 1440125082117.gif (1.95 MB, 320x240) MA MAX shill man please leave O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:12:00 No.60542774 Shill thread Go back to reddit BLU-RAY DVD + DIGITAL H OHANLIZE *D Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:12:59 No.60542803 >60542835 >60542839 >>60542951 >>60543285 >>60543617 >>60543556 99 >>60542742 (OP) >that goblin hand What the f--- man O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:14:22 No.60542837 File: 1434807087835.jpg (20 KB, 150x200) >>60542951 WHATG >that hand OAD *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:13:17 No.60542807 >60542839 >>60542951 MAX no one wants to comment on his thumb/hand? like what the f--- you ogre m------------ D Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:13:19 No.60542811 60542942 FRESA >>60542742 (OP) with those living situation I wouldn't waste my money on physical media * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:14:27 No.60542839 2260543040 >>60542803 >>60542807 There's nothing wrong with my hands stop talking about them. D Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:13:33 No.60542816 260542951 DIGITAL HD Pgiant rubber hand sobvious r--- dungeon E Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:27:24 No.60543167 260643268 File: bush-shock-1 jpg (85 KB, 470x319) O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:14:44 No.60542848 wut Are you an ogre? >>60542742 (OP) WHATS WRONG WITH YOUR THUMB Please stop talking about it. PO Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:21:44 No.60543040 ► File: 1401756284962.jpg (46 KB, 691x624) Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:17:10 No.60542916 >>60542951 >60542963 >>60542987 >>60542742 (OP) That carpet is making me even more sick than your ogre hand, my god man, clean up your surroundings! >>60542839 There's everything wrong with your hands, but now you're just begging for attention. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:19:36 No.60542987 ► I mean that thumb is pretty big >>60542916 There's no carpet, my floor is concrete. Please stop talking about it. * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:21:53 No.60543044 ► >>60543117 File: 1424191171991.jpg (48 KB, 253x317) >>60542742 (OP) * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:31:57 No.60543285 >>60543355 >>60544858 >>60548702 File: toehand.png (1.15 MB, 800x911) Is the nail painted? >>60542742 (OP) >>60542803 WHAT oe Hand MA MAX Toe Hand THE * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:22:14 No.60543055 ► File: 905295392085134914.gif (1.73 MB, 320x240) F--- >>60542742 (OP) >Those cumrags >That dirty underwear >Fungus wall and carpet >Empty alcohol D'ATAL a2 BLU-RAY + DVD MA MAX 199 bottle >ogre hand whatthefuck FRESH ロ00 Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:41:11 No.60543538 60543573 60543582 60543586 260543636 260543642 >260544281 60545439 2>60545577 60545594 >60545951 >60546812 >>60549189 File: IMAGO096.jpg (3.17 MB, 3024x5376) I watching movies on the laptop on the right to the one on the left has a broken screen from where I dropped it. Is a lot of clutter but I've been digging out the basement to expand it. Does not look like much but it's comfy O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:42:46 No.60543573 2260543600 260543652 >>60543692 File: WHAT THE F--- IS THAT THING ipg (7 KB, 240x240) O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:38:11 No.60543458 File: LOL TEARS.jpg (49 KB, 331x319) 18 Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:37:10 No.60546812 >>60543538 Is. Is that an onion in a cage? 2>60543538 DESPITE ALL MY RAGE I AM STILL JUST AN ONION IN A CAGE >op is literally an ogre that lives in a dungeon O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:45:32 No.60543636 226054381z File: 1385257075710 ipg (78 KB, 832x584) >>60543538 >Toshiba laptop Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:43:12 No.60543582 ► File: 1430596314919 ing (441 KB, 1688x1704) O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:18:14 No.60544631 > File: 1343557433065 jng (15 KB, 252x300) >>60543538 Good thread E Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:33:05 No.60545041 260545149 Jesus Christ. Would read again 2260542742 (OP) Jesus christ OP are you a fckin cave troll? The f--- is wrong with your hand? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:43:19 No.60543586 260544251 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:52:05 No.60545594 >>60543538 Do the homeowners know you live there? >>60543538 Why there an onion hanging in a cage? *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:52:01 No.60543817 ► >>60543854 >>60543868 >>60543915 >>60545951 >>60549189 File: IMAG0097.jpg (3.3 MB, 3024x5376) >>60543636 Out of the three laptops I used for watching movies the Toshiba is the only one that lasted. This one only stays on for an hour before it does on me *O OIRapeyFace !KkdFnjR216 09/01/15(Tue)16:55:14 No.60543915 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:53:30 No.60543868 ► 2260543918 >>60543817 >that random toy car on the desk >>60543817 are you trying to consume your laptops or something? Oh my god I haven't laughed this hard in over a year, thank you OP. Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:55:15 No.60543918 ► >60543955 >>60543996 >>60543868 I keep dropping them or they just break out of nowhere or something. Everytime the people upstairs get a new one they let me have the old ones to watch movies on O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:56:29 No.60543955 ► 2260543995 >>60543918 ehm waht * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:57:48 No.60543995 ► 2260544032 >>60543955 its why i have so many, I cant afford to even buy used laptops you know. this movie was $20 but i really like it and it was worth it for me O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:57:52 No.60543996 ► >>60544062 >>60543918 >the people upstairs your owners? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:03:49 No.60544168 > >>60544187 >>60544223 >>60544242 >>60544262 >>60544286 >>60544100 Can we please get back to the original topic at hand? i dont feel comfortabel talking about myself O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:05:24 No.60544223 >>60544313 >>60544168 If this is true, just leave this thread buddy, people are only here to have fun and currently it is happening at your expense. * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:04:30 No.60544187 2>60544313 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:08:02 No.60544313 60544 >60544370 >>60544187 the first two shrek movies were okay but after that the series wasnt enterainting anymore >>60544223 i should be andle to dealwith it by now but sometimes it still hurts speially when im trying to talk about a movie i bought and really like >>60544242 >>60544262 >>60544286 yuuo people are literally the worst, thats a very omcommon phrase >>60544168 What's your opinion of onions and/or swamps? * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:05:53 No.60544242 2>60544313 File: andre-villas-boas-liverpool.jpg (35 KB, 600x428) >>60544168 >topic at hand O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:06:32 No.60544262 >>60544313 File: AYYYYYY.gif (1.61 MB, 500x352) * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:07:16 No.60544286 >60544313 File: 1441003637824.png (196 KB, 314x315) >>60544168 >at hand >>60544168 >at hand O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:58:53 No.60544032 >>60544062 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:09:38 No.60544365 >>60544421 >>60543995 no but explain why you're living under someones house, and why do they give you laptops? >>60544313 how are your owners Pollacks? is it the troll toll? *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:10:02 No.60544370 260544401 >>60544421 E Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:00:16 No.60544062 ► >>60544100 >>60544313 It seems like you're having trouble typing properly. >>60543996 I can't pronounce their names (pollacks) and like f--- im going to type it out. >>60544032 i just told you why they gave me their old laptops. to watch movies on. im glad that the blu rays still come with the DVD copies as an aside I wonder why *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:11:53 No.60544421 2260544454 >>60544365 Ugh They arent my owners i pay them some rent They're pollacks because they come from pole land >>60544370 I switched to keyboard instead of using the voice to text which is why okay. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:01:32 No.60544100 2>60544168 >>60544062 No but what do they get out of it? Do you give them money or something? I don't understand why they're just giving you laptops. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:12:51 No.60544454 ► 2>60544550 >>60544568 >>60544606 >>60544675 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:20:18 No.60544684 2260544864 >>60544421 i'm interested cause im Polish myself Post more of basement what country u from? U Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:17:32 No.60544606 2260544670 >>60544454 Nowhere special. The pollacks are from Warsaw I know as much. >>60543132 Is the quality good? I might as well download it too since im not using the ultraviolet service in case the pollacks want to watch it too sometime. E Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:26:45 No.60544864 2260545003 >60545025 >60545027 >>60545058 >>60545335 260545951 >>60549189 File: IMAG0098.jpg (3.23 MB, 3024x5376) >>60544684 Fine. Here is the shelf where I'm allowed to keep things. Lucky all these movies come with dvd copies *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:31:59 No.60545003 ► 260545109 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:33:52 No.60545065 260545149 >>60544864 Do you have to s--- in there? >>60542742 (OP) MALE PO Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:32:25 No.60545025 ► 2260545109 22605454B6 File: bart-and-hugo-601x480 jpg (51 KB, 601×480) >stubby ogre hands under someone's >posts on /tw >>60542742 (OP) Mind posting your entire hand? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:36:43 No.60545149 >260545176 >>60545284 >>60545305 >>60545041 >>60545065 I'm ot a troll It just sort of looks like I live like one >>60544864 >the sheif where I'm allowed to keep things OP confirmed for Hugo. File: 1297978713716.png (136 KB, 428x510 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:33:39 No.60545058 >>60545109 2260545100 >l use a bucket >>60544864 Do they hose you down with urine if you don't keep your things there? Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:35:19 No.60545109 >60545145 >>60545176 >>60545198 >>60545247 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:38:33 No.60545198 ► >>60545218 File: Car jpg (29 KB, 400x521) >>60545003 Im not an animal you a------, I use a bucket >>60545019 Weird right? A lot of the new releases at the store had them >>60545025 Im not posting any more of me >>60545058 Nobody hoses me down with anything god >>60545109 >lm not an animal you a------, I use a bucket Im not an animal you a------, I use a bucket Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:41 14 No.60545285 60545430 >>60545176 If you look at his shelf you can see a glass coca cola bottle, Im not entirely sure but I think most first world countries use plastic and a lot of third world countries use glass. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:41:50 No.60545306 >260545430 >>60545149 Do your polish owners treat u well? Do they feed u sausage? U Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:45:52 No.60545430 2260545463 2260545472 260545498 >545509 >260545528 260545529 >60545951 260549189 File: IMAGO099 ing (2.96 MB, 3024x5376) >>60545285 The big shelves belong to the P------, he's an old bastard who fought in World War 2 and he keeps a lot of memorabilia and stuff trom that era inside. Sometimes I go out and I find stuff around in yard sales and I bring it back and he likes that >>60545306 Oh yeah that should be pretty okay I mean I don't pay that much for rent and they give me their used electronics why I have so many laptops and this phone that I'm using Also how many times do I have to reiterate that they are not my owners E Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:28:43 No.60544920 2260545014 File: MG 20150829 14291666080 jpg (52 KB, 680x382) O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:48:20 No.60545498 File: 1420706787821 jpg (26 KB, 409x366) >>60545430 MAD MAX >hand grenades O OIRapeyFace IKkdFnjR216 09/01/15(Tue)17:48:42 No.60545506 ► REK 2260545335 it just keeps getting better and better THE FLM TRAI STARTES I ALL O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:32:12 No.60545014 >>60544920 Road Warror (a------) hey op whtas your favoirite Mad Max movie? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:59:22 No.60545792 >60545814 p260545825 2260545828 2260545835 2260545841 2a60545879 >260545903 p>60545951 p>60545997 p260548585 2260549189 File: MAG0101.ipg (2.9 MB, 3024x5376) also I'm expanding the basement a little bit on my own accord, it just kind of cramped down there so I'm in the process of digging it out 'm giving myself another room to put stuff in hopefully 'l even get a real TV soon instead of having to use laptops O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:00:08 No.60545814 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:11:42 No.60546148 2260546161 >>60545792 dude what the f--- Well the troll had his fun, now stop pretending you all think this is real. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:00:33 No.60545828 >260546201 *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:12:14 No.60546161 ► >>60545792 are you using a f------ spoon as a shovel? >>60546148 You need to start believing in ogre stories, anon. You're in one. *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:02:02 No.60545879 2260546125 2>60546201 >>60545792 Do you have an expansion or alterations clause in your lease agreement? If not you better negotiate first otherwise there may be trouble bro O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:03:10 No.60545903 260546201 >>60545792 Did you check where the foundations and pipes are built first? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:13:44 No.60546201 ► >>60545828 i use a shovel to shovel, im not clawing out the dirt. The spoon is what I eat with and the journal is just for when i feel like writing down my thoughts on things. >>60545879 They said it was ok upstairs after they heard me digging. >>60545903 Of course i am not retarded. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:16:14 No.60546273 ► File: 1367342991977.gif (953 KB, 245x200) > O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:54:17 No.60545662 ► File: 1439516488190.jpg (104 KB, 740x740) >this thread Thomas Coo * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:55:06 No.60545683 ► File: IMG 06082015_220450.png (394 KB, 900x635) >>60546201 >they heard me digging. >>60542742 (OP) *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:00:46 No.60545835 ► >60546067 Why do you live in a r--- dungeon? How many distressed damsels are you hiding down there?1 >>60545792 This is absolute b-------. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:55:40 No.60545693 ► There's no way you sit down there watching movies on that s----- toshiba laptop. And them f------ fingers? >>60542742 (OP) 1/10 for making me reply. F---'s sake, I can't remember the last time a thread made me laugh this hard. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:09:12 No.60546067 ► 2>60546135 2260546162 >>60545835 I use a voice to text speech instead of typing on the keyboards it's really useful with my cell phone they gave me an htc one to use they are really really nice people I use the voice to text speech instead of typing on the keyboard it's really use a wish my cellphone they gave me an h_t_c one to use they are really really nice polishle a lot of times the whole household goes out to see movies together 2](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/068/064/c6c.png)
![File: IMAG0093. jpg (3.47 MB, 3024x5376) O Fury Road Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:10:29 No.60542742 >260542803 >>60542811 >>6054 >>60543432 >>60543640 >>60543953 >60544275 >>60544722 >>60544858 >60545025 >>60545041 >>60545065 Aw yeah, just got back from the cosco to get my copy of fury road. Anyone else picked it up? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:11:36 No.60542764 >60542800 >60543184 File: 1440125082117.gif (1.95 MB, 320x240) MA MAX shill man please leave O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:12:00 No.60542774 Shill thread Go back to reddit BLU-RAY DVD + DIGITAL H OHANLIZE *D Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:12:59 No.60542803 >60542835 >60542839 >>60542951 >>60543285 >>60543617 >>60543556 99 >>60542742 (OP) >that goblin hand What the f--- man O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:14:22 No.60542837 File: 1434807087835.jpg (20 KB, 150x200) >>60542951 WHATG >that hand OAD *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:13:17 No.60542807 >60542839 >>60542951 MAX no one wants to comment on his thumb/hand? like what the f--- you ogre m------------ D Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:13:19 No.60542811 60542942 FRESA >>60542742 (OP) with those living situation I wouldn't waste my money on physical media * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:14:27 No.60542839 2260543040 >>60542803 >>60542807 There's nothing wrong with my hands stop talking about them. D Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:13:33 No.60542816 260542951 DIGITAL HD Pgiant rubber hand sobvious r--- dungeon E Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:27:24 No.60543167 260643268 File: bush-shock-1 jpg (85 KB, 470x319) O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:14:44 No.60542848 wut Are you an ogre? >>60542742 (OP) WHATS WRONG WITH YOUR THUMB Please stop talking about it. PO Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:21:44 No.60543040 ► File: 1401756284962.jpg (46 KB, 691x624) Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:17:10 No.60542916 >>60542951 >60542963 >>60542987 >>60542742 (OP) That carpet is making me even more sick than your ogre hand, my god man, clean up your surroundings! >>60542839 There's everything wrong with your hands, but now you're just begging for attention. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:19:36 No.60542987 ► I mean that thumb is pretty big >>60542916 There's no carpet, my floor is concrete. Please stop talking about it. * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:21:53 No.60543044 ► >>60543117 File: 1424191171991.jpg (48 KB, 253x317) >>60542742 (OP) * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:31:57 No.60543285 >>60543355 >>60544858 >>60548702 File: toehand.png (1.15 MB, 800x911) Is the nail painted? >>60542742 (OP) >>60542803 WHAT oe Hand MA MAX Toe Hand THE * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:22:14 No.60543055 ► File: 905295392085134914.gif (1.73 MB, 320x240) F--- >>60542742 (OP) >Those cumrags >That dirty underwear >Fungus wall and carpet >Empty alcohol D'ATAL a2 BLU-RAY + DVD MA MAX 199 bottle >ogre hand whatthefuck FRESH ロ00 Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:41:11 No.60543538 60543573 60543582 60543586 260543636 260543642 >260544281 60545439 2>60545577 60545594 >60545951 >60546812 >>60549189 File: IMAGO096.jpg (3.17 MB, 3024x5376) I watching movies on the laptop on the right to the one on the left has a broken screen from where I dropped it. Is a lot of clutter but I've been digging out the basement to expand it. Does not look like much but it's comfy O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:42:46 No.60543573 2260543600 260543652 >>60543692 File: WHAT THE F--- IS THAT THING ipg (7 KB, 240x240) O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:38:11 No.60543458 File: LOL TEARS.jpg (49 KB, 331x319) 18 Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:37:10 No.60546812 >>60543538 Is. Is that an onion in a cage? 2>60543538 DESPITE ALL MY RAGE I AM STILL JUST AN ONION IN A CAGE >op is literally an ogre that lives in a dungeon O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:45:32 No.60543636 226054381z File: 1385257075710 ipg (78 KB, 832x584) >>60543538 >Toshiba laptop Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:43:12 No.60543582 ► File: 1430596314919 ing (441 KB, 1688x1704) O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:18:14 No.60544631 > File: 1343557433065 jng (15 KB, 252x300) >>60543538 Good thread E Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:33:05 No.60545041 260545149 Jesus Christ. Would read again 2260542742 (OP) Jesus christ OP are you a fckin cave troll? The f--- is wrong with your hand? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:43:19 No.60543586 260544251 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:52:05 No.60545594 >>60543538 Do the homeowners know you live there? >>60543538 Why there an onion hanging in a cage? *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:52:01 No.60543817 ► >>60543854 >>60543868 >>60543915 >>60545951 >>60549189 File: IMAG0097.jpg (3.3 MB, 3024x5376) >>60543636 Out of the three laptops I used for watching movies the Toshiba is the only one that lasted. This one only stays on for an hour before it does on me *O OIRapeyFace !KkdFnjR216 09/01/15(Tue)16:55:14 No.60543915 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:53:30 No.60543868 ► 2260543918 >>60543817 >that random toy car on the desk >>60543817 are you trying to consume your laptops or something? Oh my god I haven't laughed this hard in over a year, thank you OP. Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:55:15 No.60543918 ► >60543955 >>60543996 >>60543868 I keep dropping them or they just break out of nowhere or something. Everytime the people upstairs get a new one they let me have the old ones to watch movies on O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:56:29 No.60543955 ► 2260543995 >>60543918 ehm waht * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:57:48 No.60543995 ► 2260544032 >>60543955 its why i have so many, I cant afford to even buy used laptops you know. this movie was $20 but i really like it and it was worth it for me O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:57:52 No.60543996 ► >>60544062 >>60543918 >the people upstairs your owners? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:03:49 No.60544168 > >>60544187 >>60544223 >>60544242 >>60544262 >>60544286 >>60544100 Can we please get back to the original topic at hand? i dont feel comfortabel talking about myself O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:05:24 No.60544223 >>60544313 >>60544168 If this is true, just leave this thread buddy, people are only here to have fun and currently it is happening at your expense. * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:04:30 No.60544187 2>60544313 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:08:02 No.60544313 60544 >60544370 >>60544187 the first two shrek movies were okay but after that the series wasnt enterainting anymore >>60544223 i should be andle to dealwith it by now but sometimes it still hurts speially when im trying to talk about a movie i bought and really like >>60544242 >>60544262 >>60544286 yuuo people are literally the worst, thats a very omcommon phrase >>60544168 What's your opinion of onions and/or swamps? * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:05:53 No.60544242 2>60544313 File: andre-villas-boas-liverpool.jpg (35 KB, 600x428) >>60544168 >topic at hand O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:06:32 No.60544262 >>60544313 File: AYYYYYY.gif (1.61 MB, 500x352) * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:07:16 No.60544286 >60544313 File: 1441003637824.png (196 KB, 314x315) >>60544168 >at hand >>60544168 >at hand O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)16:58:53 No.60544032 >>60544062 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:09:38 No.60544365 >>60544421 >>60543995 no but explain why you're living under someones house, and why do they give you laptops? >>60544313 how are your owners Pollacks? is it the troll toll? *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:10:02 No.60544370 260544401 >>60544421 E Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:00:16 No.60544062 ► >>60544100 >>60544313 It seems like you're having trouble typing properly. >>60543996 I can't pronounce their names (pollacks) and like f--- im going to type it out. >>60544032 i just told you why they gave me their old laptops. to watch movies on. im glad that the blu rays still come with the DVD copies as an aside I wonder why *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:11:53 No.60544421 2260544454 >>60544365 Ugh They arent my owners i pay them some rent They're pollacks because they come from pole land >>60544370 I switched to keyboard instead of using the voice to text which is why okay. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:01:32 No.60544100 2>60544168 >>60544062 No but what do they get out of it? Do you give them money or something? I don't understand why they're just giving you laptops. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:12:51 No.60544454 ► 2>60544550 >>60544568 >>60544606 >>60544675 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:20:18 No.60544684 2260544864 >>60544421 i'm interested cause im Polish myself Post more of basement what country u from? U Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:17:32 No.60544606 2260544670 >>60544454 Nowhere special. The pollacks are from Warsaw I know as much. >>60543132 Is the quality good? I might as well download it too since im not using the ultraviolet service in case the pollacks want to watch it too sometime. E Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:26:45 No.60544864 2260545003 >60545025 >60545027 >>60545058 >>60545335 260545951 >>60549189 File: IMAG0098.jpg (3.23 MB, 3024x5376) >>60544684 Fine. Here is the shelf where I'm allowed to keep things. Lucky all these movies come with dvd copies *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:31:59 No.60545003 ► 260545109 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:33:52 No.60545065 260545149 >>60544864 Do you have to s--- in there? >>60542742 (OP) MALE PO Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:32:25 No.60545025 ► 2260545109 22605454B6 File: bart-and-hugo-601x480 jpg (51 KB, 601×480) >stubby ogre hands under someone's >posts on /tw >>60542742 (OP) Mind posting your entire hand? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:36:43 No.60545149 >260545176 >>60545284 >>60545305 >>60545041 >>60545065 I'm ot a troll It just sort of looks like I live like one >>60544864 >the sheif where I'm allowed to keep things OP confirmed for Hugo. File: 1297978713716.png (136 KB, 428x510 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:33:39 No.60545058 >>60545109 2260545100 >l use a bucket >>60544864 Do they hose you down with urine if you don't keep your things there? Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:35:19 No.60545109 >60545145 >>60545176 >>60545198 >>60545247 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:38:33 No.60545198 ► >>60545218 File: Car jpg (29 KB, 400x521) >>60545003 Im not an animal you a------, I use a bucket >>60545019 Weird right? A lot of the new releases at the store had them >>60545025 Im not posting any more of me >>60545058 Nobody hoses me down with anything god >>60545109 >lm not an animal you a------, I use a bucket Im not an animal you a------, I use a bucket Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:41 14 No.60545285 60545430 >>60545176 If you look at his shelf you can see a glass coca cola bottle, Im not entirely sure but I think most first world countries use plastic and a lot of third world countries use glass. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:41:50 No.60545306 >260545430 >>60545149 Do your polish owners treat u well? Do they feed u sausage? U Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:45:52 No.60545430 2260545463 2260545472 260545498 >545509 >260545528 260545529 >60545951 260549189 File: IMAGO099 ing (2.96 MB, 3024x5376) >>60545285 The big shelves belong to the P------, he's an old bastard who fought in World War 2 and he keeps a lot of memorabilia and stuff trom that era inside. Sometimes I go out and I find stuff around in yard sales and I bring it back and he likes that >>60545306 Oh yeah that should be pretty okay I mean I don't pay that much for rent and they give me their used electronics why I have so many laptops and this phone that I'm using Also how many times do I have to reiterate that they are not my owners E Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:28:43 No.60544920 2260545014 File: MG 20150829 14291666080 jpg (52 KB, 680x382) O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:48:20 No.60545498 File: 1420706787821 jpg (26 KB, 409x366) >>60545430 MAD MAX >hand grenades O OIRapeyFace IKkdFnjR216 09/01/15(Tue)17:48:42 No.60545506 ► REK 2260545335 it just keeps getting better and better THE FLM TRAI STARTES I ALL O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:32:12 No.60545014 >>60544920 Road Warror (a------) hey op whtas your favoirite Mad Max movie? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:59:22 No.60545792 >60545814 p260545825 2260545828 2260545835 2260545841 2a60545879 >260545903 p>60545951 p>60545997 p260548585 2260549189 File: MAG0101.ipg (2.9 MB, 3024x5376) also I'm expanding the basement a little bit on my own accord, it just kind of cramped down there so I'm in the process of digging it out 'm giving myself another room to put stuff in hopefully 'l even get a real TV soon instead of having to use laptops O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:00:08 No.60545814 O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:11:42 No.60546148 2260546161 >>60545792 dude what the f--- Well the troll had his fun, now stop pretending you all think this is real. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:00:33 No.60545828 >260546201 *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:12:14 No.60546161 ► >>60545792 are you using a f------ spoon as a shovel? >>60546148 You need to start believing in ogre stories, anon. You're in one. *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:02:02 No.60545879 2260546125 2>60546201 >>60545792 Do you have an expansion or alterations clause in your lease agreement? If not you better negotiate first otherwise there may be trouble bro O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:03:10 No.60545903 260546201 >>60545792 Did you check where the foundations and pipes are built first? O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:13:44 No.60546201 ► >>60545828 i use a shovel to shovel, im not clawing out the dirt. The spoon is what I eat with and the journal is just for when i feel like writing down my thoughts on things. >>60545879 They said it was ok upstairs after they heard me digging. >>60545903 Of course i am not retarded. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:16:14 No.60546273 ► File: 1367342991977.gif (953 KB, 245x200) > O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:54:17 No.60545662 ► File: 1439516488190.jpg (104 KB, 740x740) >this thread Thomas Coo * O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:55:06 No.60545683 ► File: IMG 06082015_220450.png (394 KB, 900x635) >>60546201 >they heard me digging. >>60542742 (OP) *O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:00:46 No.60545835 ► >60546067 Why do you live in a r--- dungeon? How many distressed damsels are you hiding down there?1 >>60545792 This is absolute b-------. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)17:55:40 No.60545693 ► There's no way you sit down there watching movies on that s----- toshiba laptop. And them f------ fingers? >>60542742 (OP) 1/10 for making me reply. F---'s sake, I can't remember the last time a thread made me laugh this hard. O Anonymous 09/01/15(Tue)18:09:12 No.60546067 ► 2>60546135 2260546162 >>60545835 I use a voice to text speech instead of typing on the keyboards it's really useful with my cell phone they gave me an htc one to use they are really really nice people I use the voice to text speech instead of typing on the keyboard it's really use a wish my cellphone they gave me an h_t_c one to use they are really really nice polishle a lot of times the whole household goes out to see movies together 2](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/068/064/c6c.png)
Foxy Grandpa wins yet again
![FOXY GRANDPA](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/056/174/d75.png)
![FOXY GRANDPA](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/056/174/d75.png)
Foxy Grandpa BTFOs the boys yet again
Superman and Zod basically did 9/11
![: Anonymous 03/25/21(Thu)18:08:24 No.148582207 F3BD466D-A23A-4D01-AD1F-AB6E67E53646.jpg 75 KB JPG no, zod, you can't just kill these 4 people even though we just took out 121,583 : Anonymous 03/25/21(Thu)18:09:51 No.148582258 Zack Snyder retconned it to a couple thousand, Superman and zod basically committed 9/11. >>148582586 # >>148582626 # Anonymous 03/25/21(Thu)18:17:43 No.148582586 >>148582258 # well corona does 9/11 every day and no one seems to care](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/055/449/a8a.jpg)
![: Anonymous 03/25/21(Thu)18:08:24 No.148582207 F3BD466D-A23A-4D01-AD1F-AB6E67E53646.jpg 75 KB JPG no, zod, you can't just kill these 4 people even though we just took out 121,583 : Anonymous 03/25/21(Thu)18:09:51 No.148582258 Zack Snyder retconned it to a couple thousand, Superman and zod basically committed 9/11. >>148582586 # >>148582626 # Anonymous 03/25/21(Thu)18:17:43 No.148582586 >>148582258 # well corona does 9/11 every day and no one seems to care](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/055/449/a8a.jpg)
Beginning Where You End
![: Anonymous 06/05/20(Fri)09:26:03 No.134784347 >First leader of Rome is Romulus >First emperor of the Roman Empire is Augustus >Last emperor of the Roman Empire is Romulus Augustus Who the f--- writes this s---? 96 KB PNG : Anonymous06/05/20(Fri)09:32:15 No.134784500 >>134784347 (OP)_# This confirm Rome as the protag of history 70 KB JPG dubs and Rome is reborn >>134784551 # >>134784661 # >>134784837 # >>134785390 # >>134785434 # >>134785572 # >>134785584 # >>134785610 # >>134785971 # >>134786069 # >>134786575 # >>134786596 # >>134787138 # >>134787218 # >>134787468 # >>134787702 #](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/042/459/e63.jpg)
![: Anonymous 06/05/20(Fri)09:26:03 No.134784347 >First leader of Rome is Romulus >First emperor of the Roman Empire is Augustus >Last emperor of the Roman Empire is Romulus Augustus Who the f--- writes this s---? 96 KB PNG : Anonymous06/05/20(Fri)09:32:15 No.134784500 >>134784347 (OP)_# This confirm Rome as the protag of history 70 KB JPG dubs and Rome is reborn >>134784551 # >>134784661 # >>134784837 # >>134785390 # >>134785434 # >>134785572 # >>134785584 # >>134785610 # >>134785971 # >>134786069 # >>134786575 # >>134786596 # >>134787138 # >>134787218 # >>134787468 # >>134787702 #](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/042/459/e63.jpg)
"Yeah, I'm glad I came inside you"
2021:The Year /tv/ realized Kubrick's VISION
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pF_pEIsFOI4" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
We have truly become
2001: A Space Odyssey
>Bowman Star Child is seen floating in space looking at Earth
>Bowman's voice goes "We have truly become... 2001...
>Bowman Star Child looks at the viewer
>"...A Space Odyssey."
>Then the song plays
>fades to black
>arrow zooms from the side
>2001:a space odyssey will be continued in
>glowing red text zooms towards the screen
>2010: The Year We Make Contact
>Post Credits screen
>Hal is seen back online
>Camera view
>Looks out window
>Dave's Star Child
>The Star Child winks
>Cut To Black
>Truly, we are now 2010: The Year We Make Contact.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/996/895/440.png)
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pF_pEIsFOI4" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
We have truly become
2001: A Space Odyssey
>Bowman Star Child is seen floating in space looking at Earth
>Bowman's voice goes "We have truly become... 2001...
>Bowman Star Child looks at the viewer
>"...A Space Odyssey."
>Then the song plays
>fades to black
>arrow zooms from the side
>2001:a space odyssey will be continued in
>glowing red text zooms towards the screen
>2010: The Year We Make Contact
>Post Credits screen
>Hal is seen back online
>Camera view
>Looks out window
>Dave's Star Child
>The Star Child winks
>Cut To Black
>Truly, we are now 2010: The Year We Make Contact.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/996/895/440.png)
Uncle Ben's Finals Words
![>He was white, Peter..
>All these years protesting the Civil Rights Act, and one of my own gets me
>Was I wrong boy?
>Uncle Ben-he-he looked Italian
>Oh Peter, thank you..
>[Uncle Ben dies smiling]
They changed it to Irish in the Italian cut](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/995/990/667.jpg)
![>He was white, Peter..
>All these years protesting the Civil Rights Act, and one of my own gets me
>Was I wrong boy?
>Uncle Ben-he-he looked Italian
>Oh Peter, thank you..
>[Uncle Ben dies smiling]
They changed it to Irish in the Italian cut](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/995/990/667.jpg)
/tv/ was not 9/11-ney enough for the 9/11 club
![Anonymous 01/29/20(Wed)22:11:31 No.128516411 File: donate 1.jpg (18 KB, 324x385) >>128515749 GO HOME AND GET YOUR SHRINER BLANKET](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/988/939/041.jpg)
![Anonymous 01/29/20(Wed)22:11:31 No.128516411 File: donate 1.jpg (18 KB, 324x385) >>128515749 GO HOME AND GET YOUR SHRINER BLANKET](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/988/939/041.jpg)
Comes from Shriners to see your shrine
![Don't ever take the sides with anyone against the family again. Ever.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/988/938/691.png)
![Don't ever take the sides with anyone against the family again. Ever.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/988/938/691.png)
The Rock Paper Scissors of Height
![рaper addano rock rock scissors scissors раper](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/984/805/6fd.jpg)
![рaper addano rock rock scissors scissors раper](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/984/805/6fd.jpg)
/tv/ 2020 Meetup
![MARVEL CHUD](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/971/729/f37.gif)
![MARVEL CHUD](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/971/729/f37.gif)
>Imagine being Han here
Imagine being Kang in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Gal, you f-----' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is f--- another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Kang and not only sit in that chair while Gal flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous f------ visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, GAL LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish f------ gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been f------ nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged r--- victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Japan. You've never even seen anything this f------ disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're f------ Han. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/971/237/692.gif)
Imagine being Kang in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Gal, you f-----' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is f--- another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Kang and not only sit in that chair while Gal flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous f------ visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, GAL LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish f------ gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been f------ nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged r--- victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Japan. You've never even seen anything this f------ disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're f------ Han. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/971/237/692.gif)
Nobody cared who i was until i started posting threads your a formerly small guy My Bad!
A Spider-Man 1994 thread
![I was the one who wrote "f------ based" and the one about how Ultimate Spider-Man and the rest introduced me to Spider-Man.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/961/731/942.png)
![I was the one who wrote "f------ based" and the one about how Ultimate Spider-Man and the rest introduced me to Spider-Man.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/961/731/942.png)
Now you Kino
![Aayushi rani 11 months ago (edited) Pravin Ugale 2 years ago AR Princess 8 months ago dhananjay kumar 3 days ago R Rajiv Garg 5 days ago Happy Hemant Singh 6 days ago I do this when teacher catches me with chits during xam Please send movie link I watch this every day love it Kichu bolar neii.. Just Awesome Hey, they all how to balance a card. Because they are balanced the card very well. Amazing amazing. Which movie scene is this? ie 52 1 REPLY It 97 REPLY Bharath Reddy 1 year ago #7:05 lam impressed It 6 1 REPLY REPLY edited: never got this much likes View 19 replies Anamika Dk 5 hours ago Neeta Solanki 1 week ago Ie 8.1K REPLY It 817 REPLY R Highlighted reply Why people are giving this much hate to this scene Can you tell me this video's picture Shreyas Balagaon 1 day ago Rajath Rajath 7 months ago REPLY REPLY I think so it is fake because they can't pass the card easily that much speed and in camera it can be caught i think so? Plice give mobile no It 1 1 REPLY Ganesan Boy 1 day ago G You get 1000% Luck if you subscribe 8 hours ago Anybody Watching From India I I love this she do magic AR Princess 8 months ago Zoya Roy 3 days ago Bhagya Bhagya 4 days a It 2 REPLY Kichu bolar neii. Just Awesome How did they do this . .. Just incredible Oh my god super REPLY 1t 97 REPLY it 65 REPLY REPLY Srikar B sunny 2 days ago Yes this video can't get bored View 19 replies • View 12 replies Nga Vo 1 week ago Highlighted reply T Highlighted reply how do they do that? REPLY J Jahid Khan 7 months ago TALAL AHMED 2 days ago REPLY Hii P Editing bro science fiction movi Saram- 26 1 week ago REPLY just how Chandrakala Maheswaram 3 days ago C Wow how u did it it's amazing Gaming with Dark 6 months ago i 1 REPLY REPLY Wow what he's doing. I am stock Jamuna Prasad 1 day ago aditya Birkayllu 7 months ago It 21 REPLY BEST ROBBARI a Bhagya Bhagya 4 days ago When I saw the card scene I was literally fan of them Oh my god super Poonam smart kitchen 6 months ago REPLY it 18 1 REPLY Nice REPLY Priyanka Rong 1 week ago Sudipta Sundaray 2 days ago Piyush Verma 1 week ago Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow Ooo0o my God what is this this vedio is like wowwww just firevi just feel shocked when i was saw this vedio so interesting loved ita So beautiful lady REPLY It 10 REPLY Rahul Chaudary 1 year ago REPLY Supriya Sarkar 1 week ago It totally blast my mind ,amazing w s84eddaI RAJKUMAR SINGH 2 weeks ago RAUL only Legend's She is dammn sexy rajesh kumar 1 week ago Show ur cards in last Rajesh Kumari 1 day ago I 2 REPLY REPLY These is a great greate It 101 REPLY 18.Siddhi Vishwasrao 6 months ago Avinash Kumar 1 year ago REPLY REPLY 4:31 oh my god what a scene man.... Who has seen this video more than one time like sahil rohilla 5 days ago all of trick 1 day ago It 111 It 704 1 REPLY Can anyone tell me the movie name? I'm Indian Village boy REPLY View 19 replies It 2 1 REPLY REPLY Jangay Niraula 2 days ago Srijusha Sen 17 hours ago Highlighted reply Superp 9 wonderful magic Pratap chandra deka Pratap 4 days ago gv rajesh 2 days ago This is the best ever scene, it's so cool.. srinivasa rao 1 year ago What a talent. Wow Who nice REPLY Wish I could do something like this Lol more than 20 times.. know thats so sick ... REPLY REPLY But the mixing of this song with the visuals worth it ! Sudheer Saii 5 days ago REPLY Galtubha Gohil 1 week ago piyush kumar 1 week ago god it's amazing G This song is feet in this video It 5 1 REPLY Name the movie Shazid Kabir 1 week ago Nk Choudhary 2 years ago Sir pleas is movies ko full hd Hindi main translate kro Saloni Singh 1 hour ago (edited) Nk REPLY REPLY I have seen this video more than 100 times...I never got bored jst amazing... Confidence wow just wow brilliant awsome REPLY It 19 REPLY It 11 REPLY](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/951/795/b5b.jpg)
![Aayushi rani 11 months ago (edited) Pravin Ugale 2 years ago AR Princess 8 months ago dhananjay kumar 3 days ago R Rajiv Garg 5 days ago Happy Hemant Singh 6 days ago I do this when teacher catches me with chits during xam Please send movie link I watch this every day love it Kichu bolar neii.. Just Awesome Hey, they all how to balance a card. Because they are balanced the card very well. Amazing amazing. Which movie scene is this? ie 52 1 REPLY It 97 REPLY Bharath Reddy 1 year ago #7:05 lam impressed It 6 1 REPLY REPLY edited: never got this much likes View 19 replies Anamika Dk 5 hours ago Neeta Solanki 1 week ago Ie 8.1K REPLY It 817 REPLY R Highlighted reply Why people are giving this much hate to this scene Can you tell me this video's picture Shreyas Balagaon 1 day ago Rajath Rajath 7 months ago REPLY REPLY I think so it is fake because they can't pass the card easily that much speed and in camera it can be caught i think so? Plice give mobile no It 1 1 REPLY Ganesan Boy 1 day ago G You get 1000% Luck if you subscribe 8 hours ago Anybody Watching From India I I love this she do magic AR Princess 8 months ago Zoya Roy 3 days ago Bhagya Bhagya 4 days a It 2 REPLY Kichu bolar neii. Just Awesome How did they do this . .. Just incredible Oh my god super REPLY 1t 97 REPLY it 65 REPLY REPLY Srikar B sunny 2 days ago Yes this video can't get bored View 19 replies • View 12 replies Nga Vo 1 week ago Highlighted reply T Highlighted reply how do they do that? REPLY J Jahid Khan 7 months ago TALAL AHMED 2 days ago REPLY Hii P Editing bro science fiction movi Saram- 26 1 week ago REPLY just how Chandrakala Maheswaram 3 days ago C Wow how u did it it's amazing Gaming with Dark 6 months ago i 1 REPLY REPLY Wow what he's doing. I am stock Jamuna Prasad 1 day ago aditya Birkayllu 7 months ago It 21 REPLY BEST ROBBARI a Bhagya Bhagya 4 days ago When I saw the card scene I was literally fan of them Oh my god super Poonam smart kitchen 6 months ago REPLY it 18 1 REPLY Nice REPLY Priyanka Rong 1 week ago Sudipta Sundaray 2 days ago Piyush Verma 1 week ago Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow Ooo0o my God what is this this vedio is like wowwww just firevi just feel shocked when i was saw this vedio so interesting loved ita So beautiful lady REPLY It 10 REPLY Rahul Chaudary 1 year ago REPLY Supriya Sarkar 1 week ago It totally blast my mind ,amazing w s84eddaI RAJKUMAR SINGH 2 weeks ago RAUL only Legend's She is dammn sexy rajesh kumar 1 week ago Show ur cards in last Rajesh Kumari 1 day ago I 2 REPLY REPLY These is a great greate It 101 REPLY 18.Siddhi Vishwasrao 6 months ago Avinash Kumar 1 year ago REPLY REPLY 4:31 oh my god what a scene man.... Who has seen this video more than one time like sahil rohilla 5 days ago all of trick 1 day ago It 111 It 704 1 REPLY Can anyone tell me the movie name? I'm Indian Village boy REPLY View 19 replies It 2 1 REPLY REPLY Jangay Niraula 2 days ago Srijusha Sen 17 hours ago Highlighted reply Superp 9 wonderful magic Pratap chandra deka Pratap 4 days ago gv rajesh 2 days ago This is the best ever scene, it's so cool.. srinivasa rao 1 year ago What a talent. Wow Who nice REPLY Wish I could do something like this Lol more than 20 times.. know thats so sick ... REPLY REPLY But the mixing of this song with the visuals worth it ! Sudheer Saii 5 days ago REPLY Galtubha Gohil 1 week ago piyush kumar 1 week ago god it's amazing G This song is feet in this video It 5 1 REPLY Name the movie Shazid Kabir 1 week ago Nk Choudhary 2 years ago Sir pleas is movies ko full hd Hindi main translate kro Saloni Singh 1 hour ago (edited) Nk REPLY REPLY I have seen this video more than 100 times...I never got bored jst amazing... Confidence wow just wow brilliant awsome REPLY It 19 REPLY It 11 REPLY](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/951/795/b5b.jpg)